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Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Apr 26, 2017 11:08 am

I have been up since 3am. My plan to sleep more didn't work. My plan did work getting me to sleep early (8:36pm), but all that happened is I woke up at 3:04am feeling fully rested and ready to start my day. I didn't even get my goal of 7 hours sleep. ARgh! I'm going to try it again. On the positive side IF my body needs more sleep there is plenty of time to get it before needing to get up. AND if I am asleep early then I'm not awake to give into night time eating. :oops: I'm not usually tempted to overeat in the morning or daytime but the night time is a constant battle.

My plan for today include -
** 7:45am DGD5 to school
** 8am - Noon Homeschool Day 154
** 3:35 Pick DGD5 up from school
** 4pm Cook for Church family
** 6:30 Eat with church family
** 7pm Worship
** 8:30pm Kids baths & bedtime
** Steadfast - Track hydration, food, steps, and sleep. I have installed a javascript on my browser that allows me to track WW points in MFP. Today I will log both apps (WW & MFP) to see how the points match. If it works okay, then I will switch to tracking WW in MFP. I prefer to learn nutrients as well as smartpoints for my food selections.
** Strength & Stamina = Bike Riding
** Fun room, Cellar, Back & Front Porches = Weekly declutter/deep cleaning

B: Egg & Vegetables (Cereal & Banana)
L: Salad with 10 toppings
D: church meal - fried chicken & potatoes
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Postby CathyS » Wed Apr 26, 2017 11:53 am

Hi everyone!

NOT going to friend's house today. At least one of the other women isn't going either. My back hurts, which tells me there is too much physical labour involved. I also had a cluster of cold sores when I woke up. There tells me there is too much stress involved in this, so it's time to step back.

I have been stitching almost all morning and playing on FB and I checked one of my email accounts.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Postby blessedw2 » Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:24 pm

hi cathy!
Hi d lady as well.
hi d nancy

dh is driving me crazy ;) he is doing his mansplaining and "teaching" me time - it's driving me crazy but I am being kind and listening but, as I said before, it is driving me bonkers. I like with I can ask questions that I don't know about but to be told over and over things that I know drive my patience into the ground. He does this all the time. He needs hobbies ;) love him but oh my goodness.

Today I saw a spark! He said he wants to learn about meteorology .. just for the fun of it. I looked into local schools as he already has a degree - thinking he could just jump in but there isn't a meteorology class in our area. I did find on online certificate program out of Penn state so I am hoping that he looks into that. Maybe I can learn it with him (not my thing but i love the outdoors and I do love him so it may be enjoyable)

I ordered jimmy johns - I know I shouldn't - un-which with provolone and veggies.

I have done 3 loads of laundry
a load of dishes
now for the car
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Apr 26, 2017 1:24 pm, edited 5 times in total.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Nancy » Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:28 pm

Sorting paper work done, KidN is coming in a bit I need to spiff up some of the mess from the decluttering and I am more than ready to shift gears now.

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Postby helia » Wed Apr 26, 2017 2:11 pm

Thank you Kathryn! Your perspective on our trip made me grin. Yes, that's true -- this 5-ish day, maybe even 7 day, trip will be much better than one of similar length in Asia. It will also save us some money, which is never a bad thing.
I don't know the details of the gathering but it sounds like staying home is a good idea, CathyS.
That's a nice gesture to take a class with your dh, blessed.
It sounded like you have made some great progress organizing your creativity room, nancy. Have fun with afternoon payroll!
Enjoy time with your friend, RRose! I'm with you in that we often don't sweat the details of our house with comfortable and close friends. Some of our friends are like family, like the C family definitely.
You've got quite the schedule, LadyM. I hope you're not too tired during the day.

I feel a bit better today. I don't know if I've shared here or not, but I've been struggling with feeling more tired than usual. I can't tell if it's my anemia or TOM or something else going on. Dh has also been feeling really tired, so maybe we've had a little bug or something.

Um, what were my original goals? I think. . .
x WW -- I did have a gain of 0.8 lbs. I suspected a small gain but that was more than I had thought.
x Jog -- I went 4 miles at a decent pace, a smidgeon slower than my new normal pace

- finish a.m. routine now that I've finished lunch
- start laundry -- so dh has what he needs for his trip, leaving tomorrow night
- work on unpacking more books

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Apr 26, 2017 2:26 pm

No progress here aside from on laundry.

I've set up a new fitbit account (new name, new email linked to it after deleting my fitbit from my account - you cannot close a fitbit account which is creepy in its own right) and expected that to clear the banning. Nope, still banned from fitbit - they must be banning me by either IP address or MAC address. I'll take my laptop with me to ds's to see if I'm banned there too (that would narrow it down to MAC address, although I can't get in via any laptop of tablet so that points to IP address.) Note: I only went to these efforts after the 2 week ban should have been over. It's now 3 weeks and I'm still banned so it is a sign they are liars. I really have nothing good to say about fitbit the company and their attitude towards their users.

Edited to say I just signed in on my phone. Hard to read but I got in so it is likely IP Address ban. Oh, and apparently they announced on the forums yesterday that they won't be restoring the sleep data reports we used to get. They are lovely and gentle and say "Change might be a difficult transition" but they believe it is important for the product to take away daily free access to all our sleep data, but of course we can still buy it back from them for $50/year. I paraphrase, except for the change is difficult line. That's a direct quote.

My to-do list today includes vacuuming and dusting (no point because there will be plaster dust around tomorrow) and filing (no place to spread out the papers.) So I'm sitting here doing nothing. Sigh....

I did watch the history show that included a segment on my 4 or 5 great-grandfather (not sure how many greats and too lazy to pull out my historical files from under the spare bed since I don't want to mess up the apartment further.) It's about 5 minutes long and starts at the 27 minute mark. On behalf of my family, I apologize to the Americans he messed with. The film ignores that he spent many months in prison in Boston with just hard-tack and water until eventually he was traded for some American held by the British.


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Postby Lilac » Wed Apr 26, 2017 2:48 pm

RRose, thank you so much for sharing the slide show with us. They are a beautiful couple and I wish them a lifetime of love, health and happiness. You did a fantastic job on the slide show. I loved your song choices and the way the pictures flowed with the lyrics. Thank you again for sharing.

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Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Apr 26, 2017 2:59 pm

Wow, Kathryn, such a history! I'll watch it later but I'm just in awe that all this family info is already laid out for you.

I wonder if I just scared off an Ancestry match? She's likely a 1C1R, 1C2R or 2C and I don't recognize her. She's on my mother's side, where I know of a 1C1R baby that was adopted out. So I asked straight out if she was adopted. Found a person by that name on Facebook who lives in this area, but she indicates she got married in 1969 and I think would be too old for the cousin I'm thinking of. Oh, also found her marriage record so I know what her maiden name was. We'll see if she responds further. (I'm actually pretty good at this stuff...)

Cathy, I agree with you about not helping the friend. It sounds like she really doesn't understand the urgency of what you're trying to do.

Helia, yes, if I were going somewhere far far away, I'd prefer a longer trip. You would spend the first and last 24 hours getting there and getting home.

Bw2, I totally know what you mean:
He needs hobbies
I'd be crazy if he were around the house underfoot all the time.

LM, you are organized as usual. You really seem to have it together and you are juggling a lot of different hats these days.

RR, have been seeing your photos on Facebook, too. Beautiful!

Gotta get busy....still have groceries to put away.
-put away groceries, clear kitchen counters
-start a lol
-ck for mail
-refill meds/vitamins
-water plants

So much genealogy to work on! I have been trying to attach my third great grandfather born 1798 to a father. I'm working under the hypothesis that he is identified in the booklet from the state library as the "William III" with no other info. In that case his father is William born 1776 in VA, and his father is William born 1742 in VA. Both the older Williams migrated south to a specific TN county, so it's a bear trying to separate the three of them. The eldest moved south again before dying in 1831 apparently, and I don't know when the middle guy died at all.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby Nancy » Wed Apr 26, 2017 3:12 pm

Cathys goid for you taking a break from stressful friend sithation. I think U have other things to be doing when ever they call for help like this.

KidN still here adjusting my day changing lunch plans.

Glad got the dishes unloaded that helps.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Apr 26, 2017 3:15 pm

Rosie: that presentation was fantastic!

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