Tuesday Trying

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Re: Tuesday Trying

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:29 pm

glad you got the garage door closed d twins

hi d nancy

back from dr. Got the forms needed to transfer medical records.
ate lunch out :shock:
got starbucks ;)
spoke to d mom (has not been so good to dd younger :? ), d brother (has been very good), cousin far away about her d mom who lives here, bought vitamins for one dog for her liver - geesh her vitamins are 4 x $ more than my vitamins ;)

now I want to do something lazy.
dogs need playing with
I should go for a walk but its a bit humid ... excuses excuses. I feel horribly lazy.

Oh my gosh my ADHD is at a different level today. :geek: 8-)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Trying

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:20 pm

Sitting in waiting room while DS8 is in speech therapy. Coming to this place is a good reminder how easy my life is compared to others living with huge physical and mental challenges.

This morning has been good. However, I didnt allow enough time to eat lunch so had to leave it half eaten in order to make the drive to appt.

After sppt is over I'm taking DS8 clothes shopping. My dream would be to find him hiking pants that fit. We will try at a couple sporting types stores and hope for best. I only have an hour to shop in order to get back to pick up DGD5 from school.
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Re: Tuesday Trying

Postby Harriet » Tue Apr 25, 2017 3:11 pm

I have become quite comfortable making mistakes.

Excellent, Twins'. I quote my ds' oft-words to myself, "It's all good." I'm sorry your dh is losing someone he's worked with a long time.

LadyM, best wishes on ds8 pants that won't need much alteration - maybe something easy like just a hemming.

blessed, best wishes on appt. My dstepdil's cat Jada is also needing some type of liver med plus other things, and sad when having to take one of them (squirt of liquid rather than pill in tuna, which has been welcome in the past). What is your farm sound therapy? Sounds like a need-to-know! ;)

Stay cool, Florida SHEs! Yes, Dee, AC is the pal!

Today was car inspection day, so HRH took time for that with me and we grocery shopped together in the mid-time of waiting. Both of us agreed - it wasn't enough and I will surely be back at store before houseguests arrive, but maybe this will make life easier.

Before we left I totally spiffed the kitchen so that put-away would be easier, and I got the church deposit ready and we handled that while out, too.

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Re: Tuesday Trying

Postby Nancy » Tue Apr 25, 2017 3:32 pm

I dusted the walls of the focus room.
Donations delivered, Rx picked up, stopped by knitting guild mtg, rocks to community Garden delivered, walked laps inside Joann's did not get any thing back home again from errands. Lunch is done. Ran a load of dishes.
Payroll is done.
Walked ddog.
H is home now.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Tuesday Trying

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Apr 25, 2017 3:49 pm

We didn't go grocery shopping. Apparently dd wanted to go yesterday but her dh didn't so that is why I came today. In the meantime she decided they had to get out in the sunshine so just went by bus/stroller.

Instead, I played for 3 hours with dgs. We did all kinds of things, things his mother suggested, things his mother approved of (spinning on his tummy on the kitchen floor - she's never put him on a hard surface in case he bumped his face), things his mother didn't approve of (standing holding onto the coffee table, with me firmly holding onto him.) He's also not allowed to be rolled from front to back, just back to front. (He hates tummy time so she's worried he'll get out of it by rolling onto his back if he learns how.) He loved the tummy time on the hard floor because he could move around, spinning from looking at his toy, to me, to the kitchen cupboard, to his mom, to the other cupboard and back to his toy! Life is full of surprises when you are so little!!!

We had lots of fun together. I sang a lot with him as well. He was full of smiles and gurgles and I got baby kisses and hugs today as well. (Which reminds me, I should wipe off the drool spots on my shoulders - his parents were worried about that.

At the end, dd showed me the SHE card system she's programming. Using her program you enter your chores into something (not sure if it is Google calendar directly or a program) and then it sends a notification to your email when the item is due to be done. So the email reminder is the card coming 'up' and then you click on a link in the email message and it asks you which day you did the chore and would you like to now refile it for the next time due (i.e. in 7 days if it is a weekly.) Then it creates the next occurrence of that card in your calendar and emails you when it comes up again. This is an improvement on my system in that all occurrences of a chore (i.e. every Tuesday chore from now until the end of time) is in my calendar which really clutters up the view when my SHE chore calendar is switched on.

To her the benefit is if it takes her 3 days to get around to a weekly chore, she won't need to do it again in 4 days, so wants it to come up in 7 days. But the auto repeat in Google Calendar is based on the original date programmed, not the date done. For weekly chores, having them move around might mess me up (I'm so used to my Basic Weekly Plan which is something she hasn't made a habit yet) but for things like monthly chores, this is brilliant.

This program is a work in progress but when she gets it done to her satisfaction, she'll let me work with it for a while and then release it to any of you ladies interested in trying it out.

After I left her place, I went to lunch at Subway, then did my grocery shopping at 2 stores. Still didn't get everything but have enough for my dinner tonight and picked up a few heavy things and some frozen food.

While at her place, I also was emailing back and forth with MF setting up more dates to work up in Pembroke. Must add those to my calendar as well.

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Re: Tuesday Trying

Postby CathyS » Tue Apr 25, 2017 6:51 pm


I just wrote a massive post in MO regarding my very trying day(s) since last week in regards to trying to help a friend. It's trying my patience.

Other than that, I had this same friend over this morning to show her the insides of my kitchen cabinets.
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Re: Tuesday Trying

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Apr 25, 2017 8:17 pm

I am feeling the workout I gave my body yesterday. I am noticing that even the muscles used to breath are sore.

I have finished 10 out of the 12 items listed for today. I might get to the last 2 before bedtime but it has been a non-stop busy 12 hour day so I'm willing to give myself a little slack. Progress, not perfection.
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Re: Tuesday Trying

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Apr 25, 2017 9:39 pm

My average step count is down by almost half since fitbit shut me out of my data. Apparently writing down the information at the end of the day isn't motivating enough for me. I need to see the updates on my 'dashboard' through the day. But since I refuse to sync, I'm stuck without daily updates. In the meantime, I'm banned from the community and it is in the community that the instructions for wiping my account completely reside so I can't even get to that to figure out how to reset my fitbit to clear data (it claims data is not stored on the unit but that's a lie because if I synced now, the last 10 days of data would be added to my account) and shut down my fitbit account so that my tracker will no longer sync to any account when connected to the internet (as if it was new out of the box.)

Anyway, I got on the treadmill for 30 minutes but I'm still only at 8K instead of 10K where I expected to be today (after spending a lot of time walking around the stores with dgs.)

I'm hoping the increased movement will help me sleep better tonight.

Next up, tidy up the kitchen.

Oh, and someone from Asheville, NC just bought something using my email account. They can't log in (it is 2 step authentication) but they've set up an account with my email address. This bugs me (in this case it was probably a mistake because I have her name and her address.)

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Re: Tuesday Trying

Postby Harriet » Tue Apr 25, 2017 10:05 pm

So weird, Kathryn - does sound like a transposing mistake. Could your dd log on and learn from the community forum for you?

I went on a laundry jag here and the second evening load is spinning now. First is drip-drying.

Also someone here mentioned trash... ...
so, I've gathered all trash and recyclables and got them to cans by dusk. Now I won't have to think about it in the a.m.

Enjoyed a green smoothie with some very good-looking lacinato (dinosaur) kale I found today. Also put kale sprouts in it, which I already had. Kale overkill, perhaps, but that's okay. Rip Esselstyn says, "Kale is angry lettuce - lettuce with an attitude." :D

Ds stopped by and borrowed my garden sprayer.

My dcousin called and is having the same troubles with A T & T we have had (are having - the line is still lying along the surface of lawn/ground here). What a mess. Seems so threatening, because I just know when they put it in-ground this time they will make more mistakes and lose our signal again. Sigh. We never get the same people twice and everyone is trying to reinvent the wheel, doesn't believe us about what the last people said/did. Dcousin told me about the folks he's had - none of the names or descriptions match. I think people must be quitting on them! HRH thinks it's because many have been brought in from other areas/states to do this work, possibly because of incompetence of the system here, which involves contract companies doing the work assigned by the company, without A T & T people "on the ground" seeing the work with their own eyes.

Car is also back home again, inspected, so that's out of the way. Now to pay the tax/sticker bill. Here you must have inspected within the past 30 days to get stickers mailed now, or they will just send your check back - extra trouble.

Again a good experience having insurance and registration cards in the clear CD case - the garage guy said so helpful to him. He could read everything without getting paper dirty, or worry about dropping/losing the little slips of paper.

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Re: Tuesday Trying

Postby Nancy » Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:13 pm

Back from walking the ddog on the loop. It was peaceful unlike the other day. The folks with the small dog that is out a lot no fence are trying to keep better tabs on it that helps. we did not get rained on.

I will begin the paper pile sorting next on the office and will load up books to donate in the morning after it is day lite again. I am half way done with this room now not counting the closet. I need to remember to just take it a bit at a time and that I do not have to finish it in one session.

I saw a blip on the news today about info. On some fit bit being used in a murder trial and other court cases.

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