Friday Find it

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Re: Friday Find it

Postby Nancy » Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:54 pm

Back from a walk & cleaned up bbq area outside so I at least feel like I have done "something" now. More coffee is on now. Lunch is done I fed hens & chicks have fresh water. One looks like a banty so cute.
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Re: Friday Find it

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 28, 2017 2:02 pm

how smart d elizabeth re: weighted stuffed animal.
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Re: Friday Find it

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 28, 2017 2:04 pm

I don't know where my day is going - time is flying by and I haven't gotten to the work I wanted to do.
spent 4 hours on paperwork ;)
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Re: Friday Find it

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Apr 28, 2017 2:50 pm

Trying to fix up my computer or at least figure out if the problem is repairable by downloading patched software, etc. or is it hardware, in which case I'll need a service call.

Not promising, it crashed doing the diagnostics!

I've rebooted again.

In the meantime everything is back in the china cabinet and I've had lunch. Also folded and put away a load of laundry.

Dh moved his church musician copies of the hymn books over to the music chest and freed up room in his 'workroom' (actually a closet.) And we have a small suitcase to take to the give-away shelf. He used to haul the books around but now all the music is on his tablet.

My eye is really bothering me. I'm afraid I'm getting an eye inflammation. Don't know how to stop them from hitting. At least the headache and congestion is gone (took advil and decongestant this morning.)

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Re: Friday Find it

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:18 pm

dishes finally done from this morning. dishes emptied from last night as well finally.

I am sorry about your computer.. hope it fixes itself! hope your eye feels. hope your headache is gone d kathryn

your bbq area looks wonderful d nancy

so happy to see you d elizabeth

yay on getting the end of the month stuff almost done d harmony

hello to all
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Re: Friday Find it

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:53 pm

This time the diagnostics got to 51% (over the course of several hours) and then crashed.

Since I can't use my computer while they are running I got more tidying done, finished vacuuming the apartment, and found a few more things for the garage sale pile. Which, since it is in the living room, is looking unsightly but large.

I sat and read while waiting for the computer to continue and wasn't keeping a close eye on it. Dh came in and that's when I realized it had hung again.

He suggested turning off and unplugging everything except power (no internet, nothing connect by Bluetooth, no external monitor, etc. and running it just before going to bed. So I might retry that. I've rebooted my computer 8 times so far today.

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Re: Friday Find it

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:55 pm

do you have a weighted blanket for him

No. I have considered it but thought his claustrophobia would prevent him from using it. He literally FREAKS OUT if he is held down or feels confined.
Elizabeth - I hadn't heard of using a weighted stuffed animal. That might work for him. I don't know if a stuffed animal could hold 13 lbs of weight. hum.....

Appt with counselor went okay. She suggested trying DS8 on anxiety meds. I am feeling very uneasy about trying any meds that are not absolutely necessary. Dealing with DS8 anxiety has become a normal way of life for us. I told DS8 that taking anxiety meds was an option and would he like to try them. He doesn't want to. We talked about Stinking Thinking and Worry Wart getting into his thoughts. It makes him laugh when we use those words to describe the anxiety. I don't know if accepting the stress of anxiety is better than taking meds for it. Not knowing which is the best choice is difficult. If we tried the anxiety meds, what will be the side effects? If we had know Tourettes would be a side effect of the ADHD meds, we MOST DEFINITELY would not have given it to DS8. We are just trying to figure it out as we go through this without doing any long term damage.

DGD5 is with us again. DD kept her less than 24 hours then brought her back. It made DS8 FURIOUS. He said DD lied. DD announce yesterday that DGD5 would be staying with her this weekend.....but then DD brought DGD5 back. We talked about just loving people even those who lie. We can't change them. We can only change our expectations. We have learned that DD doesn't tell the truth, so anything she says is expected to be a lie. It is a pleasant surprise if she tells the truth. A hard lessons for a youngster to learn, but it is a fact of life.

DH bought a fishing boat from a friend today. I haven't seen the boat yet. DH and the kids just left to get it. DS8 says that fishing makes his tics go away. That's all the encouragement that DH needed to make fishing a priority. DH and DS8 have been going fishing a couple times a week.

Kathryn - are you booting into safe mode?
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Re: Friday Find it

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:27 pm

LadyM, did you happen to see my 'post' to you on FB last Saturday? DD has raved about this little gadget with kids in her class and knows it helps tons of other kids as well. Think it might be on your timeline, if not.
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Re: Friday Find it

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:31 pm

Went out for a walk in the heat. I've managed to go 8,000 steps today and hope to make 9.

"Find it". Gal from cardiologist's office called me late this morning. They finally got my insurance to say I could see the cardiologist Monday -but only once. And -no tests. I'm thinking if he thinks I need anything like an EKG that we might be able to get my Primary (down here) to order one next week. (I see him on the 9th.) Insurance says if he thinks I need tests that I'll have to wait until I get up north. Really?

Then I got a bill from the Regional Health for $70 -can't begin to figure it out. But I guess out of $143,000, $120 won't be bad. (Paid $50 to the ambulance).
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Re: Friday Find it

Postby Lilac » Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:01 pm

Dd1 and I walked at the walking park after she got off work. By the time we were done, it was sprinkling. It is now raining with an inch expected. Then they are calling for 6-10 inches of snow tomorrow and 3-5 on Sunday. This will be interesting because they are saying windy with heavy wet snow. I just hope that after a winter of not much snow that this is it as far as snow until at least late November. Tomorrows high is 36 and 31 on Sunday.

I think both dds, dgd20 (dd2s) and I are going to a late movie.

I bought some groceries this afternoon. I need to surprise dh with homemade chocolate chip cookies sometime this weekend.

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