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Postby lucylee » Sat Aug 19, 2017 10:42 pm

Just ci so y'all know I'm alive.
Allergies/cold are really acting up and I've been lazy all day.
Got some Krispy Kreme eclipse doughnuts -- chocolate glaze. I haven't even tried one yet.
Dgs and I decluttered a bunch of broken 1980s era GI Joes. Don't tell me they're worth $ -- we saved some but a bunch are going out in the trash tomorrow.
Dgs is in the tub.

Dgs just said if I pulled the "privacy screen" (shower curtain) he could splash without messing up the floor.
I did... came back to the phone... google search/address bar says: No pull privacy screen
Wow. I had NO IDEA Siri was listening.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby blessedw2 » Sat Aug 19, 2017 10:58 pm

well done getting rid of those d lucy!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Harriet » Sat Aug 19, 2017 11:50 pm

Ya'll made me feel better, just knowing I could post such a slice-of-life with so many complaints and anyone would listen :lol: . Truth be told, I did have something of a recuperation day today. The one thing I was determined to do was P. O. and I got there at 11:30, well before the Sat pickup, and still heard the letters drop into the big blue box with nothing under them. Sigh. I guess they picked up way early?

Dd says life is good. She ate with some friends last night. Slept well after she finally used America's Funniest Home Videos re-runs to wind down and relax. Still pretty hot there. She says the aquarium can't come until all the moving days are over for everybody, and I agree with that.

Kathryn, that's a wonderful account. Happy for you on your adventure.

Tobias has been treated like an invalid in some ways. Last night I got fed up with him constantly on guard in the LR/DR. His eyelids kept drooping but he kept waking himself up, never potty-ing, never eating or drinking. By evening, this had been 20 hours without a catnap and that's just wrong.

I fixed up a miniature "world" for him beside our bed - water dish and one of the disposable potty trays we keep for when houseguests come. Also his "couch" from the LR (cat bed to keep him off furniture). I carried him in there, put him so awkwardly in front of the tray that he would have to make a decision! Finally after looking all around he pottied but wouldn't drink, wouldn't move further, staring at the door/hallway. We closed the door behind us and pushed a towel under it to block any light! I picked him up and put him into his couch and he stayed there near me all night and I don't believe he moved until dawn, when he got up with HRH and did finally drink water.

Today has been better, but he's still clingy. Has eaten. Dstepson came over today, watched him for a while and listened to our account of all this and he says don't be surprised if something's in the house!!! :? He also reminded us that a month ago a black bear was sighted a mile away and its footprints much closer. :| He asked, suppose a black bear walked nearby to a house in the night, to the point a housecat could catch the scent - what would the behavior of that cat look like? Hmmm... ..

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Aug 19, 2017 11:52 pm

Off to bed now.

The hotel was hit by lightening last weekend and there's no internet in the rooms (or phones and half the TVs are dead, plus the fan in our room.)

We had dinner at the Chinese buffet across the street and then went out to the observatory. It was wonderful. There was a gorgeous sunset, then we saw Jupiter through the telescope. We watched a film on Saturn and then another produced by the volunteers at the observatory about observing the eclipse in Lincoln. After the film they handed out eclipse glasses so we are good to go now. Finally, we had a chance to see Saturn. I never tire of seeing it!

There's a lightening storm we watched at the observatory and on the drive home. Apparently it is a good ways away but reminded me that we are due for rain tomorrow so we brought up our raincoats from the car.

I've sent out my travelogs and we'll head up to bed now. It is a bit of a walk back to the room.

The room itself is a blast from the past since it is just like the room we had in Long Beach every time we went to stay while dh worked down there.

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