Saturday PWYC

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 13, 2017 3:13 pm

my debit card number was stolen today ---- I have my money put into my account today for d mom's b day - they used 40.00 and 2.50 in branson missouri
I wish people would use their talents for good. Hoping they don't get any more money. I still can't figure out how they got it.

I needed a break from separating dd's stuff - she has way too many cloths. dh made a donation run and we have cancer fed coming on the 25th.

kitchen is full of stuff but dh emptied upstairs hall.

okay I need a plan of attack as I am loosing focus.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat May 13, 2017 3:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby helia » Sat May 13, 2017 3:17 pm

Glad you had a nice walk, Dee! The sunshine this a.m. was nice, but it has clouded up here.
Wow, that's scary, blessed. Did you change anything at the bank? I'm hearing so many stories these days about similar things. One of dh's grad students got his gmail account hacked. That was a huge problem b/c of all the financial info he had there. Dh says many profs in his dept. have had the same issue we had, someone filing a tax return in their names this year. He remembers a short security breach in the department at some point, and he thinks that may be the time the info was taken.

I'm wearing leggings and a long top right now. I'm not sure the style is OK for me, maybe too young? My legs are one of my best features - long and slender, though there's more shape to my calves now since I've started running -- that's a good thing. So, I thought I'd show them off a bit. But their length makes the long top look shorter. Dh thought I looked "cute." Not sure what to think. . . I wouldn't go like this to church or work.

I've accomplished goal #1 and have made progress on #5. I'm heading out the door to finish #2, 3, and 6. I've got a groc. list. Mom's package is ready for the mail, and I've finally written a response to a card I got from CB, a friend from undergrad years. I think I'll be buying a dessert, considering the time.

- postal place
- groc. store
- WF -- dessert

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 13, 2017 3:30 pm

women wear leggings and shirts like that all the time here - I can't though lol - it's common for women under 65 here. Especially for 30's through late 50's for those in great shape and fitness is big here. I saw an outfit the other day on a woman at the grocery store. I told her that I loved her outfit - it was leggings with a bit of a longer shirt and a zip up thin jacket just like the pants. We have three yoga/exercise specialty shops in our local small mall and they are very popular.

I have no idea how my debit card got stolen. I purchased a couple things online which I got but have no idea how this happened. my email was hacked again but I don't think that was it. The bank said they probably got my number and made a new card on their own... how they do it I will never know. I have taxes to pay tomorrow and my d mom's bday on Sunday.
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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat May 13, 2017 4:12 pm

((((Blessedw2))))) That is a PITA! I'm sorry it happened to you too.

I started connecting the pool plumbing to UN-winterize it. When I asked DH where the white Teflon plumbing tape was, he quickly came and started doing it. That's fine with me because I am not blessed with the experience or know-how to do it. I was just going to try and do it myself but my feelings are not hurt AT ALL that DH took over. ANYway, the pool pump is started and is running without any problems. I've shocked the pool and also added algaecide and PH increase chemicals. Now I will wait a few hours and test again.

DGD5 took a good nap before the birthday party. I had a talk with her about her attitude and what would happen if she threw a fit at the party. She is getting better about controlling her emotions, but she still has occasional moments.

It is bright sunshine, 83 degrees, and the air is hot. Starting to feel like summer time. I helped DS8 set up a small tent outside. I think he is getting camping fever. :)
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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sat May 13, 2017 5:13 pm

thank you d lady oh I loved camping out in the back yard with my d kids when they were young! so fun.
so nice that you dh took over that job! our weather isn't consistently warm yet. today it's warm but it will get cold again. We usually don't plant things until after may 23 as we have frost in may.

I went through all the boxes and tossed much. everything is marked and in the basement. dh was so sweet and brought down more things.
I have had Father brown on in the background. The outside birds and sunshine are calling me but I am staying fast to my work. I only have Sunday afternoon, Monday and Tuesday morning to get it all put away :shock: ;)
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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat May 13, 2017 5:22 pm

We don't use our debit cards for online payments at all since the protection if there's a breach is less than with credit cards. Ds had his stolen once and he caught it by accident. I really should check our accounts more often (sometimes I let it go months between reconciling.)

In ds's case they put a 'deposit' in just before midnight, and took $100 to test the card. He caught that by luck and called in. The fraud people said the person would have come back after midnight and removed the 'deposited' amount in cash. When the machine would be opened up, the deposited money would turn out to be blank paper.

Our machines now try and fight that fraud by having us scan the cheque we are depositing. And we just put the stack of bills directly into the machine if depositing cash. So they know now that the deposit is more legit. I'd have to actually put a physical cheque in now in order to do a fake deposit. The cheque may be no good, but I'd have to come up with a blank cheque to use in the first place.

No idea how his number was compromised. A local gas station was the site of one scam and the banks had to call all their customers who had transactions at the gas station to come in and replace their cards. That was a real pain for the village since most people used that gas station! Again, we only use credit cards at gas stations and for 99% of our purchases. Which is why I don't check our account often!

Service is finished. Next week's sermon is open on my computer to start work on that. The bed has been remade with fresh sheets. Dh put up the three paintings that needed to be put up. So progress has been made.

A young neighbour just came by to say he's moving August 1 into his sister's house while she moved to the Cayman Islands for 2 years. He'll give us some of his furniture for our refugee families. Wow, isn't it great how these things work out?! If our families arrive sooner, he's pretty sure he can live without most of it.

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat May 13, 2017 5:41 pm

I only use our debit card when forced too. Every once in a while I run into a place that doesn't take paypal or disco*ver card. Then I have to use the Visa debit card. That is very rare though. I have the credit card account configured to txt me when a charge is made over an amount. Writing this has me thinking that I should lower the amount and have all the charges to txt me. A DFriend recently had hers hacked and they charged small amounts $10 to $20 over and over. Because it was small amounts it didn't set off any alarms.

DS8 has a fever. The first thing that crossed my mind was "did he get germs when he accidentally fell into the pool twice?" When we took the cover off, the pool water was fairly clear but it hadn't been shocked yet to kill all the germs. I'll watch him for other symptoms and hope the fever goes away.
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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Sat May 13, 2017 6:41 pm

We got a small break in the rain sun came out, walked to the corner & back just before it started in again. The 1 yo had a good nap on the fold out chair bed 6" high was perfect. The 3yo helped fed hens & played with the dog. I decided to wait on planting. Snack time next up. Did that. Rain has stopped sun came out kids are in shorts and it is too cold for them. So no walk today.

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat May 13, 2017 7:36 pm

Timed dinner to correspond with the first period of the hockey game. Apparently golf is more important. Actually our server works the Sens games as a camera person and said it makes sense, the producer warned them.

Dinner was good. Debating dessert.

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Sat May 13, 2017 7:58 pm

My throid quit working does not even register, my hair got really thin, after getting on Rx for that my hair is great. I need to think of dinner. We have precooked meat patties I can use did that up ahead on purpose.

The baby can feed himself, some one has not been letting him do that. :? His fav is the dog chew toy ack.
Last edited by Nancy on Sun May 14, 2017 12:15 am, edited 2 times in total.

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