Reading & Media for June, 2014

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Reading & Media for June, 2014

Postby Ivy » Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:53 pm

What's everyone watching on TV? What movies are you watching or DVD's or do you rent Netflix or go out to the theater or drive-in. Yes, they still have drive-ins. We have 1 about 5 miles from our home. ;)

What are you reading this month? Do you also read magazines? I read "Poet's & Writers" Magazine, "Writer's Digest," "True Story & True Confessions," "The Bulletin," by AARP, the AARP magazine, "Woman's Day," "Redbook," "Good Housekeeping," "Better Homes & Garden," & soon "Country Living" Magazine is coming, for $8 per year, but I paid $14/2 years & get a tuille tote, with all sorts of goodies with it. I also sent for a pen pal newsletter, "Inky Trail News," as a sample copy, but it's not arrived yet.

We watch "America's Got Talent," "So You Think You Can Dance," "Life Below Zero," "Mountain Men," & several Turner Classic Movies & science shows & documentaries on fishing, hunting, nature & space. We enjoy our TV & DH watches a lot of Major League Baseball & we follow the Mariners & boxing matches closely, too.

My goal for June is to read more on novels, make a point of reading something on a novel daily, so maybe by July 1, I've actually completed a book. I get so busy with pen palling, magazines, writing stories, & crochet, that reading on novels has been put on the back burner. It's time to bring it out from that back burner into the great room chairs & read to relax. :idea:
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Re: Reading & Media for June, 2014

Postby lucylee » Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:44 am

We watch sports. Lots of sports. :roll:
I am recording Fargo on FX -- the Billy Bob Thornton series. It's a really dark, violent drama, but it has some really funny parts in it too, and I am hooked on it.
I am also sort of having Downton Abbey withdrawl.
I like older shows too, which run on ME TV... Westerns on Saturday morning, Perry Mason, Car 54 Where Are You?, George Burns & Gracie Allen.

Right now I am reading The Carousel, by Richard Paul Evans. (I bought it back a year or two ago at a library sale. I think it will be a sweet sort of love story, which I definitely needed after reading Gone Girl!)

I also read a LOT of magazines. Or rather, I allow a lot of magazines to pile up. I subscribe to
Good Housekkeeping
Ladies Home Journal
Redbook &
Real Simple.
I also pick up Woman's World a lot in the check-out line @ Walmart.
AND... the BEST magazine THIS month...
Texas Monthly. ;) Yep, my man, George Strait, is on the cover. I saw an internet ad for this issue and ordered it. It's commemorating his "final" tour.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Reading & Media for June, 2014

Postby Nancy » Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:37 am

I like Longmire but it is on so late so we decided to wait to see it.

I am enjoying bbc net flicks March of the Glen Now. Land Girls, Bomb Girls, and Call The Midwife. Island at War had one of the maids from d abby in it when she was younger.

Owd Bob was good.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Reading & Media for June, 2014

Postby Ivy » Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:00 pm

Lucylee, DRATS! :!: MY DH hates Billy Bob Thorton, I believe he's a GR8 actor! :D You're lucky you see that show. I can do without the violence b/c I get so much of it from "Game of Thrones," which I love, too. :D

Nancy, Never heard of Owd Bob. :?:

"America's Got Talent," is one tonight. :P 8-)

I received my first copy of "Country Living," today and am very impressed with it.

I need to find a way to MAKE MY MOTIVATION to read books, novels, Nook, etc..!!! Any good ideas? Or are you gals naturals at getting yourselves to read. If you are- let me in on your secret! :D :D
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Re: Reading & Media for June, 2014

Postby Ivy » Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:23 pm

I started reading this book: The 50 Greatest Love Letters of All Time," edited by David H. Lowenherz. It's love letters written by historical people from Napoleon to Custer, the Fitzgeralds', Hemmingway, Elizabeth Barret Browning, and many more. There is actual writing from them, usually a little paragraph, there is a bio on the letter-writers and their roles in history, and many other unknown facts, not known by me. The letters take me into the most intimate moments, thoughts and love for others, so much that it's amazingly beautiful, so poetic, practically, and a wonderful read. It's on loan from DD, so I'll try to finish it by Father's Day.

I downloaded a free Friday blog e-book from B 'n' N today called "The Intercept," Jeremy Fisk Series #1.

Also, for .99 cents, I downloaded Declutter your Home: 30 Days to a Clutter-Free Life," and I forgot the author, but it's at B 'n' N, for Nooks, too. :)

Books are such a good thing. They help us learn, escape, love, and enjoy so much more in Life. ♥
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Re: Reading & Media for June, 2014

Postby Nancy » Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:56 am

Finished a devo. I was reading did not agree with all of it so I am not mentioning the title. I have ask our pastor 2x for reading recomends he has ignored it he must not be a reader I think I am sort of miffed about it.

No time to read any way.

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Re: Reading & Media for June, 2014

Postby Harriet » Sat Jun 07, 2014 3:08 pm

Gee, Nancy, you would think a minister would love to talk about what they read, especially recommending devotionals. Ours even sometimes mentions a quote from an author in a sermon and holds up the book, lol. I think he would be pleased for people to ask him about book choices.

Dd is reading The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, (a blockbuster in 2012), and recommends it. Just made into the new movie. Kind of sad, and since I don't enjoy sad reading, I'll leave it to her. But the book reviews are glowing. About teens, but she says it's a love story basically and women would love it, even men would be interested.

Or rather, I allow a lot of magazines to pile up.

Yes. That.

Prevention has disappointed me somewhat lately with articles that are old news, but billed as cutting edge. Several times I've thought to myself that I already read their "new, exciting" info elsewhere, a year or two previously, so that makes me wonder. But it is generally good. Pretty much all the mags with "healthy" or "fit" titles that show airbrushed nearly-naked women on the covers turn out to be all advertisements of beauty products.

As far as the every-few-weeks mags at the grocery check-out, I'm happiest with First, which seems to consistently be worth more than its price.

I don't know exactly how to recommend old tv because I don't guess everyone has the same ways of viewing. On Netflicks a favorite of mine right now is The Vicar of Dibley, a 1990s BBC comedy about a country church in England. The show's never been available to us before, so "new" to me. A little irreverent - after all it's the BBC. Wish there were more episodes - they only did a few per season.

Dramas - I like Sherlock on Netflicks as well. A modern-day England Sherlock Holmes. Again, be aware it's BBC, so these characters will not be very straight-laced. Dr. Watson is young and tough, not round and slow like in the old movies. Warning - very handsome leading men.

On free ordinary stations lately, like Antenna TV or Me tv, we are delighted to see McHale's Navy and Father Knows Best showing up. Dennis the Menace is not easy for me to watch, even if it is a classic! I want to chase that child down and stop him from whatever he might do before he does it! He's stressful!

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Re: Reading & Media for June, 2014

Postby Cowinkie » Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:43 pm


I'm miffed because ME TV took Perry Mason off their 9:00am slot. Really messed up my mornings cause I looked forwards to watching it every day. My favorite part was trying to recognize all the actors...some were so familiar but I couldn't place them till i looked them up.

Saw Robert Redford when he was really young in one of them....many more who either went on to do soaps or were at the end of their careers. It was more fun trying to figure out who everyone was than trying to figure out who did the deed :D
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Re: Reading & Media for June, 2014

Postby lucylee » Sat Jun 07, 2014 10:15 pm

Cowinkie -- same w/the Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock! I don't watch them a lot, but I have noticed familiar faces so many times! Burt Reynolds in the Twilight Zone not too long ago.
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Re: Reading & Media for June, 2014

Postby BookSaver » Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:37 am

I remember The Vicar of Dibley. They showed it here on public tv several years ago. We don't do Netflix (yet) so I should try to find DVDs or youtube.

It is hard to find old tv shows on our cable channels. However, I am seeing that type of show more often on youtube -- probably totally illegal uploads, though.

For the next couple months I will be earning tickets to enter for prizes as part of the library's Summer Reading Progam. Several tickets can be earned by reading 1/2 hour at a time, others by attending library activities.

The Grand Prize for adults is a tablet computer, but it's a must-be-present-to-win thing and I'm not sure that I'll be able to attend the event when they draw for the Grand Prizes. Also, the odds of winning that prize will be low because almost everyone will be trying for it.

Therefore, I will probablly put most of my entry tickets into the bucket that says "win 1 pizza per week for a year." That's assuming that I read that bucket correctly. I mentioned it to other volunteers working the book sale, and none of them had seen it. I hope I didn't imagine it, because I think that would be a fun prize.

I finished RIVER ROAD by Jayne Anne Krentz a few days ago so I could return it to the library. It is typical of her mystery-romance novels set in present day. This one is not particularly memorable, but ok.

Started A POUR WAY TO DYE (The Soapmaking Mysteries series) by Tim Myers last night. It's a mystery in the "cozy village" genre which didn't hold my attention, probably because I was exhausted, so I skimmed through a lot. I'll finish it today so I can return it to the library tomorrow.

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