Health and Fitness July, 2015

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Jul 27, 2015 1:31 pm

Hey RunKitty...

My friend who has lost over 100+ in less than 10 months swears by a cheat day and has one every week. There is research that shows spiking your calories and carbs does make your metabolism increase. That is the science behind the low carb/high carb cycling diet that many are using including my friend.

I am way to sensitive to carbs to try it because eating high carbs can send me into a binge. I ate bread while I was away and had to be careful about it. However I know when I go home there will be famous hot dogs, pizza and homemade bread in my future.

I missed my walking while gone, but I am focused again and was back on the track at 5 this morning. Got in over 6K steps and will be doing some floor stuff after I finish here.

Glad to see the you're having such success with your program Kathryn. I'm smiling just because I know you are. You go girl LOL

Next on my desk list is to print off my Aug fitness challenge. I see burpees in my future UGH :lol:
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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Postby Harriet » Mon Jul 27, 2015 1:55 pm

Dd35 has lost 30 pounds in 4 or 5 months :o and is starting to look really great, now fitting into clothes I haven't seen her wear in many years, cute styles. Ds30 and ddil both noticed, too. and gave her compliments. She brought me a new T-Tapp DVD, "Healthy Hormones", that was a very nice gift.

She does 15-20 mins, of one T Tapp DVD or another, every weekday lunchtime in her office at work. She puts an "at lunch" sign on her door, locks it, and changes to exercise shorts. They have recessed-hung ceilings and it's a "no-impact" workout anyway, so she doesn't bother anyone. On the weekends she takes walks.

I'm so happy for her. She was bringing me a copy of the book she likes, Mindful Eating, but forgot it. I could probably read a good bit of it online anyway. I sent her home with 10-day Detox and The 10-day Detox Cookbook, and the "Lower Body" T Tapp DVD, of which I'd mistakenly ordered a duplicate, back when I thought I'd lost it.

(Sigh. Now I seem to have lost a different one. This is why I needed my new organization of workout DVDs I wrote about in Decluttered Home, and I'm so glad I got it done! One shoebox I can carry! )

Ramblin', yuck, couldn't you trade some burpees out for something easier on the lower back? I feel for ya. Ds used to teach them but his chiropractor suspected them when he developed some lower back pain. Since ds and I have always assumed he inherited my paternal family's tendency toward lower back pain, ds also suggested I avoid them, which took very little coaxing at all! ;) He doesn't teach them any more and lets the other training officers do their own thing on their days. So the guys are getting some burpees through the week, but not a lot. Ds is glad because even if no other firefighter had any such tendency, it's hard for an instructor to monitor form and someone might be rounding the back or the hip might not be neutral. A lot of the guys are young and believe they are immortal, of course, and don't listen to their bodies.

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Postby Nancy » Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:44 pm

More good news got my A1C results it is down from 8.5 to 8.0,
doc. is happy said to keep doing what I am doing that is misic to my ears.

Today my workout was arms moved a med small size fruit tree.
Back from a walk.

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:39 pm

Moved my fitbit to my pocket today (I knew I'd be sweating too hard to wear it in my bra since it isn't waterproof!) and I'm amazed at how much more effort is showing. More steps seem to be counted but more importantly, I'm getting credit for activity minutes that I was missing out on before.

Maybe it is a good thing that my numbers have been lower rather than higher since I chose to drink a lot of soda today. My meals were healthy and balanced but my snacks were awful. Yet I'll still end up eating under my calories for the day.

Am dripping wet at the moment because I just got in from walking club and it was just two of us so we were really moving. We are under a heat advisory so probably should have slowed it down a bit!

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:17 pm


Because my big toe on my left foot had to be broken and then pinned back into place when I had my bunion removed I'm not very good with burpees. My new to me trainer as well as my old trainer are/were aware of this and taught me a modified version. Neither one of them will make you do exercises that will hurt you do to injuries. That's why I like using them.

My friends story is in this month's Women's World. Its available at your grocery store. The article is about Chris Powell and she is mentioned. This coming Aug. 17th her husband is throwing her a celebration party to recognize her hard work and great success....did I mention she is the mother of FIVE :shock: ...anyway I am so happy for her. I think by the time the party is held she will have lost 125 lbs in a year. Chris Powell, who lives by us and attends her church, said he would help celebrate with her provided he's not already scheduled for something else.

My first trip is over...I'm up 2 lbs, but all things considered I'm ok with that. I'd like to get down 4 before I go off to visit my son next week. We're walking every morning at 5 and on Wed. and Friday we hike our mountain. Plus I have four fitness workouts... killer I might add before I leave. However I really missed not working out while I was gone...and must confess I was surprised by I am glad to get back in the groove. Remember I have a mini-triatholon to do Oct. 10th. Swim 400 meters, bike 12 miles and run a 5 K. I'm keeping focused on that because it will be here before I know it.
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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:20 pm

Forgot to mention my friends name is Monica Spencer.
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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:23 pm

RR - I will be looking for that magazine next time I'm at the store.

Have you noticed any benefits from the Collagen Hydrolysate yet?

I'm seeing some positive changes happening to my face & hair but I can't say for sure that it is from the Collagen Hydrolysate.

My skin tone is improving but getting a typical summer tan and also been putting Olive oil on my face due to dry skin due to excessive hot weather.

My hair is improving but I have also been keeping it put up due to hot weather so it is receiving less "wear & tear" from the wind. I've noticed my hair is becoming easy to comb - more silky & smooth. Is that from the Collagen or from being kept up instead of wearing it down all the time?

I am blessed to not have any joint pain so I can't see any improvement from Collagen H in that area.

I have become used to drinking the Collagen and learned to drink it in smaller doses so it doesn't make my stomach feel overly full.
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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:59 pm

Nasty migraines are keeping me still. Usually I take what I refer to as my "big pill" which tends to knock me out in order to knock out the headache.

However yesterday Sweetie had a late afternoon colonoscopy scheduled so I didn't want to take it. The result is the dang migraine is hiding behind my eye this morning so I couldn't walk. Don't think I will make it to class tonight either.

I am not willing to give up my day today as I have a few errands I need to do, but if the migraine is still rattling around in my brain later this afternoon I will be forced to take my meds and head for the bed... That way I should be good to go for 5 tomorrow morning.

Btw helia... I am forced to exercise at this time of the morning if I want to do it outside. The temps are already at 85* at that time and by 8:30 have reached 100*. That's life in the desert. I am usually in bed listening to radio programs by 10:00 unless like Elizabeth I get sucked into a good book.

I am a Lark not a night owl and function much better in the morning. By afternoon I am toast. Usually my body clock gets up with the sun and goes down with it as well. Until this year I never left the house after dinner especially in the dark... Guess you can teach an old dog new tricks :lol:
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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Postby helia » Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:39 pm

((Rrose)), I hope you feel better soon. Wow! Yeah, you do live in a hot place! I understand how the heat can affect one's schedule. I'm fundamentally a lark, but I live with a bunch of night owls, so that affects my schedule. On a more minor scale, I now need to be jogging by 8 a.m. to have a relatively comfortable jogging experience; temps and the humidity usually aren't too high then, and there is more shade on the path I take. Higher temps and humidity do make for miserable conditions for exercising later in the day. Did you hike your mountain today? Your exercise regime sounds SO interesting with lots of variety.

I jogged 2.5 miles this morning, but it took me a full minute longer than Monday. Monday's time was already slower than usual. I'm not too concerned; my body was not stressed or exhausted by 2.5 miles, so that is a good thing. I was pouring sweat by the end, but I'm used to that too.

According to my scale, my weight is up 0.5 lb from before the camping trip. But it is down 1.5 lb. from Monday. . . .I think I was (and still am?) holding on to some water. I ate a lot on the camping trip - but I also went for a 2 hour hike one day, jogged 2.3 miles and biked 8 miles the next, so I did stay active. Overall, I think that is OK.

I'm going to stop by WW to weigh in tomorrow; I'm not going to stay for the meeting. I decided to punt going to WW this morning to tomorrow morning to give myself another day to drop the extra weight.

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Re: Health and Fitness July, 2015

Postby Nancy » Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:52 pm

1 mi. Walk done.

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