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Postby DeeClutter » Sun May 14, 2017 7:21 am

Thinking of pictures of Kathryn's dgs on the slide. But there's plenty of things 'sliding' in our lives and homes no doubt. Or perhaps there is something you can let 'slide' for a bit.

I've been awake since 4am. Finally took t ylenol about 5:30 and my thyroid med at 6:30. Just finished the rest of my meds and I'm s2s. Kind of waiting to hear some noise from the living room. Imagine dd and dsonil are going to finish painting the living area this morning. She's rather reluctant to go to church this morning anyway (Mother's Day). I was thinking of not going earlier but am feeling better.

Harriet, you're right -takes a while for the thyroid med to build in your system. Though I must say I did happen to be more energetic yesterday. Not sure if this additional pill once a week will do it -but that will be for my Dr. up home to figure out. I realized yesterday that the B enazepril is less dosage (the one that I have) than what I told the Dr. last Tuesday I thought I had taken before. Guess now I need to call them back and see if he thinks that will be enough. He had written 10/20mg and the one I have is 5/20.

I was getting a bit confused last night about the difference between using debit and credit cards online. I'm pretty sure our debit has full protection for fraud -in fact I know it does. It was compromised a couple of years ago and the fraud department caught it right away and turned it off. Took me a couple of days to figure out what was going on though since I hadn't checked my email. Guess I should change it to text since it comes right up on my phone. Will do that when I sign back in.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun May 14, 2017 8:35 am

I just sent dd a message saying Happy Mother's Day, I'm so happy for you! and then realized that sentence could be read two ways and both fit.

I hope she enjoys her first Mother's Day.

I had a terrible, terrible night. Was crying because it was so late and I was too tired to sleep when we finally got to bed after midnight. Was awake at least 5 times through the night. Threw in the towel around 6:30. There is little to no time for a nap today. Our only hope is that dh's cousin has an early start in the morning so she'll want an early bed.

I'm defrosting my last pork tenderloin to make up a crock pot stew for dinner.

I ruined my wrist last night due to two pieces of software with bugs requiring me to do the same motions dozens of times in a row. Plus, I had taken off my chair cushion so I was probably too low having my wrist at a poor angle. I was in pain throughout the night and took an hour to remember I have a wrist splint and put it on. Aleve didn't touch the pain but because I had chosen that, I couldn't take anything else. I had iced prior to bed.

Google calendar failed in that when importing calendar notifications from the hotel booking site, it allowed me to use keystrokes to tab and enter data between fields and hit OK but it was abandoning each entry. The hotel booking site gave the same name to EVERY reservations's 'unique identifier' so when I'd import a calendar entry it would show but then I'd import the next one and the first would be wiped out. I didn't notice this happening. I had 12 to enter for all through the year so my screen didn't have the specific month up so it was only when I kept noticing one would disappear and I'd add it and then it would disappear again that I called dh and he showed me how to edit all 12 hotel entries to make them unique. It was at this point that Google calendar allowed me to think I was entering them but I wasn't. I had to actually use my pointer to click on Import. If I highlighted it with the tab key and entered return, it failed. Yet the keyboard and pointer actions were equivalent in every other field.

It took me over an hour to enter 12 items. They are worthwhile to have because they include full address and phone number, link to a map to find the place and check-in/check-out times as well as reservation number. It will be on both our phones, tablets and computer so that's handier than only on my computer. BUT it was not worth losing over an hour's sleep over.

The IT for the Choice website is horrific and this is just another example of how bad it is. It is always hit or miss if I can sign in. About 40% of the time it says I'm using the wrong password or don't have an account. I'm signing in using LastPass so I know the entries are the same every time. It is their end that doesn't work. Same with making reservations. For our trip to Newfoundland I ended up having to phone in because I could get to the point of clicking to make the reservation and then it would fail saying that date wasn't available, try again. Every time. So I knew the hotels and the rates but couldn't make reservations online.

I need to use Choice because of the 5 decent hotels up the Valley, 3 of them are Choice properties as well as an OK one. The other two decent hotels are Holiday Inn and Best Western and are usually $20 - $30 more yet are no nicer. Otherwise, I'd boycott Choice just because of their lousy website programming.

Anyway, a few days ago, I mentioned having too many extra graphics tablets. I'm trying to hook one up and learn how to use it since obviously using the pointer on my keyboard is irritating my wrist too much again.

I'm up, clothes laid out, bed made, meat defrosting, tea and chocolate done. The load of laundry in the washer is almost done. I'll get the dinner in the crock pot to turn on before walking out the door. Then I'll slipshod vacuum, eat breakfast, tidy and head out for the day.

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Postby blessedw2 » Sun May 14, 2017 8:52 am

happy mothers day!

good morning d dee, d kathryn and all.

happy mothers day to your dd d kathryn. (((sorry you had such a rough night)))
to you d dee - (((hope you get a great night sleep tonight)))

we will be heading out in about an hour and a half for a mass for d mil, seeing her house the last time - maybe, and then lunch with the whole family.

the debit card still takes out the money the person stole up to a certain amount but the company will review it :o they shut out the person when they try charging $40 for gas. Problem with debit is that it automatically take it out of your checking account. Thank goodness the bank was on top of things. Except now I can't get cash until Monday by using my checking book.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby helia » Sun May 14, 2017 9:00 am

I didn't know one could use a debit card online! I used to have a credit card I only used for online purchases, but it was compromised somehow, and I got rid of it.

That's awfully early to be up, Dee. Do you think you can get a nap today? ((DD)) Our church has changed how we handle mother's day over the years b/c it can be a painful reminder for many.
Kathryn, I'm still thinking of you and your schedule this week, especially with the last minute visit of your sister. I'm hoping things turn out well in the end, maybe even better than expected.
Enjoy the family time, blessed.

I ended up changing out of leggings into jeans before small group last night. I was more comfortable that way.

Goals for today, mainly fun ones! :)
1. Church
2. Lunch out -- dh made reservations at a nice restaurant downtown! He tried to keep it a secret until Friday night when I started looking at available restaurants and talking about making reservations on my own.
3. Finish laundry -- 2 lols to put away.
4. Clean sheets on the bed.
5. Call dmom.
6. Dinner -- w/ C family? Here? There? Simple menu -- we just do good bread and good cheese, bread from Whole Foods and cheese from the Netherlands. Dh brought several kilos back from his last trip there, so we're well stocked with Dutch cheese for a while.
7. Skype with dd18 -- we may make this a family Skype since ds and dd21 are home. This is our last Sunday Skype session before seeing her in real life! :)

I am s2bare feet, have done dog care, have checked email and web sites, and have unloaded 1/2 the dw while waiting for the kettle to boil.

Before we leave in about 10 minutes, I will hopefully:
- spiff myself
- finish reclaiming the kitchen.

Have a great day, friends!

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Postby LadyMaverick » Sun May 14, 2017 10:46 am

My night sleep came in chunks since DS8 was running a fever. I woke up frequently to check on him and got up twice to give him meds. At 10:30 his fever was 101.6 so I gave him another dose of Tylenol. The fever came back so I gave him another dose at 2:30 am. It hasn't gone over 101 since then so I'm hopeful it will go away. The only other symptom he has is a mild headache and not wanting to eat. I kept him home from church this morning. Depending on how he is feeling later today, I'll decide whether he can attend the family gathering to celebrate Mother's Day.

I am ecstatic at the progress made with the pool in the past 24 hours. It isn't crystal clear status yet, but it looks 10000% better than yesterday. Last year I made so many blunders with the pool opening, so it a relief to know that I can do it. I'm still not comfortable with all the chemical testing except for the tests for PH balance and Chlorine level. They have become so familiar I can easily do them and know how much chemicals to add to the pool to bring them to the right numbers. Now to conquer the Total Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness, and Cyanuric Acid testing and which & how much chemicals to add to make those adjustments to the pool water.
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Postby DeeClutter » Sun May 14, 2017 12:22 pm

Happy Mother's Day to all. I know all too well that Mother's Day can be a bittersweet day for many. And for that reason dd decided to stay home from church this morning. But we can all rejoice in some part of being a Mother or in Mothering someone along the way. Sadness comes when we lose a child in one way or another (and I fully recognize that there are many ways we can lose a child) or lose a Mother in one way or another. Know our own DDIL-R is now dealing with her Mom and the declining that comes with Alzheimers

Home really early from church -nearly a 1/2 hour or so. DD was busily putting second coat on the walls. They're beginning to look more gray now instead of lilac. Think the color is playing tricks on our brains but we all see it the same way. :?
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun May 14, 2017 1:18 pm

At lunch now. Dh ended up doing the church music so we were very involved at church. It always feels so good to be with our church family although there is a lot of sadness in our members right now.

Just ran into a member from the second church and heard his sadness. We had hoped to visit with him when down East but he won't be there because his wife is in a nursing home now. Sigh .

Got to church on time with dinner started in the crock pot and the dishwasher running. Finished a load of laundry before leaving. So it is a successful day so far.

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Postby LadyMaverick » Sun May 14, 2017 1:31 pm

Taking a break with a tall bottle of water to drink. My body needs to adjust to working in the heat & sunshine. It is forecasted to hit the 90's here today.

I have 5 hours until family gathering. I need to start cooking for it. DBro suggested that we buy pizza's for the gathering and no one cooks. That doesn't seem like such a bad idea now. Hum..... I might just make a salad and order/pick-up pizzas. I know the pizzas would be a hit among the younger generations. Regardlessly I need to get the paper products out & ready - plates, napkins, cups, silverware.

The drink is empty. Break is over.
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Postby Nancy » Sun May 14, 2017 5:12 pm

Back from a store run, & quick lunch out w hubby, sun is gone took a short walk w ddog spaded up a small bed for weggies, the hens are debugging it now. I planted new iris colors this morning. We had a rain shower not very heay, I got the garden stuff planted. Yea!
Last edited by Nancy on Sun May 14, 2017 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun May 14, 2017 5:45 pm

My service went well. After, we gassed up the car, bought and installed the cabin air filter, had froyo and beat the rain home. Then I vacuumed, tidied, and changed into more casual clothes and am now at the train station.

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