Go-To Tuesday

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Re: Go-To Tuesday

Postby Sunny » Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:14 pm

Hello Everyone! I've looked in here several times today. Also kept an eye on the weather. Hope the storms pass by you, Lady M, without any damage. Weather people said that particular line of storms had 2400+ lightning strikes for 15 minutes!

Today was a long, slow day for me. I woke with a headache and after eating breakfast tummy was sort of upset. I didn't do much of anything except rest most of the day. I did make the bed and get meals, but that was about it. Now it's almost bedtime! We put off a trip to W-M to pick up RX refill and a few groceries until tomorrow.

Happy (Belated) Birthday to Nancy's Dh.
Dee, thinking of your ds-A and praying the best for him. Really hard things for him to experience as well as staying safe in his job. Dgd22 driving ambulance just a short time has seen some things already. I hope your dh has a good trip home!
RRose, hope your headache doesn't last long. We like our G.F. Grill also.
Oh, my, Nancy.....you have a smart hen!
((Harmony & dh)).
Congratulations to dgs10 Lady M!

We talked to our youngest ds this evening and also dgs15. He is in 9th grade this year and his school band will be coming to FL this weekend to perform at Universal Stu. for a parade and probably other places in the park. Too bad we can't get over there to see him.

Ok, ddog is telling me she wants out. Guess I'll hit submit.....
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. --- Francis of Assisi

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Re: Go-To Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:17 pm

LadyM: the count should not be 146. As I've pointed out before, in real schools, the amount of actual teaching, learning time is a fraction of what you are doing. From googling, it seems that 6 hours a day of instruction is the norm. From observation, you've been in the classroom, how much of that instruction time is the teaching getting the kids settled? How much of the time is quality teaching? Your days are more concentrated than public school. DS8 has probably had the equivalent of 220 days of schooling so far. Yes, I know you are required to do X number of days for homeschooling, but cut yourself some slack. By my reckoning you have about 30 days left to do (assuming when they changed the # of days of instruction for school boards they made a similar change to the home schooling regulations.)

Amen to THAT!
... how much of that instruction time is the teaching getting the kids settled? How much of the time is quality teaching? How much is time spent with pep rallies and fund raiser presentations and fire drills and tornado drills and back and forth from class to class? How much is spent disciplining Kid A while Kid B sits and waits or wastes time? How much is spent counseling Kid C while Kids D & E gossip in the back of the room? How much is spent talking at the door to Teacher A or Principal B or Guidance Counselor C?
There is a lot of crazy time in the regular classroom that does not happen when you have a one-on-one pupil-teacher ratio.
Definitely cut yourself some slack, LadyM!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Go-To Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:36 pm

Trying to cuop... Y'all are definitely MY "go-to" place!

And yesterday, I meant to post about inspiration. My daily devotion was about keeping your eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel. So I am trying to be inspired by that.

I may not have said Happy Birthday to Nancy's dh. :oops: Meant to do that too! (Happy Birthday!)

I have not done daily Bible reading today. :oops: Day has been a whirlwind sorta...
DH wanted to go to grocery store as soon as I got out of bed, b/c Wmart did not have wild cherry flavored life savers. He had eaten all the ones dgs left here, and that seemed to be helping his dry mouth. He feels dehydrated, and excessively thirsty, but he is going to the bathroom constantly. More in J&C... * Which I may delete soon. DH will NOT appreciate my sharing... * but dcousin/nurse told me as long as he was going to the bathroom a lot, dehydration wasn't a problem. I guess you're dehydrated when there's no more fluid to lose?

After that, I talked to dmom and she sounded GREAT, all things considered. I am amazed. Tomorrow I'm taking her some more ice cream and probably some other soft food items -- Just In Case my weekend gets tied up w/dh again.

We had the grands for a few hours this afternoon, and they will be back tomorrow afternoon/night, but that sorta helps dh get his mind off himself.

Dh walked for a bit, and we sat outside with the grands for a while, ate supper w/ds when he got back, and I am doing the laundry.
Have to put sheets back on the bed.

Phone calls all day... dbil, two dfriends, daunt, duncle...
DH is quite humbled by all the people who seem to care about him.

DGD here doesn't say ANYTHING that I can identify -- and I am trying sooo hard not to worry about her like I did dgs -- but tonight when we were eating supper, she had a book that dgs wanted sooo badly, and I kept telling him to leave her alone. He kept picking at her and trying to take the book, etc etc... she kept screaming at him. When ds came in, she looked at ds, and said something like, "Jabber jabber jabber jabber DA DA jabber jabber jabber jabber." I was pretty sure she was trying to tattle on dgs. :lol:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Go-To Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:56 pm

I think the lost & found pet folks did a temp. Hold with Hank. All is calm now, sigh. Our house is fun :roll: not boring. It was like he was saying hi I am back! I stress ate this evening. Ack!

Has some pea soup for dinner, cleaned up after that.

I saw a new thing I sm considering with rocks if the thing I want is still there Thurs. Hope to use my Joanns coupon or learn it on u tube.

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Re: Go-To Tuesday

Postby Lynlee » Wed Mar 29, 2017 12:14 am

Elizabeth - otd = out the door
I do admit my first thought on your worst things first acronym is not the same and I do a double take sometimes. Retraining myself there.

Nancy - I think Hank needs to learn better manners quickly or he will be in a sticky situation.
Rescues have trouble rehoming dogs that need greater than 6' solid fence with no paw holds, if that's what he needs. Here at least.

LM - I'm glad dg5 is doing well. Endorsing all you do with ds8. Lol re baby on order. Sweet - you know.
I think BOM everywhere try to always have warnings out there if there is the slightest chance of a weather event. Cos they get hounded for that if people who don't look outside at the sky get caught by the unsuspected..

Tuesday bedtime was 11.30. ahhhhmmmm then I read. Did stop eventually.

followed some of MR, though I sidetracked to reading rather than prayers and readings - a whole different kettle of fish.
otd - pdoc appointment. changed future appointments so I can get to c lutter bust ers support group .
on the way there - a sudden shower to heavy rain for a bit - Was that our cyclone Debbie's remnants?
bank for billpay
ran into a couple of people to talk to.
on the way home went to panel beaters to get car door assessed. He'll let me know when he has sources a 20yo model door the cost and I'll decide ins co and excess, or no.
My inquiry about a whole new paint job = $4-5000 or so. Did I say I hated metallic paint?
A wash and polish may help I guess. and a vac. and have the carport in use again.
My worry was the car might be written off. 120 000k on the clock so motor is still good.

And yes the mirror adjuster still worked when he reminded me how to use it. A cheap fix there. :lol:

Now - need lunch
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Go-To Tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Mar 29, 2017 1:20 am

Hi everyone! My last in of the day. DD15 did not have homework and wanted to go to the library, which we did. I still have not done any house cleaning, but have gotten other things done. I ran the dishwasher and there was no funky noise! I found my original Hawaii file and have my shore excursions planned. While looking for that file, I purged about 4 pounds of file clutter that needs to get shredded. LOL ran during all this. I sent info to my traveling companion and caught up on emails. Good thing I did too. My friend who was widowed, then unemployed, then had and ditched the soap opera boyfriend, now has breast cancer. She so needs some good things in her life.

One worry has ended. I won't go into details, but I had a concern about the new foster cat's output. No longer an issue and no vet treatment required. I did add cat 'meds' to my daily stuff in the form of fiber powder. Either that or time helped. All that remains is for me to put stuff in my car and go to bed. Now that I know she is ok, I am going to let the new cat access the whole house tonight rather than stay in the sewing room. I can put her back if there is arguing. I will probably keep her in the sewing room when I am not home for a few more days. There have been a few uncomplimentary verbal exchanges, but nothing serious. See y'all tomorrow!

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