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Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Dec 20, 2016 7:07 am

I need to keep going forward today - we all will go forward - toward the holidays, the rest of the week, the rest of the year.

How do you keep it going forward when you feel like you can't?

Thinking of all of us who get overwhelmed this time of the year and somehow keep grinding it out.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Dec 20, 2016 7:37 am

I went to bed super early last night and need to be up bright and early today.

The painter is supposed to be here at eight a.m. I can't believe I am writing those words. Last week when I was trying to formulate plans, he texted that he could be here on Monday and I put him off to Tuesday. And that's today. :shock:

So I need to straighten things up and at least empty the Judaica cabinet (full of small things, some fragile) and s2s and do a.m. routine and I'm not sure of the order of these things and I.just.need.to.get.busy.

DD and I are going to the library for the day - I had FHL films come in so we will work together on reading them - keep us out of the house too.

Tomorrow M and I are doing a road trip to a nearby community.

So right now.....
-clear kitchen counters and breakfast bar counter (move menorah building stuff to DR table too)
-make the bed
-empty the judaica cabinet to DR table
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby CathyS » Tue Dec 20, 2016 8:17 am

Hi everyone!

Sometimes it's a struggle to keep putting one foot in front of the other. some holidays are easier than others. I used to sit here and read about a lot of people decorating for Christmas, and I would be crying because I wished the ex would let us celebrate with even just one or two decorations. Maybe that is why I have gone so over the top this year. Dh has suggested that we donate the rest of the decorations to a woman's shelter. I really don't want to sound like the Grinch, but I have donated numerous shopping bags full of the stuff I didn't want to a thrift store. I like the stuff I still haven't gotten on to the tree. I fully intend on getting a small tree for the bedroom and/or the library for next year.

Cleaning lady had her vehicle in for winter tires yesterday and when dh came home last night, he told me that she is extremely sick, sneezing and coughing all over the place. He reminded me this morning and I assured him I would keep my distance, which I do any way. I stay in here or in the library when she is doing her thing.

Time to go make the bed.
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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Dec 20, 2016 9:08 am

(((Twins))) When I was a teen, and feeling blue, any time I walked near my dad he'd grab me and give me a hug, then send me on my way. No words, just hugs to let me know he loved me and was sad I was hurting. Be prepared for 'drive-by' hugs today.

Cathy: I had two trees for years. When my dad decided to 'downsize' to a smaller tree, he gave me his old artificial tree, which I loved because it was 'skinny'. It fit nicely in a corner of the foyer and became the 'daycare' tree. All advent we'd do a craft each day or two and decorate the tree with our handiwork. Then, just before they left for the holidays the kids would gather their handiwork to take home and I'd load the tree with candy canes which I used to get children to leave happily when they came to visit over the holidays.

I also put all music themed items on that tree, so it had a base layer of decorations even when bare of crafts. ("You can choose a candy cane off the tree when you have your coat and boots on.")

When we started to talk about moving, I combined the important decorations from both onto my one tree as I packed up one year. I think ds has the tree but am not sure. I know I didn't give it away because I wasn't sure which tree would fit here.

Dsil doesn't want to do Christmas so they only have a table top tree with no lights and just the decorations dd was given over the years when she lived with me. On the plus side, that's why she's happy to come to my place to decorate the tree or simply enjoy the decorations. They don't even have lights up outside. Another plus, it makes it easier to not give dsil anything for Christmas because he, supposedly, doesn't celebrate it.

So, as far as I'm concerned, two trees is perfectly reasonable.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Dec 20, 2016 9:36 am

I'm up. I'm emotional (that's probably why I'm giving Twins so many hugs.)

Between being sad and overwhelmed and annoyed that Christmas is between me and the next thing to be done (while being terrified that I'll miss some important year-end to-do because I'm so snowed under with mental and paperwork clutter) I'm not in my happy place.

And I have to work tonight with MF (we're planning the next 6 months of services.)

On the plus side, I'll get to see him, and have dinner out, and get out of the apartment (didn't leave it yesterday except to go get the mail in the lobby). On the minus side. I hate breaking down in front of him and sense I'm going to.

Note, I didn't mention being overtired. I'm lethargic but I'm sleeping well these days.

My clothes for the day are laid out.

My cuop since last night reminded me I had a load of laundry ready to start (and will have 3 more to do today.)

I changed purses back to my favourite one (a back-saving sling bag) last night before bed, and I'm going to try a wallet for a bit (my big purse had a smaller purse inside it, which had a credit card case with my vital items.)

I've been keeping cash in a money clip and change purse inside the small purse so I could grab: 1. large & small together for when busing or going out in the car; 2. Smaller purse for when walking or just pull the small purse from the large one when shopping, so the weight of the big purse didn't wear me out; 3. Grab just the credit card holder for when I had a pocket and needed to run to a store or go pick someone up with the car. 4. Grab the cash when running down to the tuck shop to get my soda each day.

The change is I've substituted a wallet on a string for the small purse (but the credit card holder is in the zipper compartment of that.) This means I'll be giving up having a grocery bag, comb, bandaid and glasses cleaning cloth in the pull-out purse but gives enough room in the larger purse to hold my bullet journal. I had thought it didn't fit at all which is why I switched to my backpack purse which I like but isn't as convenient as this sling purse.

The bullet journal fits just fine but not with everything else I 'need' plus the small purse so I'll try ditching the small purse. That is now in the wash (it is filthy) and may be put back into use quickly but for today I'll try using a wallet on a string. The small purse can be worn across body so I don't have to think about it. The wallet's strap isn't long enough to do that without looking stupid. So this may be a short experiment! The main reason for the change is the straps of the backpack slip off my winter coats so it is uncomfortable to wear in winter time.

Tea and chocolate are done so time for breakfast and then get my bullet journal updated. I'm carrying too much around in my head.

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Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Dec 20, 2016 9:57 am

((((Twins)))) Drive by hug.

I continue fighting the coughing & congestion. If I was running a high fever or had badly colored phlegm I would go to the doctor. But going for "just" a cold doesn't seem necessary.

Today is homeschool day #95.

I pulled out my room cards and had DS8 pick one out of the stack. The garage. So I will be spending as much time as possible declutteering, cleaning and organizing the garage today. I like having a focus to work on with the minutes I have while DS8 is working on his own.
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Postby helia » Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:18 am

Oh, (((Kathryn))) and (((Twins))). I thought of you all day yesterday, Twins.

((LadyM)) I hope you feel better soon. I think there are others here under the weather too. ((HUGS))

We only do a little decorating for the holidays. Dh is very particular and finds many decorations kitchy. I guess I'm a bit particular too. With our house still taken apart with the remodeling project, I'm not sure if we'll decorate at all this year, maybe not even get a tree. We'll see.

Lilac made me wonder yesterday if you would like to see photos of our remodel? I'd have to figure out how to size the photos correctly. I only have before photos of the kitchen, not the living room or other rooms. I did take clear photos of the floors before and after they were done. There's such a huge difference! It may not be clear from the photos that we've tweaked the configuration of the walls in the kitchen as well. Hmm.... Maybe I should take a before photo of the fireplace, though I see they've already taken off the mantel.

I'm subbing at work today. I agreed to this yesterday afternoon. It kind of messes with my plans for today, but I'm helping out our sub supervisor who accidentally double booked herself this afternoon. This means I've lost 2 hours of time for other things. I'm subbing for a session exam, which means I also have the responsibility of grading the exams which will add more time to my schedule. These are oral exams/interviews, so I'll likely assign the grades (or a score range) immediately after each interview. I think the sub supervisor will grade the listening part of the exams, which is usually very quick grading anyway.

So, I'm tweaking my schedule and will can the jog for today and try to go tomorrow morning instead.

Dh volunteered to take toddler J tonight, also something that doesn't work well with my schedule. Oh, well. Dh will likely do the bulk of the supervising anyway. He has plans to construct something with her. I'm trying to figure out a meal she'll like, other than mac 'n cheese, which we fed her the last 2 times we had her. She likes rice. Maybe we'll make some form of chicken.

I've arranged to get the car to dd21 at 1 pm this afternoon. Her apartment is around the corner from my work place, so that is very convenient. Both are on central campus. She will pick up dd18 from the airport. I will take the bus home, which means I'll get home a little later, around 6:15.

I still need to grade (1) writing assignments and (2) writing exams and now (3) oral interviews by tonight. I got the grammar exams graded and posted last night since that class is registering today. I'm also going to "publish" student writing samples for class on Wednesday, so I'll need to type those up as well.

OK -- enough talking about what I need to do. Now, I need to do it. I'm off to the a.m. routine and then the groc. store.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:26 am

As I'm sitting here, pulling together my lists for the next week, menu list, grocery list, shopping list, to-do list, preaching topic list (because, why not have a 6 months ahead planning meeting today?!) and something else that I can't remember but will add to this list if I do... this came across my facebook feed and I thought I'd share it:

I like to make lists. I also like to leave them laying on the kitchen counter and then guess what's on the list while at the store. Fun game

Helia: I'd love to see the photos! If using Windows, right click, choose "Open with", choose Paint, resize and then enter either the percentage or pixels you want. Save As under a new name. If you are using Mac, you are on your own!

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Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:29 am

I'm using a small 4.25 x 5.5 inch notebook right now Kathryn and it is a good size to go into my purse with me. I ordered one of the notebooks that you are using but I'm wondering if I should stick with the smaller size. The one I am using doesn't lie flat, which I do prefer.

Painters are here - I guess this was a good idea to do right now, there's so much going on I won't (hopefully) miss the pitter patter of dog feet getting into everything. They are sanding, patching, outlets down, et al. Almost everything off walls and stacked in dining room, where we aren't painting. I still need to empty the bookcase but it won't take long either. The color we chose is "Useful Gray." https://www.sherwin-williams.com/homeow ... lors&p=PS0

Color is not that different in intensity from what we have now, but is gray versus the brown/green undertone of Universal Khaki, which is what we have. https://www.sherwin-williams.com/homeow ... lors&p=PS0 (From these links, it does look brighter, I think I'll like things feeling brighter!)

Kathryn, I can handle all the hugs you can hand out! This morning in the bathroom I took the large basket with toilet paper out of the big tub (it was there so ddog didn't raid it.) I also moved the M Bath wastebasket back - we had it in the water closet which we could keep closed so the dog didn't raid either the wastebasket or chew up the TP.

I need to ck with dd to see when she will be getting up. I'm not sure whether we should leave the house with a large crew here?

Thanks for additional hugs, LadyM and helia. This is probably a good distraction, in addition, I'm going to stay busy getting things back on the walls. I might even change some things out.

I would also love to see photos, helia.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby DeeClutter » Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:56 am

Here's some more hugs, (((((Twins))))). You deserve them. As a matter of fact here's (((()))) for whomever could use some this morning.

But going for "just" a cold doesn't seem necessary.
I'm with you, LadyM. I have another bout of whatever I had a few weeks ago. Wonderful I was 'healthy' for all of a couple of weeks. :| Had a very weird headache when I laid down last night. Was better if I was upright. Then the congestion in upper chest/bottom of throat began.

DGD21 is in the dining room trying to finish a homework project for school. She's really having a struggle with it. If dd had known she would have walked her through putting things in the cloud and not having to bring her computer and et al. DD's trying to help her. Part of her assignment is her resume' and cover letter and dd's good at that.

Think I'm going to try working on some of my church typing while they're busy doing that. We were going to see Moana this morning but dgd is obviously not ready to do that.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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