Thorough Thursday

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Re: Thorough Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu May 04, 2017 10:55 pm

Hi again! DD15 did have homework, but there was time to get to the grocery store. I can do it by myself, but it is SOOOO much easier with DD to get things from the shelf and drive the electric cart back when I am done with it (she loves that part). Dinner was easy, because she was so excited I bought Lucky Charms. My DPC is done. I got a call from my unemployed friend who is facing major decisions due to a breast cancer diagnosis. At least she has Medicaid. I want to make things better for her, but I can't. I did send her a prayer quilt from my church, so she knows people are thinking of her and praying for her.

Dad called about a model car I sent for his G-scale railroad. He liked it and has found a Cadillac to go with it. He is facing job uncertainty because a big box office supply company has bought the company he works for. He is 80, and could, in theory, retire, but dreads Bored Puppy Syndrome. A similar situation happened 15 years ago and he was forced into "retirement". It lasted less than 3 months. (It would have been shorter except he broke his leg). He has enough business contacts that he can be an independent consultant indefinitely.

I should probably take a pain pill. I don't want to, but my foot is burning. I did too much yesterday. I was ok today until after the grocery store. All I did was sit on a cart! I got up exactly ONCE, to find a cut of meat that DD had never seen and could not look for.

I want to make things better for Twins' Mom as well. Praying for her family too.

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