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Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:47 am

Stop the habit of wishful thinking and start the habit of thoughtful wishes. Mary Martin

Couldn't think what to start with this morning and found this quote. Thoughtful wishes is what I am aiming for today.

What are your thoughtful wishes for the day and for the month? We're now 2/3 of the way through July, a little more than half way through the year.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:00 am

So instead of saying "I wish I could leave the house on time, completely prepared." I'm to say "I thought I could leave the house, completely prepared." Just teasing.... I know what the quote is getting at but in my case, I feel beyond hope.

Am dressed and eating breakfast now. Balcony plants watered, kitchen and bedroom tidied.

But I'm late.

And really shouldn't be on the computer.

Lucylee: to the dfriend, reply saying "Thanks for your research. We have chosen to put dh's medical treatment in the hands of his doctors. If that turns out to be a mistake, you can help our attorney do the research for the malpractice suit. Until then, we are following the doctors guidance."

I have 30 minutes to dry & style my hair, make and pack up our picnic things, find toys and a sheet to use as a picnic blanket for dgs and grab our folding chairs from the balcony chest. Oh, and brush my teeth!


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Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:06 am

recommending the WRAP program, researched and devised by and for those needing it, now delivered by trained facilitators worldwide, if you know anyone in need with long term concerns.

Lynlee - Thank you for sharing about the WRAP program. I have never heard of it. I did some initial reading about it and absolutely love everything about the program.
LadyM, how was your special day with dh?

We had a FABULOUS day together. No kids the entire day and night!! We have been kid-free for 23 hours!!! I was going to pick DS8 up from DMom's last night but she wanted him to spend the night with her. DS8 was a bit upset because he had been wanting to call and talk with me and DMom wouldn't let him. She told DS8 that we get one day without solving kids issues and he was fine. Bless DMom's heart. I appreciate her gift of giving DH and I time alone.

So….what did we do with our day without kids?
** went to the big city and spent some time at the gun range. I have had my gun for 5 years or so and have never been comfortable with it. I thought I just needed to practice more. Nope.. That gun is just too complicated for me. I kept having trouble doing the simplest of things. Loading the gun was frustrating and the OCD parts of me didn't like that things would not line up exactly right in the clip. And I even struggled to get it on/off safety. And And And. The whole gun was just frustrating me. I called and talked with my DBro (who is a gun expert and I trust his advice) and he gave me 2 suggestions. I rented both guns he suggested and tried them. They were so simple and I liked everything about them! I could load/unload with my eyes closed if I needed to. So I bought the gun that I like the best. The fact that it came in my favorite color (purple) was just icing on the cake (so to speak). I am very pleased with it.
** We drove to eat at one of our favorite restaurants that is located 50ish miles from us. I picked this place to eat because it is very good food, but also because I knew I could eat awesome food and still stay with WW point limit. My plan worked perfectly. I had the best steak and baked potato I have ever eaten.
** We came home and took a 3-hour nap! :)
** We went shopping. I needed new rotary blades for my quilt cutter and had been told to go to hardware store and get rotary blades used for cutting carpet. They are 1/5 the cost of the rotary blades sold for quilting and are supposedly the same thing. We also did Sam/WM shopping for items on our list.

Now it is back to my normal life. Homeschool. Kid care. Cooking. Home loving. etc
1. Know what you want.
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Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:18 am

At least I don't have any "have tos" out of the house today. I do want to get a pedicure/manicure so I should move on that this morning.

I forgot to start the dishwasher last night so it's running now.

-wash up, change clothes, brush teeth
-walk the dog
-start a lol
-clear kitchen counters

After that I'll head out for the mani-pedi.

I just figured out how to listen to the Nat'l Genealogy soc. webinars from May on my iPhone. If I listened in the car on the way to GA this Sunday I couldn't see any visuals but it would be a pretty good use of time.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:27 am

hi d kathryn you have got this! have fun with your d grand baby
hi d twins I plan on being thoughtful with you
hi d lady great that you had a fabulous day

to all coming in GOOD MORNING!

big lightening storms last night and this morning (if you go to Barry Butler's photography and face book you can see some of the lightening strikes in downtown chicago) great shots. Lightening was :shock: :D .

my goal is to keep the computer and tv off from noon to 5 as I fall down rabbit holes and do nothing.

humility is at 90% right now - according to the buoy on lake michigan - the wind on the lake, right now, is 17.5 knots (about 20 mph) and 22.9 knots (about 26 mph) wind gusts - nothing here right now so it's weird that the lake is like that for sailors - regular reports say wind gusts are 9 mph - who is right - go figure.

getting to it! à tout à l' heure :D
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby DeeClutter » Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:17 am

WoW! Just realized I haven't even had time to post this morning. Got up around 7:30 (after being up at 5:30). Took my T-med and then got things around for dh. Made the bed and took my meds. Then someone called who had no power on one of the 'weekender' sites. So drove dh (in the golf cart) over there with his meters. Breaker was shot so we drove up to get an adapter and took it back to plug it in and plug the RV into that. A little later same guy texted that the next site was without power as well. So dh called dcampowner to tell him and that we found evidence of an ant infestation in the rec hall. So he's taking care of both. But dh also told him the regular electrician they've had coming in just sold everything and is out of business. So they'll be looking for someone else today. We went up to the main office for a bit so dh could talk to both secretary and owner. Meantime I sat in the cart and the heat/sun really got to me. I drove around the parking lot once to get some air moving. Dh was pretty concerned by the time he came out -I was barely able to speak. Would think I'd been sitting for hours -probably 10/15 minutes. It's no wonder children succumb after a short time in a hot car.

We came back & I ate my oatmeal then we went to the rec hall to do our walking. Now dh is in the recliner with much needed ice.

We're going to the storage unit in a while to get Christmas lights for dd to put out for us. Not doing much this year -just enough to decorate a little for Christmas in July this weekend.

According to dd DS-A & family are coming to camp this weekend.

Dh talked with insurance company this morning regarding his disability claim. Guess 2 checks have already been issued. First 2 will come here and then will be direct deposit. Woman we talked with is in FL and was so personable!

I like today's title/quote btw.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby Elizabeth » Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:47 am

Good morning! Thoughtful Thursday is a good title for me today. Last night I was moping that I will never achieve any of my big goals. They are just too expensive. This morning, I decided to list them. The big ones: antique car, small trailer camper, Greek revival dollhouse. I feel like I have missed some from last night. That sounds manageable, just not NOW. And maybe not at all until DD15 is on her own. The medium ones: fix sprinkler before winter, redo MBR. The latter is paint and rearrange furniture. I may get a bed pedestal with drawers for <$200. I will definitely need a screen to block the view of the catbox in its new position from the LR.

Last night, I walked to the x's house and fed and medicated the dogs, so I accomplished two things there. I sat and talked with a neighbor on the way back for about an hour. He uses his garage as a front porch. I did absolutely nothing on my list. I am very disappointed that I missed a half off sale from Interweave that actually had something I wanted to buy! I forgot about it until about 11 pm. Then, the sale was over due to the time difference. If I had ordered it from work like I should have, it would be $10, now it is back to $20. I am not sure whether to order it tonight (payday) or wait until it goes on sale again. It is a digital download, so it seams unlikely it will disappear.

While marking off the dog's meds on the x's calendar, I noticed the xBFF had invited them over for dinner again. It's sad to lose a friend of 30 years, but I will not live my life the way she finds interesting. If she wants to watch her friends like a soap opera, she has chosen well. I also will not eat dinner on her back porch and be attacked by her evil chickens again (and the smell from them is vile).

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Postby Harriet » Thu Jul 20, 2017 12:00 pm

How can I have been cooking and cleaning and not see much improvement around here? Sigh.

((Dee)) try to stay cool the rest of the day!

Your humility is not in question, blessed. It's always juuuuust right.

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Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Jul 20, 2017 12:04 pm

Waiting on DS8 to finish his reading.....

I forgot one other thing we did yesterday. It wasn't really in the fun category so I guess I tried to block it from my memory. :) We went to our old MPB. The current owner called and was totally stumped with how to proceed with a problem. We agreed to meet him at dusk (so it would be cooler....but it was still 99 degrees!) and look at the problem. It only took DH a couple minutes to troubleshoot it and give his suggestion for the fix. But then DH got caught by several people and visited for an hour with them. I truly think DH is a people magnet.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:43 pm

IKWYM about being a people magnet, Lady M. I like to have my own car at temple whenever possible, so I can leave when I want. DH stops and is stopped by everyone to talk. DD is beginning to be the same way, too, so often she will ride home with dh instead of me. old
presumably Jewish joke: WASPs [insert favorite ethnic group] leave and don’t say goodbye, Jews say goodbye and don’t leave.

Took a long time for mani-pedi as a walk in. I must remember that summer is like that, and I need to go earlier in the week too.

I am back to hating to be out of the house for too long, since Muffin gets distraught. I felt trapped the same way with Chief, since he had to be crated when I was away.

I am following friend M down to detail shop - she is getting her car cleaned up for her dh's homecoming on Monday. Her R uby sheds big time in the car!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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