Health and Fitness, March, 2014

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2014

Postby Harriet » Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:27 pm

Emotional eating can trump any way-of-eating hopes. ((OKay)) That's 100 percent of people, not just you. :) It can undermine the best plans - it takes mental energy to stay on a way-of-eating until it becomes habit. Emotional days sap that energy. Works that way for exercise plans, too. I remember Jillian Michaels saying that no matter how perfect and personal the exercise plan she created for someone, stress-eating could still sabotage it.

Low calorie days, or missing a meal for instance, is so healthy for you, so I'd say it's valuable even if weight loss isn't the object. Giving your body a break from the work of digestion opens up the chance for the body to work on healing. Plus there's lots of generally healthy stuff going on, inflammation reduced, insulin resistance improved, etc. I will probably always have a low-calorie day at 800 every once in a while just to feel better.

Doesn't always mean weight loss, though. Some of the success stories are wonderful. I glance over at the Low Carb Friends board sometimes on their big JUDDD forum and am amazed to see continuing losses or "goal" called for posters there who I remember used to post 200- and 250-plus pound weights. But you do see posts about slow loss, too, or someone says they are moving on to a different way of eating because they just can't shake the deprived feeling even when the week's calories are the same. It's the weight loss answer for some, not so good for others.

Cowinkie, I'm sorry headaches get in your way but very happy for you that you are having success! Yay! Sweet of Norma to be sure and tell you she noticed.

I was going to tell Cowinkie that a different grower started having placement of their raspberries in our regular groceries here - very large, lighter-color berries, much firmer. I started adding them to my skinny muffins. Bad idea for me. They were very hard on my digestive system. Light years from the usual soft, dark raspberries that had been so pleasant before. So I am totally back to blueberries or nothing when I have a skinny muffin. Btw, I never leave a crumb behind, lol. I found wild frozen blueberries at the healthy foods store.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2014

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:19 am

On the treadmill. Have to get off in a few minutes but don't want to. I had one day with only 3K steps this week and one day with 5K so not sure what my average will be but between 7 and 8K.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2014

Postby Nancy » Sun Mar 30, 2014 6:44 pm

30 min. On gazelle done.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2014

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:28 am

Last post for this month. On treadmill. I made over 8K steps a day on average for last week. Weight is up 2.5 pounds since March 1. Sigh.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2014

Postby Cowinkie » Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:28 pm

Kathryn... Are you doing some sort of specific eating plan? What are you eating and what are the size of your proportions. are you counting calories and measuring the amount of food you are eating? I think Harriet said something about recording your food intake. That helps me too. I got out my food scale and measuring cups and that has helped me more than anything... Plus eating no/way less sugar really has helped.

I not using any artificial sugar in anything. Not even diet soda. Am drinking plain sparkling water and soda made with sevia. That has also seemed to help.
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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2014

Postby Cowinkie » Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:33 pm

Harriet... I can have a few raspberries or blueberries in my plain Greek yogurt abt a 1/3 to 1/2 cup. I mix my truvia in it and it tastes just as good as flavor Greek yogurt. I can have it every other day and I eat it for my breakfast.

As for my skinny muffin.. I eat the whole thing but just not all at the same time. For some reason it really fills me up. I am also taking a really good daily probiotic.
Live boldly, take risk, no regrets...Jillian Michaels

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