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Postby blessedw2 » Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:56 pm

quick hi! took aunt out ... we had a nice time. She definitely needs to live near her daughter in a different state because she can barely walk. Her dd really wants her to move but we shall see. I can go over there once every two weeks for a dr. appointment but no more than that. She is lovely woman.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Lilac » Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:57 pm

I have been washing my hair with clarifying shampoo, several times this last week, at night, so I could color it. I finally accomplished that chore this morning.

This afternoon is dgd6s friend birthday party. Dd2 called on her way into town to see if I was coming. I told her if she needed help to call otherwise I wouldn't. I know at least 1 other mother planned to stay, plus dgs11 will be there. She pays a base fee for x amount of kids. Then x amount for each kid or adult over what is included in the base fee. All she had to provide was a cake or cupcakes. She had ordered a cake. This place serves ice cream so they get to choose their flavor of ice cream and drink.

It is high 50's, breezy and partly cloudy.

About movies, our theater has 9 screens but they still don't get all the new movies as they come out. For instance Lala Land came out on Christmas Day. They didn't start showing it until after it got nominated for academy awards. They will have posters of coming soon movies and then they don't come soon or at all. There are some movies that they keep forever and then others only a week or two. I don't know who makes their decisions but sometimes they are questionable.

Harriet, that was a cute story about dgs5 and his advice on his dsis.

I have been meaning to say that I will probably never be able to get my bathroom before and after pictures put in MO. Dh thought he had them sized right, etc. and it didn't work. Then I came up with the idea that maybe he could email them to someone who knew how to do it. That won't work because on his new Windows 10 computer, his free time is up and they wanted $99 a year to send email. Then when that didn't work, they lowered it to $69. He still doesn't want to pay for something that has always been free. Have any of you ran into this issue?

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:52 pm

Settling into the hotel. There's a chain roadhouse restaurant in the parking lot so I think I'll go there. Expensive but it will be table service. Or I can go to the DQ across the street.

I'm not really hungry. I had cheese & crackers and cut veggies on the way up while driving. I have milk and an apple for my dessert and the leftover popcorn and a soft drink for my car snack on the way home.

The sun is out here so I should go for a walk. Just 2800 steps so far today. I won't walk 3 miles but I should walk at least another mile. The hotel backs onto the civic community centre. Hopefully there are walking paths at least around the ball fields.

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Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Apr 22, 2017 6:11 pm

on his new Windows 10 computer, his free time is up and they wanted $99 a year to send email.

WOW! I have used several Windows 10 machines and never paid for email. I think Office 365 is either $99 or $69 a year (depending on the plan you want). Maybe that is what he is talking about? I have considered signing up for Office 365 but I already have Office 2016. I have used the Office free web version occasionally Outlooks

The door bell rang again so I gave up on having me time. A friend dropped by a gallon pail of huge strawberries from their garden. DH and DS8 are back. It's back to normal life for me.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Postby lucylee » Sat Apr 22, 2017 6:52 pm

LadyM, I've been doing strawberries too! Gave ddil a bunch of them, and we had strawberries last night and (will have) again tonight. I got a gallon at the local produce farm, and we just can't eat a gallon before they go bad! I don't think dh likes them frozen, so it's hard to take care of a gallon at a time.
Did you find out if ds8 can continue his involvement at the public school next year? That would have been my only concern, b/c with the social interaction you've had so far, you have a perfect set-up -- as long as you can hold out to do the homeschooling yourself. I would want to keep at it until I was pretty confident the tics were not going to disrupt regular classes. IMHO -- far better for him to be homeschooling for a while WITHOUT tics, than to be trying to manage regular classes WITH tics, you know?

Oh my... paying $99 for email sounds pretty steep! We just updated our aol for about $5 a month, I think, but email was still available for free -- just without the aol homepage, the way I understand it. But I don't think they have taken down the old version yet, so I may not have had to do this at all. :? I also need to expand my iCloud coverage on the smart phone. It isn't updating, and I'm afraid I'll lose all my contacts/apps/etc if/WHEN this phone dies. I'm not too awfully concerned about photos, bc I do update them frequently on the computer, but in between times, I guess I could lose a photo that was important.

Cannot stick around -- must cook supper. Trying to do a hole in my hamburger patties this time... y'all wish me luck!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby Lynlee » Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:25 pm

Super Saturday
read and rested/slept at unconventional times.
walked ?2k latish , and there was a little spitting. Stood under a door awning at industrial area for the little time it was heavier.
missed a meal
G rang - I'd put his name in my ph book - without the ph # - so was glad he rang.
We agreed on Thursday am for another session in my yard. He has a mulcher he will bring, and chainsaw.
I did check to see he was getting things done at his place as well as helping others.
bedtime was 12.45am.

I loved Hidden Figures also.
Thought to go to movies yesterday but didn't get there. Perhaps today.

Missed church this morning. By the time I thought to open my eyes it was start time. So I stayed there to get a whole 9hrs in bed.

hugs and prayers to all.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:38 pm

Back in the hotel for the night.

Tomorrow is a big meeting at the village church, to consider changing to 3/4 time to save money. The final report was emailed out so I made notes and emailed them to dh. He is supplying the music for the service tomorrow so will also be at the meeting. The minister will drive him out and a church friend will drive him back home after the service. That should be well in time for him to pack and get to the airport.

It was 6:30 by the time I got outside for the walk so did just over a mile. I might go for another walk in the morning. It depends on when I get to bed tonight.

Dinner at the roadhouse was very good. I had a grilled chicken burger and salad. Just finished my apple and milk here in the hotel room.

Now to get a little bit of work done. Maybe do up my weekly Bullet Journal pages. Also update quicken.

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Postby Nancy » Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:51 pm

Dinner was yummy. I have already rinsed the dishes. We enjoyed the spagetti squash with hamburger & pizza sauce.

It is wendy and breezy out side here now.

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Postby lucylee » Sat Apr 22, 2017 9:06 pm

Supper done! (Kitchen cleaned up/dishes in dish drainer.)

Waiting to give dgs a bath until after he & dh sing along with Bobby Osborne on the radio -- Grand Ole Opry. They love to sing Rockytop with Bobby Osborne, Twins! Then we are going to ride around and listen to the rest of the Opry.
DGS has done map quizzes on the computer -- I have to click for him, b/c he can't control the mouse very well -- but he made 92 on the map of Africa and 100 on the middle east. Now he is telling me dinosaur names and showing me all his toy dinosaurs. He also has a map of the United States laying in the hall in front of the computer room and toy sports figures all over the den. There's no telling what the "baby room" looks like...
I'm loving it. :D

Oh -- my hamburgers turned out well, and I am also now working on one of the OMM projects -- downloading pics to S hutterfly.

I also meant to tell y'all, I did my good deed for the day while I was getting dgs. DGD threw up all over everything last night -- couch cover, pillow, towels, pj's... * whew * AND ddil, of course. DDIL had put everything in the washer, but she wanted to wash them again, but was too "grossed out" to look in the washer -- stuff probably still had pieces of "throw up" on it, she said. She was going to leave it for ds tomorrow. He gets in tomorrow morning and leaves again Monday morning, early. I asked her if she wanted me to come in and re-start the washer for her, and she said, "If you want to..." so I did. Good grief. This is a girl who LOVED watching the lab people dissect a set of testicles... but she can't stand dish water or puke in a washing machine. I was ROFLOL...
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby Elizabeth » Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:49 am

Hi everyone! My apron from yesterday looked more like an art smock. I completed the design I am teaching tomorrow at my friend's Planner Addicts meeting. It can be used to make nifty borders in journals. All our shore excursions are planned and paid for. M and H are still deciding on one, but there are still 110+ days until the cruise, so I don't anticipate any problems.

Today, I dropped off the cats at the adoption clinic rather than taking my usual shift. I could not find Stratton. This so I could drive M to the airport. It also meant I got to knit/crochet first! Very rare. When I got home I did some cleaning, including a box from the garage that will be in the way when I am on crutches. LOLs almost put away. A cat spilled some water on my NEW STOVE and it's now broken @#$%!!! The igniters for the burners will not turn off. Nor will any gas flow. This is expected when they are wet. HOWEVER, it has been 5 hours and I live in the desert. I think they should be dry by now. Needless to say, DD15 and I had to eat out.

Cat boxes and cat meds are done. Need to top off their food and change their water still, also prep for tomorrow. Copies are being run of the design right now.

There is much to do in prep for surgery Thursday. Including cooking. ACK!

If LadyMaverick's DS8 needs an IEP, ADHD should be sufficient, tics or no tics.

I recommend the song "Late Again" by MxPx for lucylee's DGS and DH. Both DD and I found it to be remarkably reminiscent of Rockytop, despite being classified as punk. Very enjoyable.

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