Health and Fitness January, 2015

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2015

Postby Lynlee » Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:11 pm

Maybe RR or someone mentioned this article, or one like it, before. ... s-tips-men

Note - only the article is the suggested thing, the rest is ads to other places/sites. Some are ok, others you don't want on your browsing history. :oops: How do I know this - I stopped one once I saw the address title.
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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2015

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:50 am

No steps forward for this month, and a step backward.

Quitting the pool would be the step backward. But I wasn't happy with just treading water for 30 minutes and I can't see well enough to do laps when I have to dodge people who are not looking where they are going and swimming 3x as fast as me. In a pool with dh, I can't pick him out from among the men until he's within 6' of me and if someone is in the pool up to their neck, I can't tell if they are male or female. As a result, I have to count bodies before I enter the pool and be hyper vigilant about them coming and going because I have to know where people are at all times - I can't swim fast enough to get out of their way once they decide they want to do laps and decide I don't deserve to swim them as well.

I'm still maintaining my 10K steps a day.

Eating is bad. Not necessarily worse than December, but bad.

I'm completely exhausted and dh is doing nothing to help me get over that. He doesn't understand how a social activity will get me going and then it takes hours (or in some instances, days) for me to calm down. I get home from class or Presbytery at 10 but there's no way I could consider going to bed until 11 and most likely it will be 11:45 before the lights are out. For once a week, that might be manageable.

Somehow over the fall dh shifted our bedtime back to 11, probably because there were 1 - 2 nights a week when I wouldn't get start to bed until then. What that means is we get ready for bed at 11 and lights out are at 11:45. I got more and more exhausted and am in a state now. My mood is so black I wonder if I'll get over it. I'm sure that contributed to my quitting the pool instead of asking them to enforce their rules but I am so exhausted it is all I can do to get to the pool and due to the 'crowds' (remember 4 people constitute a crowd in that pool) was dreading it.

Physically the pool was exhausting me further so knowing a trip to the pool would mean I was useless for the rest of the day discouraged me from going in the morning. Plus, I was dragging myself out of bed at 8 due to the exhaustion. Back in the fall, the pool was a great start to the day, now it was a guarantee that I would sit staring at the tv or computer, unable to think or move for the remainder of the day. Monday I napped for 90 minutes after I got home and only got out of bed because I had a class to get to.

So I was trying to push the bedtime back and successfully got to lights out at 10:45 three nights in a row. But dh needs less sleep than me, so he just started waking me up earlier (note, not getting up, just making sure I'm awake by turning on the radio.) So while I my sleep quality is shifting up a bit (when I was sick, it was under 65% and now it is around 75%) I'm still not getting enough sleep. This morning, he woke me up after only 6:45 hours in bed. Then offered to turn the radio off but my deep sleep was interrupted and wouldn't return so I got up instead. If I'm going to be useless, I may as well be up and useless, rather than snuggled in against him because I refuse to reward this behaviour.

So I'm up and to be honest a complete bitch. He needs to either let me sleep in another room or to go away. When he travels without me, I sleep for hours and hours for the first few days until my body catches up and and then I find myself waking up refreshed after 7.5 hours. I haven't woken, refreshed, for months (probably when he was away at the beginning of Dec. although perhaps not then because he was only gone a few days, not long enough for me to restore my sleep balance.) I'm literally looking forward to October (the next time he's scheduled to travel without me, but despairing that I'll be able to last that long without killing him.

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2015

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:41 am

Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2015

Postby Harriet » Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:41 am

Ah, sleeping with a man. Not always all it's cracked up to be. My dmother used to say about keeping a man in the bed, "A man is a furnace", meaning you were lucky to have one, because the house will get cold and you can sleep better in a warm bed. Well, central heat helps with that a lot in this modern age. :)

I've complained here before that getting HRH to respect my alarm clock and my need for a certain bedtime has been tough over the years. He would "hear" me in the morning but forget what I said by the next night, drawn in to something on the computer, usually. He's a night owl. Also he sometimes (not always) snores and there is a serendipitous quality to snoring - it's kinda like there's never the same tune twice. When he turns over in his sleep, everything changes, too - the bedspread, sheets, even his wife may be flipped over.

So we've had a lot of discussions that have eventually resulted in his awareness that he is a pain. If he does sleep fitfully, he will often disappear and the next morning I'll find him on the couch. I used to feel guilty about this, but I know the couch gives him freedom to toss and turn to heart's content and watch tv or let the tv watch him sleeping.

Lately I've been thinking of keeping him around but without quite so much effect. Did you know twin beds were once exclusively for married couples? Thomas Sheraton invented twin beds in the late 1700s, but he called it "bed in two compartments" and envisioned a drapery/cornice high along the headboard wall to keep them visually together. He did this specifically for married couples because so many complained about sleeping together for one reason or another. So even though we laugh about Hollywood making famous couples sleep apart in the 30s-50s, it had been a common thing for 150 years before then.

And there's the king-sized bed idea, which might or might not be enough help. In the night I've thought of a trundle I could just roll him off the bed and into. That might be a bit abrupt, though, as I consider it at mid-day.

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2015

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:38 pm

The trundle wouldn't help me (although I love the idea of you rolling HRH onto it!)

On the ship, it is two twins pushed together with one long headboard (which extends over the night tables.) If it is a 2 bed couple, they put the two night tables in the middle so no matter the arrangement, the headboard is over beds. I do sleep better on the ship, despite the shared duvet. Not sure if that's because dh lets us sleep in later, or if the rocking helps settle him more, or if the movement by one doesn't affect the other spouse.

We have a king (always have) and getting the no-motion waterbed helped with a lot of issues. I don't consciously notice his tossing and turning but the fitbit indicates I notice it enough that it affects my sleep quality.

The two twin duvets has really helped dh since I can't steal his blankets anymore. Although, apparently I drooled on his pillow last night and he had to turn it over once he got me onto my side of the bed. So they obviously don't stop us from snuggling but limit negative effects when one is libel to steal blankets.

I also snore and squirm a lot when I first go to sleep. So this isn't a one-sided issue except Mr. Perfectionist dh will not complain at all. He has set sleeping together, same bed, his line in the sand so to complain about me would give me an excuse to suggest another option which he will not accept so he shuts up. I suppose I have it better than some women but it seems ridiculous when other options exist.

On the treadmill now to try and get enough steps for the day. I'll be under the 10K because there's no way I can last the full hour until 9, I've just slowed it down because I'm getting winded at the 35 minute mark. I did have the speed up at 3 mph. I figured I needed to push myself since I walk at 4 mph when I'm running errands. Of course, at that point I'm only walking or maybe walking and talking. I'm not typing which slows me down some and takes my mind off my feet more which can still be a dangerous thing.

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2015

Postby Harmony » Thu Jan 22, 2015 11:48 pm

OK true confessions here. I took over one of our guest bedrooms. DH got the odd habit of getting night sweats which we never figured out...but they were doozies. Like a water bed with a leak. He's always hot, I'm always cold. I made myself a single size double flannel throw but with his tossing about it always ended up on the floor. Plus he goes to bed at 8:00 or earlier, and I'm typically much later because I don't get up at 4:00 on the morning. :twisted:

I most often lay there for hours before I can go to sleep and put the tv on which helps lull me to sleep. He has to sleep in an absolutely dark room with no light. I must use a little night light because if I don't I wake with night terrors, I see things about in the air, really scary and will hyperventilate and scream. If I use the night light I can view at once the things in the room and all is well.

Then he got all that pain in his hip and used the other side of the bed to prop a leg up on an extra pillow. No room for me. The last straw was when he got all sweaty one night and went to my side and I came in - no place for me!

So now I have my own space. We are, after all, talking about sleeping and not anything else. He is so used to his own space now that when we were together in DD's queen bed together, he woke up terrified of the "body" in the bed and began to try to push me out! He was still half-asleep.

Probably 6 months ago, I gave the whole pretense up and moved my closet stuff to my room too. I would be willing to switch back if we could go to 2 beds, maybe 2 double size ones (we have the room) but I would have to get on his sleep schedule, and I just don't know about that.

You would be amazed the number of houses we are in that we see the same sort of pattern, with 2 rooms being used. Very common.
(Kathryn) I hope you 2 figure it out. The transition is not easy to make, but it's sure nice!

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2015

Postby Nancy » Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:28 am

Exercising done.

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2015

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jan 23, 2015 9:51 am

I can think of very few elderly relatives who had one bedroom. Even my parents (who had 2 beds almost all my life) went to two rooms once I moved out of the house (they were 65 and 61 at that point.)

And as you said, Harmony, it is about sleeping, not anything else.

I understand fully about the nightlight. When my back was out and I was in extreme pain, I had to sleep with the light on. I'd wake up and be 'lost.' The pain clouded my mind and I couldn't focus on the obvious things. The same was true at times when I had hepatitis or recovering from my gall bladder. Funny, the rest of the time I sleep with a night mask because dh likes a bit of light and for the drapes to be open so he wakes with the sun (okay in winter when that is 7, not okay in summer when it is 5 - especially since he doesn't actually get out of bed, but lies there, resting. Me, I prefer to sleep.)

Long rough patch from 4 - 5 with another one at 3 (although I slept in between.) At 3 it was dh waking me up and then me asking myself if I had to go to the bathroom. It wasn't until 4:45 that I became aware that I needed to get out of bed but once I woke up enough to do that I realized I'd been uncomfortable for ages with itching. I feel 'not well' but can't put my finger on what's wrong. Sharp pain when I breathe in so I'd suspect lungs except there's no congestion or coughing and I'm not sick in any way. I haven't done anything with my arms that might have stressed trunk muscles so I have no idea what is wrong. But that also kept me awake last night as I worried that I'm getting deathly sick with something else.

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2015

Postby Nancy » Fri Jan 23, 2015 7:40 pm

Ex bike & walk done.

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Re: Health and Fitness January, 2015

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Jan 23, 2015 7:56 pm

Sweetie and I share a king size bed and neither of us get in the others space. I move more than he does but not enough to cause a problem. I like the room much colder than he does and would be happy to sleep with the windows wide open, even in the winter time. It's a habit I started when I was a kid. When I visit my mom we always sleep with the windows open regardless of the time of year... That is unless it's very humid and hot.

I am beginning to see a pattern with how I sleep and my headaches. Winter is usually the time I have less headaches and it's also the time I sleep the best. I can't get it cold enough to sleep well in the summer and is the time we struggle with finding a middle ground.

I like a very dark room... Led lights from radios and phones bother me... And Sweetie doesn't care. If I feel like staying up to read, I wear a headlight type flashlight. Very sexy,not, but Sweetie likes having me there and it works for me. I have headphones to wear if I want to watch tv so the sound doesn't bother him.

We have an Internet radio in our bedroom because we like to listen to old time radio programs like "Johnny Dollar, suspence or x minus one. Before we had that radio we would listen to Coast to Coast. Back then sweetie made me a pillow speaker which is padded and slips in your pillow. Listening to the radio has become a special time for us and I tell sweetie I sometimes feel like two kids at an overnight camp.

We ways end the night by saying ... See you in the funny papers... As that is something his father would say to him. Sweetie says he has no idea why it meant or why his father would say that to him. We say it because it's a sweet memory and it makes us laugh... Good way to go into the night
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