june summer!

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june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:47 am

card file central... I haven't been the best at my card file lately... fell off track in march but I am slowly (SLOWLY) pulling myself out of lack of routine. I need the routine, even though I used to fight it.

my goals for card file:
keep up with kitchen dailies
keep up with exercise dailies
keep up with making a good dinner (do this by planning on grocery shopping)
keep up with focus (weekly plan, focus area even if it is only one thing.)
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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:49 am

today is my doctor appointment (finally) slept again all day yesterday afternoon and evening. cold in lungs seems to be getting better each day.. really slow progress.

I need to work on kitchen
do laundry
and I have errands to do today instead of wednesday. only got a few errands done... more time consuming then I thought.
aeropostal 77.00 check
tree place came to cut down trees 880.00 oh my gosh ridiculous
target 146.00 fill up, shorts
cold water creek 69.00
talbots a lot but returning everything
starbucks 4.00
doctor 20.00

things I would also like to do:

move books upstairs to library
find more donation things
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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:37 am

4.00 starbucks (what am I thinking)
lunch with dd19 32.00 max and irmas
today man comes re: 3 season room as it is rotting.

goal: trying to get myself to focus

so to get started:
laundry washing :D 8:50 am, :D 9:52
dry 9:52 am :D
put away :D

next load to wash: cushions from family room couch (will take 2 loads)

dishes emptied 8:56 am :D 1:50 pm :D, 7:42 pm
fill 8:56 am :D 7:42 pm again
washing :D 8:56 am 1:52 pm another load washing :D tomorrow

counters (all but near sink done)
spoke to dcousin yesterday . :D
cleaned garbage from dogs out of laundry/dog area :D
vacuumed. :D

now for put away of books from down stairs. donated my book shelf from 3 season room. man didn't show up.
so now to go into dh's library. look for more books to donate and put my teacher books upstairs. :D

heading out to donate more books at library :D
time to pick up dd13 she has pilates tonight. :D
(I need to walk still with dogs)
need to stop by antique dealer re: church bench. :D they are picking it up next tuesday
tomorrow donating other bench.

time to empty dw

Saturday: besides graduation party
wash dog/laundry room walls down
wash laundry machines up
wash sink
wash floor
wash door
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Re: June summer!

Postby Nancy » Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:46 pm

We have been focusing on the yard and garden
this past week or so.
A/C was out so it was nice to catch a breeze now and then.
Glad that's going again.
Trash to curb, granny duty today.
Mowed fertilized roses planted squash yesterday.
Last week of school with extra stuff on the schedule too.

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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:33 am

a very very good morning dear nancy

I wish I could work in the yard. tonight it is supposed to be 40 deg. can you believe

you are doing such a great job!!!
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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:37 am

today is my cousins birthday so I want to call her.
she is 8 years younger then me.

$264.00 class for dd13 (education.. having her have some with english teacher re: writing)

my clean sink routine is starting to get better.

cards pulled for today

bathrooms (as I couldn't do it monday)
donation day... I will do that first :D
also pull all garbage don't have all of it but will pull during day
dog houses in front :D
laundry cart out in front :D neighbor picked it up. yeah
other things gone :D
pillows tossed that just cause problems.. dmom bought dd large pillow sham things she just tosses everywhere and with the pets get dirty... gone :D
donated my sealer for food... rarely used. :D
I will donate hot dog baskets tomorrow (maybe a church can use them.)

dd13 emptied the dw for me :D :D
they also made cookies... so they need to clean it up.

I also made a decision that all the camping stuff go in the empty plastic boxes and go in the crawl space. put camping stuff in basement but not in boxes yet :D :arrow:

next tuesday: antique store coming to get very old church bench
trees that died are being cut down/neighbor is taking wood.

order flowers for old friend from grammar school

dishes washing :D 1:37 pm
laundry washing 1:37 pm
vacuumed dog hair in diningroom after vaccuming dogs. :D
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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:46 am

goal today: room by room :arrow:
garden :arrow:
pull things from attic over garage for donation or toss (hoping wasps are gone) :D

starbucks $5.00 cash + 3.91 charge
flowers dfriend from grammar school 50th bday $69.97 charge
lunch chili's with dd19 29.00 charged I have to stop this.
chair for 3 season room 103.00 charge

now to put childrens things (wood kitchen in attic) and bring hobby/sewing stuff to shelf down stairs. looking forward to having a really nice 3 season room for the summer

first put dishes in dw... kids made cookies last night and brownies for dd13's art class. I would complain but dd19 helped dd13 all night correct a paper and showed her how to fix her english report. so I can't complain.

dishes emptied last night by dd13 :D
filled this am 10:00 me and washing :D
will have another load. :roll:
dryer drying laundry from last night. :D

ready to start again 5:36 pm

next: putting things in attic waiting for dd19 to help me
all craft stuff put in basement closet on clean shelf :D
all sports stuff on clean shelves in 3 season room. :D

next run errand: grocery store for barbaque tonight
best buy dd19 owes me 10.00 for ear phones

then kitchen
front room
and front hall

now 1:42 pm so I need to attack the front room. yes I could do another load of dishes but I don't want to change into junky top until after I pick up dd13 she has pilates tonight
dd13 pick up, pilates done for her :D
the stuff put in attic :D
another load of dishes in dishwasher washing :D
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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:18 am

my house looks dirty because of dog hair but is lighter from getting rid of things.

My first goal is set up my books in dh's library as we call it. :D

now for cloths gone :D

went to donation place :D
went to library to drop off boooks :D
went to ambrossias bakery 15.00 check :D
gas 63.00 charge
sat with dd19 outside :D very nice as we drank raspberry ice tea
garbage man came and all is gone. :D :D :D

screens in front doors now and vacuumed in between doors. :D

next turn dw on :D , wash counters :D , wash stove :D , wash table :D

dd19 is finishing up mowing with hand mower, I finished using the riding mower. :D dh will do dogs yard :D

1:59 I don't feel like working though I have work to do. I need to force myself to work before picking up dd13

after picking up dd13 I ended up with a headache. thinking it might be the meds I am on.
it is 9:00 and I don't want to work! but I am going to FORCE myself to empty dw. I am stomping my feet and saying I don't want to. I ended up emptying the dw :D and putting on laundry :D
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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:37 am

I have a graduation party in another state. I had planned on washing the dog room today but I can see that won't happen
we are going to leave at 1 pm

so it is 8:37 and I am ready to get to work.
first: pull my laundry from upstairs and do a load of laundry for me. :D
then clean family room (dogs made a mess AGAIN) picked up and vacuumed :D
next (10:15) flip flop laundry, fold and put all laundry away (I don't want to but forcing myself to)
10:30 laundry flip flopped :D
11:52 showered and s2s for the graduation party. :D
threw my dirty laundry downstairs
dh has promised to do cookie sheets I have been putting off, and the cutting boards. I have had a clean sink but these few dirty things for 3 days. why I put it off I don't know.

I am putting my ice shaver in the donation pile.. I have a food processor so I don't need it any more.

pulling my daily cards.
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Re: june summer!

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:12 am

dd19 put her florida tickets with my dmom on my credit card... 500.00 each they will both pay me back .. thank goodness
yesterday paid for my part of anniversary present. dsisnlaws picked it up. lovely lovely party. lucky to have such nice family. $65.00
graduation high school $50.00
subway $9.00
above yesterday

today starbucks breakfast for everyone and coffee 19.26

yesterday has a really great time with dinlaws (to me they are not inlaws but sisters and brothers and an extra dmom)

goal was to go to kane country flea market but it is raining... I will see then off to dmominlaws

dmom is in oregon still... wondering how she is but i don't want to take away my dcousins time with her. dcousin just lost her dmom (my daunt... lovely woman).

goal: bills
dh cleaned the frontroom for me... yeah.
and did the dishes.. wonderful
and more laundry priceless.

Nancy helloooo sweet Nancy!

I don't want to work... lazy daisy feeling so I have to get going.
okay time to put away the laundry that he did nicely fold.

goals this week: yard work... weeds are high.
trees are cut on tuesday
church antique bench is being picked up on tuesday plus doll I have
grocery store tomorrow, cleaners tomorrow bathrooms tomorrow
hoping to get estimate on back room.

dd19 starts summer classes
Monday: errands register golf dd13 (praying they still have openings0
Tuesday: yard work
Wednesday: minis and yard work
thursday: great america if it doesn't rain, dd19 goes to florida with dmom last day of school
friday: heavy cleaning
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:40 am, edited 4 times in total.
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