Thirsty Thursday

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Thirsty Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:57 am

One of the definitions of thirsty is "having or showing a strong desire for something"

What are you thirsty for?
more to drink?
More time?
More motivations?
More ?
Last edited by LadyMaverick on Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Thirsty Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:59 am

to stay focused
(slept all day 2 - 7 and ended up with a sinus headache all night and early morning -usually goes together)
supposedly rain is coming

happy thursday

thank you for starting us d lady
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Re: Thirsty Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Aug 10, 2017 10:21 am

Blessed - I can definitely relate to the more focus needed. Hopefully, your day will be filled with the ability to focus.

DS9 is struggling for focus BIG time today in school. A subtraction facts worksheet that would normally take him less than 5 minutes to complete has dragged on for 28 minutes! He has conquered addition and does it with ease & confidence, however, today he has a mental block on doing subtraction. I've shown him over and over that subtraction and addition have the same fact family but it is slow to take root in his thinking process. I have no doubt that it will happen and he will soon be doing subtraction with confidence. We continue to do 3 levels of math curriculums each day. 2nd grade, 3 grade, and 4th grade. He does 2nd grade Math with great ease and confidence. Frequently telling me "Really? This is soo simple". I use those to build his confidence. He does 3rd grade Math with no problems but not as much confidence. 4th Grade math is going well so far. If he makes less than 95 on his daily lesson he asks me to wipe out the wrong answer so he can answer them again and make 100.
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Re: Thirsty Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Aug 10, 2017 10:55 am

Perhaps he's a perfectionist, LadyM. :)

I've been busy since I got up this morning. I took a walk around the 'big' loop before it gets too hot. Been doing PUPA since I got home. Did a 'take' on the daily 'project' theme, mentioned by LadyM a couple of days ago. Completed my 'projects' for both of those days and for today. Now to keep up the trend.

Wasn't greatly happy with dgs12 yesterday afternoon. Pretty sure he knew it too. He went to Empire Field Days yesterday morning about 7-1 with dh and another friend (who drove). At 1:55 -I'd gone to town for dessert for our dinner with dfriends last night- he texted me and asked, "What time are we leaving?" (He had a dentist appointment at 4 and we had to have him to his house in Spencerport by 3:30). I told him, "Exactly 1 hour from now. And where might you be?" Answer, "At the playground" and I answered ok. So at 3 I reached for my phone to ask him where he was -and received a text at the same time: "At my camper". So I told him I was on my way. It was 3:12 by the time I got around to his -much shorter out of the campground from our RV btw. He finally came out WITH A FRIEND. That's a big no-no. Told him he had to tell his mom and how late we were going to be -we were by about 10 minutes. Not sure if he's told her or not but I'm sure he will. Will ask him when he gets over here today. Sure he won't be happy with Grandma. He's really a good kid and easy to watch but he's at that age he wants his 'free to roam' time, especially here.

I moved a 3-tier small cart from the bedroom to beside my computer desk. Had to empty it first and put those things away. Great feeling of accomplishment when that was done.

We played dominoes with our friends last night. We'd had dinner much earlier and were home by 9:30. Usually it's 11 by the time we get home and in bed. For the first time ever I won. I consistently had very low scores at the end of each round, even though it looked early on in each round that "this is going to be the big one." We've been playing for several years now. They're leaving for Lazy Lakes toward Niagara Falls for 2 weeks and then on to 'reunion' of their friends from Their community in FL. Then on to Elkhart, IN to have repairs done to the suspension on their 5th wheel. Then on to FL, so we won't see them till sometime down there. They're about 50-60 miles from us down there, north of Clermont.
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Re: Thirsty Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:05 am

you are so sweet d dee! thank you.. I can feel the focus coming - oooops there it went - just kidding.
nice job on walk!

. Did a 'take' on the daily 'project' theme, mentioned by LadyM a couple of days ago. Completed my 'projects' for both of those days and for today. Now to keep up the trend.
what a great idea

glad you played dominoes with friends last night. sounds like fun

hi d lady! hope you have a wonderful day

I was going to go to the beach for a walk and go swim in the lake but it is supposed to storm this afternoon and I because I didn't do any work in the house I will have to focus on it being a home day even though I want to go play.
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Re: Thirsty Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Aug 10, 2017 1:04 pm

Thirsty for focus! I started researching in my pajamas this morning first thing and here I am still. Of course, it was rainy then and ddog never got her walk, now it looks nicer out.

LadyM said:
A subtraction facts worksheet that would normally take him less than 5 minutes to complete has dragged on for 28 minutes!
This was dd. Starting in third grade, I think, her homework would take hours....

I am going to work to fifteen before the next TOTH here. Get out the BGS!
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Re: Thirsty Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Aug 10, 2017 2:36 pm

Hi everyone! I am coming to the home stretch of the proxy form/report. I looked up shore excursions for my remaining traveling companion. She had booked one with the cancelled companion and wants to do something else. She might like the waterfalls hike with me. It's not that arduous or long, this is not the rappelling one.

Tonight is Girls' Night Out with DD15 and I don't know what to feed her. Had Chinese the last two times. I have four errands: library, purchase some underpants, groceries, and dollar store. If I am lucky, DD will want to go to the library. Gotta have books for my travel! Also have two DPCs.

Yesterday's animal org meeting went ok, we need to do some serious fundraising if we want to be around in three years. Because I had 40 minutes of free time before that I took a long walk, where I rescued a dog from a hot car. Now, I have one more chore on my list: write the company where the car was parked. It was an auto parts store and an employee was helping someone outside where we both heard the dog. He wanted me to ignore it! Went inside to report it to a different employee. I was hoping they would simply page the store and the owner would get it. No help there, he told me to deal with it myself by taking a picture of the license and calling the cops. So I took the picture, where I was berated by the customer outside because "they have a baby and they have car trouble". And would vet bills help? Are babies happy when their dogs die? (FWIW, my last car trouble involved getting cats out of a car fire). I went back inside to call the cops, where the employees still ignored me. One of the customers said, "She's calling the cops!" and FINALLY the owners acknowledged the situation. They wanted to know, "Why are you doing this?" I told them I didn't know what else to do and to bring the dog in. I waited until they had the dog inside and left. I was a little worried that I would be followed, but no one did. I am not sure anyone from the store would have noticed or cared if I was followed, so I went straight to a busy street. I intend to write the manager of the store and their corporate office to tell them they have an employee training issue. The proper response to a crime in your parking lot is not to ignore it and expect others to do the same. This could have been solved by pushing an intercom button. I have never before been worried for my safety in an auto parts store, but this whole place turned against me, employees and customers.

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Re: Thirsty Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Aug 10, 2017 2:59 pm

Elizabeth, I would have done the same thing. Good for you. What was the outdoor temp?

I am making progress. At 4 p.m. I am going to go to the store for some snacks for dmom and go visit her.

I'm working on desk day type things now.
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Re: Thirsty Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:42 pm

I went to beach all on my own - I didn't swim but I took a walk along the beach and went up to my shorts in the water - goal to come back next week to swim
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Re: Thirsty Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:55 pm

Spent the morning and into the afternoon focused on refugee donation stuff. Teaching the person (Church Musician) in charge of donations how to use the Google spreadsheets. She had her iPad, I had my computer and dh joined us with his laptop. So we were able to demonstrate how all three of us could edit the document at the same time. It freaked her out to see it changing on my screen with neither or us touching the keyboard, but she understood. Then dh wrote us a great linked spreadsheet so as an item donated it gets marked as donated on the second spreadsheet as well but all personal info (where/who/when to pick up) is removed.

She has a plan in place now and understands what she is to do. I think she is feeling good about things now. It was not understanding that made her feel incompetent.

She went to leave and I noted her purse.

It is very expensive but I am considering buying one for myself. It will hold a larger cell phone but keeps all the features of the purse I'm using now. All while looking more attractive. It is more like wearing a scarf, then a purse. And the leather is butter soft and wonderful!

Here's a link:

This sat here for a while because I've been watching videos.

Funny thing, I need a larger purse to hold a new cell phone but if I buy this one, I won't be able to afford a new cell phone!

I will say that my 2 bag combo (smaller x-body worn mini purse, tucked into a larger tear-drop sling bag that is designed to carry a fair bit, including my bullet journal) together cost the same as one of these and this is much nicer and leather compared to nylon. BUT it won't hold my bullet journal so I really have to consider this a replacement for the small bag.

CM wears her bag under her sweater/jacket. It is more like have extra pockets than a purse so doesn't look bulky when worn under the clothes.

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