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Postby DeeClutter » Mon May 01, 2017 8:25 am

How did we get this far already?

I was trying to be quiet so as not to wake dsonil. He was mumbling to me not 30 seconds after I got to the kitchen. :roll: He did say something about moving one recliner to their bedroom. But dd mentioned it last night -after they rip out the carpet & put new in there. That will be at least a couple of weeks. It's going to be tough while they rip up 6 rooms & the hallway. So much to move!

Have appointment with cardiologist at 10:30 this morning. Hoping for no surprises.
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Postby blessedw2 » Mon May 01, 2017 9:25 am

Praying for no surprises d dee !!!
Lots of work for your dsil and dd! wishing that it is an easy process!

thank you so much for starting us this May monday Morning... I can't believe its May!

Right now it is just beautiful but it's supposed to drizzle all day
d dog youngest is outside sleeping ??? I have no idea why she wants to be outside
dh is still sleeping

dd older was here after I picked her up from the airport...She's a seasoned flyer and had her fair share of rough flights but said this was a really scary flight. (the weather and flooding). She said that she really appreciated her pilot's skill yesterday. She/He had to go around to Madison and fly back to Chicago to find a flood free runway at O'Hare. She said she never heard a plane make noises like that and all the stewards/stewardess were buckled into their jump seats. Thank goodness she got in before the next lightening storm.

time for me to do some put away and some dailies
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon May 01, 2017 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby blessedw2 » Mon May 01, 2017 9:31 am

goals this week: outside work - call fence people
continue walking - I would like to take dh to the botanic gardens for our walk
organize photo scanning area
organize music
bring dd younger's instruments downstairs out of her room

I have d harriets quote on my computer - I try to remember this as I go through my day. "Does it move your story along?"

put away dd younger's boxes into three season room
continue packing her room
laundry room

grabbing timer so that I don't loose focus 8-)
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Postby helia » Mon May 01, 2017 10:09 am

I can't believe it's May either. I also can't believe I'm teaching the moms group on Thursday. I think I'm in denial about it; I have done very little prep so far. I need to get in gear to do that! My motivation has just flown out the window.

DNA Results Rambling: I got my DNA results back yesterday. Interesting and fun! 100% European - no surprise there. The ethnicity with the highest percentage was Scandinavian, 31%. Then, Great Britain with 27%. Then Western Europe with 20%. Since "German" is either on my birth certificate or was told to my parents, I was somewhat surprised by those results. But I wonder how many Germans would test purely as western Europeans? I kind of want to do it again as an experiment to check accuracy. I also want dfriend R to do it. His family traces its genealogy back 1,000 years or maybe more since he is descended from Korean royalty. He thinks he should be only Korean, but I'm really curious what his DNA test would say -- though I don't know if it distinguishes between Korean and Chinese. I believe the Korean people descended from Chinese people who found their way to that peninsula. I'm curious about dh too, though I think dh has said he has German ancestry not too far back and Jewish as well, I believe. His father has traced his ancestry at least back to Charlemagne. But dh says a large percentage of Europe is descended from Charlemagne so that's not really significant.

Main Goals for today:
x 1. Maia to the vet -- shots + an ear infection
2. Lots of work on moms group teaching
3. Lunch out with supervisor and ex-supervisor
4. Jog
5. Hebrew class at 5
6. Dh arrives home today!!
7. Simple dinner -- pasta + tomato sauce. I think I have some sauce in the freezer.

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Postby Nancy » Mon May 01, 2017 10:30 am

Journal x
Move planter x
S2s x
Pay roll in a bit. X
Dpc made wout desired results. Poo.
Bathe dog & clipped nails on one Paw part done on other. X
Tomorrow tick & fkea med application then we can do field walks again.
Dgd will not be coming today.
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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon May 01, 2017 10:42 am

I just spent well over an hour working on my bullet journal. My Control Journal might be updated this month as well. it's been on my to-do list for the past 4 years - that's when ds gave me a list of stuff he wanted to have handy in one place in case of an emergency. Obviously, that should be in the Control Journal but we moved and got busy, and... and... - well you know how things get away from us! He actually bugs me about it from time to time. His list is still here on my desk, showing it is On My Mind. The ink is starting to fade!

I went through google calendar up until the end of the year and noted the significant events into the 'Future Log' of the bullet journal.

Big goals for the month are getting two things done for the NFs, book, and take a trip, the garage sale, Control Journal and top priority company year end.

I've had my tea and chocolate but haven't yet got dressed or had breakfast. The bed was also stripped and remade and the dryer has now stopped so I need to pull the sheets out and put them away. That will be my next task.

Helia: since the Danes (Scandinavian) and Germans are so close, is it possible that whoever filled in your birth certificate didn't know the difference?

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Postby Twins' Mom » Mon May 01, 2017 12:10 pm

Ah, DNA. I have had an interesting few days - don't know if I mentioned that I was contacted by a DNA "cousin" on Ancestry and the shared cms indicated she was a 1C1R, 1C2R or 2C. The mostly likely was the 1C1R and she matched on my mother's side, and I surmised she was the child that a first cousin gave up for adoption. So I shared what I knew with her, and she ended up contacting her 1/2 sibs over the weekend and talked "for hours" with at least one of them. So just like that she found her birth mother, who is deceased, and several 1/2 siblings. She left me out of the narrative, so I'm thinking they don't know just exactly how she determined she was related, this in case it all goes bad. Anyway, I did a good deed. She sounds delightful, too, btw.

I am dragging today. The mini vacation was delightful. I don't think I've ever stayed closer to the beach or with a better view, except for beach camping as a child, perhaps. This is a friend of dh - what a lifestyle - they have a home, then the beach condo 30 min away for weekends and days at the beach. Beautiful weather and beautiful beach. Dee, this is at Ponce Inlet near Daytona Beach. Very quiet and not very commercial.

Dh is now talking about renting a beach condo for several months. There's a direct flight from home to about an hour away from this beach and it's dirt cheap, so would be easy for me to stay there and him to come and go. Only there's my mother and I don't think I can be away that long, unless she's in a nursing home. Dbro and I have discussed that and he's reluctant to go that route, but he's also overwhelmed. OTOH, I don't know what he would do with himself without dmom. Anyway, lots to think about.

And......another bit of news, I have registered for a professional genealogy study group that will meet monthly, with homework, for the next 18 months. I don't know that I'll work professionally, but this is a great way to study and have others critique ones work before submitting the portfolio for certification. (The homework and critiqued work can't be used as part of the ultimate portfolio for certification, it has to be your own work w/o input from others.) The estimated time requirement is 20 hrs per month. And dh says he's prefer I'm working toward improving skills and getting certified instead of just poking around in front of the computer, LOL.
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Postby LadyMaverick » Mon May 01, 2017 12:11 pm

Waving Hi from homeschool.

I had to take a small break and get some sanity. Some days are better than others and this isn't one of the best days. Hopefully, DS8 attitude will take a turn for the better.
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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon May 01, 2017 12:18 pm

Now, s2s and put away the laundry. Had breakfast.

My alarm went off to remind me of a flyby but it was too cloudy for it to happen and I finally found a website saying it had been cancelled.

Last Friday dsil cc'd me their confirmation for flights to his home town. They will be gone over the Canada Day holiday, missing the big 150th celebration. Dd is disappointed but dsil pointed out they probably wouldn't have tried to take dgs downtown. Of course, we could have taken him for several hours so they could have enjoyed some events but that's that. I'm debating being downtown to watch the flyover. It is fun to watch it from here but it is more impressive if you are downtown. We are close enough that if the busing is unmanageable, we can walk back home. It takes just under 90 minutes but it is doable.

Debating having some lunch now and then getting to work. We'll see how that debate ends!

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Postby Twins' Mom » Mon May 01, 2017 12:19 pm

I haven't even had breakfast this morning. I'm finding re-entering home life difficult, I guess. :lol: I was up around 7 a.m - about when I should have been getting up - and it was raining like the dickens and the wind was blowing. Good sleeping weather, so I went back to sleep and didn't wake up until 10 a.m. I've been puttering around since. I have the dishwasher running - I didn't start it last night.

-check in with dneighbor down the street? She's been away also...
-get rid of 10 pieces of paper on my desk
-unpack and sort laundry
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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