Snowy Sunday

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Snowy Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Feb 26, 2017 7:36 am

Snow seems to be a four letter word. winter weather advisory up till 3 pm here today. No snow yet now they are saying less than 1". Storms in rhe South stay safe out tbthere ere people. Up with the dog for a bit. I need to finish kaundry. Forgot a few things at the store may go back weather permitting. Going to try fir more sleep. Bs was good yea!

With Ash Wed. Aproaching I had decided to cut back on news, changed my mind going to give us snow for lent! LoL!

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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Feb 26, 2017 9:23 am

I think people here are ready to give up snow for Lent too! Even the atheists!!!

Snow was here this morning which surprised us, although it was forecast. When dh looked out without his glasses he thought it was fog. It was just flurries and looking out the bedroom window it was just to our south. Looking straight out was fine. There was an easily spotted dividing point where it was snowing. Now it is lovely blue sky and the river is a pretty blue. Our temperature will stay close to freezing today.

I got up early but am now running behind because I took time to write a long email to the refugee committee.

I need to work on organizing my second refugee committee while I'm away so we are ready to spring into action when we get an arrival date. This will be a bit easier since we are in contact with the people before they arrive and will know sizes of the family members and favourite colours of the kids (for decorating rooms.)

I'm on the treadmill now but may only stay on for 20 minutes instead of 30 as I try to catch up.

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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Feb 26, 2017 9:49 am

I can only imagine that DS-A is hoping FOR snow. They've had minimal winters for 2 years now and when that's the source of your income it can be very hurtful. Not that we'd want others to suffer the ravages of snow storms. It's a 'catch 22'. Too bad there's not mowing and landscaping year round. He's just in the wrong area.

I'm up, s2s, took thyroid med and waiting for time to take rest of meds. Then on to breakfast and off to church. Think dd is just going to go to her hockey game in Orlando. Last week she and dh left church a little after 11. Wondering if I'll manage to get to a game or not. Dh and dd are going to the Tampa Bay Lightening vs Ottawa game tomorrow. DD won tickets through school a while ago. Sorry, Kathryn, but guess we'll have to root for the home team. ;)

Dh made the bed again today. He was up around 4 and went to the recliner. He was having a hard time breathing. That's the one thing he looks forward to in the spring as far as going home -he doesn't have to battle the pollen. I'm going to start taking my allergy medicine today. Started with quite the ear pain last night and can only assume it's from fluid backup from my allergies. Been putting it off as long as I dare.
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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 26, 2017 10:09 am

Wishing u all a great day
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Feb 26, 2017 10:18 am

up & going.

Next up = wrap DGD5 arm to her side then brush hair and put hair into french braid.
Monitor DS8 getting ready for church
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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Feb 26, 2017 10:58 am

Dee: I see no reason why your dh can't root for Ottawa since it is closer to his summer home than TB! I have not forgotten they are going. Slightly jealous. I'll be on a plane at the time so won't be able to follow the game at all.

I've made up my time and now have two extra minutes to post here!

Ds called and will come tomorrow morning in order to take us to the airport at noon. He'll stay up until after the airport because he doesn't have another shift until Wednesday.

So things are going very well here. Now to church. We'll get there early and will be able to visit a bit.

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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:04 am


We woke up to a light dusting of snow from overnight.

Dh is very upset that this area has been so snow-less for the past 2 winters. He is hoping for a lot of snow in the next little while. He really wanted to play with his snow toys and only had 2 times so far.

He has gone to drop off stuff at 2 different places this morning. I declined the invitation to go with him. I really don't feel like driving around for 2 hours just to drop stuff off at 2 different guys places.

Sometimes I wonder if dh is as bored as I am. I looked at the clock when he was in the shower and I was happy that I could go back to bed in 13 hours after another dull weekend. I do have all 5 days booked with something this week.
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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:19 am

No snow, although dfriend M posted a photo from two years ago with snow and a cardinal at her feeder! This is the coolest morning we've had in awhile, it's only 39 degrees now.

I need to get ready to go out today - fundraiser brunch with M and dh this morning for shelter, then 2 p.m. meeting at temple.
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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby Lilac » Sun Feb 26, 2017 12:26 pm

At some point today, dh is going to drill holes for the knobs on the 8 narrower drawers. Then I can put on the clear, little plastic bumpers so the paint doesn't get banged up. It's been 49 weeks since I emptied the drawers for the demo. Can't remember what went where, so I am trying to think what will work best where. Clear as mud, huh?

Dd2 brought the empty boxes that I had used to pack up her kitchen back to the house. There is still a lot of kitchen to pack and I told her I would do that. Today they are moving her washer and dryer to dgd20s townhouse. Dd2 had bought a new set. Both sets are M aytag. We had bought the first set for a wedding gift in 1995. They have been moved 13 times and have only had 1 repair each in all that time. The dryers repair was a small pebble had gotten caught in the belt during a move and was a simple fix.

I still need to seal the grout around the tub. Don't know why I keep putting it off. It could be the 4 rows of 3/4" squares all around the tub plus around the the niche and the back of it. But it will have to be done before it can be used.

Better go, dh is drilling holes, so he can watch the D aytona 500 this afternoon.

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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby RunKitty » Sun Feb 26, 2017 12:33 pm

We have snow here as well. It is very unusual for this part of the Pacific Northwest to have as many snow days as we have had this winter. It's not unusual for us to have no snow at all. May I join the Giving Up Snow for Lent Club? We are so ready for spring!! The dog loves it though.

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