Still Here Saturday

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Still Here Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Oct 28, 2017 8:48 am

Sometimes, simply making it through the week is a huge accomplishment!

Today's PWYC celebrates those who are still here, carrying on no matter what is thrown at them.

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Re: Still Here Saturday

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Oct 28, 2017 9:05 am

Amen, Kathryn.

Been re-composing any lists. Boy, there's a lot of things to complete each day.

DS-R should be here any time now to put on our AC covers. Dh is out doing winterizations. One bad part of some RV's is the fact that manufacturers never counted in the possibility of decks put on like they are here. And the "low point drains" on many are under the camper on the deck side -meaning dh has to crawl under all of those to get the water drained. That part is not fun. Others he has down to a science and get a lot of them done in under 30 minutes. If they have an icemaker or dishwasher or perhaps a washer, makes the job much harder. We, thankfully, have none of those. Besides! We were given a portable ice maker when we paid the 1,000s of $$ for this model. Big deal! ;) And actually we gave that to DS-R as we figured they would use it a lot more during the summer and they do.

I'm trying to figure out how to get the remaining water out of our K eurig. The water dispenser is solidly attached. Any remaining would freeze in here and ruin the coffee maker -I know because that's happened more than once. I could take it with us....but then, that's one more thing to cart back and forth. Can only hope by tipping it upside down any water will come out.

Off to get my day going. Have to remember to reserve time to make scalloped onions for church later this afternoon. Want to leave here around 4:15 (have to stop at DS-A's with all their freezer/fridge stuff, etc). Also have to contact dgd22 to see if they still plan to go to the smorgasbord with us. Not sure what her status will be as far as her other Grandma's family.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Still Here Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Oct 28, 2017 9:23 am

Good morning SHEville!

I'm up. Not exactly at it.

Didn't post yesterday, there wasn't really time.

Dh was up at 4 a.m. for a conference call. I went back to sleep and got up at 6.

I needed to be out of the apartment by 7:45 and ds emailed at 7:07 asking to spend the day sleeping at our place. I granted permission, warning ds he couldn't start the washer until after 8 because his dad was on the conference call in the kitchen (our office shares a wall with our neighbour's bedroom so he doesn't do conference calls in it during regular sleeping hours.) And I said I wouldn't see him. I didn't. Dh had a nice visit though.

Dd called just after the email exchange. She was warning me that dsil was sick from a cold that he thought he got from dgs and while dgs was well enough to go to playgroup, I didn't have to come if I didn't want to expose myself. I hemmed and hawed for a bit since I can't afford the time to be sick but really, really, wanted to go and won't be able to go again for many weeks so said I'd come.

Got off on time and took 2.5 times as long to get to the highway but once there, the highway was free flowing so I was about 10 minutes early to dd's. Dgs showed me that he knows how to buckle his car seat. He isn't strong enough to do it but he knows which pieces go where! This could be helpful in the future since, while I know the car seat, I don't know the stroller or the high chair straps!

Playgroup was lots of fun but exhausting. I was learning the ropes so I can take him on my own and dd will then take the car and run errands. Plus she can take out big toys from the toy library if we have the car. Dgs nursed twice while we were there so it will be interesting to see how he'll do without being able to shut down to nurse (I think it was being overwhelmed, not thirst.) There is a quiet room off the main room and I can take him in there for a snuggle if that's what he needs. The time is organized, 1 hour of free time and cleanup, snack (about 15 minutes), transition back to free time followed by full cleanup (30 minutes) and then circle time (15 minutes.)

He didn't want to do circle time but I gave him his shoe to play with while singing to him and doing some of the actions and he was engaged even though he wasn't doing the actions himself (he is often engaged without appearing to be engaged, but then again, I'm used to that because ds was the same way - I think by focusing on one simple task, he can tune out all other distractions except the singing, I'm guessing that's how fidget spinners work for older kids.) We went for a long walk after so he could nap in the stroller and then went grocery shopping because he woke up on the drive home. That was useful since I needed heavy stuff like soda water.

I dropped her at home and phoned dh to leave the shopping cart for me in our parking spot so I could bring up all I had bought.

I put those things away and then had my lunch. I decided a nap was in order and dh joined me. Then I s2s for my appointment for the Holter monitor and dressed for the evening. Thankfully I took an extra top because the one I had chosen didn't have a high enough neck and 2 leads were showing.

We had a lovely dinner out, hit the bank to get cash for today and as I put it away I realized I had failed to transfer the cash I had got in the morning last night's tickets from my jeans to my purse so I was relieved to have needed to get cash for tonight. It would have been embarrassing to arrive without enough money! (note to self, go get that cash right now!)

The concert was excellent and fun (for me). The singer is an amazing song writer and I love her lyrics and her voice. Her guitar player is a friend, really scary and tough looking but hunted me down to give me a hug before the concert started. One of the songs was announced 'for Kathryn' because it was about refugees! Thankfully I sat with our tenor friend because dh (who was working the door) didn't join me once it started. It turned out our car had been hit in the parking lot and dh was too upset about that to enjoy the evening.

The damage isn't bad, the car is fully driveable and I do not notice any shaking or increased road noise. It was a truck that hit us on the side above the rear tire and the bumper was high enough that it only hit the one panel, even missing the rear door. Ours is a small car so to hit the only place on the side where damage would be so inconsequential is a miracle. But still, the car was pristine before that and dh is very upset.

It was hit by a fellow member of our church so that adds to the conflict. Because we are a one car family and because we can't afford to be without a car now do to prep for the refugees, we'll have to run it through our insurance because we'll need a rental while the car is being worked on. And since paint is broken, that will have to be in the next few weeks before snow comes (and they start salted the roads.) Of course, if we claim it, then 1) our insurance will likely rise in the future (one of our discounts is 'no claims') and 2) the value of the car will decrease since the repair will be listed on its registration so any future buyer will see it has been repaired (but not know the circumstances of the accident.) We have the insurance information of the man who hit us.

(In my head, I'm going through scenarios where I make the man who hit us move all the items from the church to the apartment for me as a consequence for his taking our car out of commission. You can see how I think like a Mom in all things!)

We got home at 10:30 but I wasn't to bed until 11:30 because I needed to come down off the highs of the day. I didn't get to sleep until almost 2 because the smell of the adhesive on the leads irritates me. Finally I pulled the blanket right up to my neck to trap the off-gassing away from my head and fell asleep. Woke up at 5, dozed until 6:15 and then gave up for the night. I can't use the microwave, electric tooth brush or electric blanket (so I think my heating pad must be out as well.) That means I have to get dh to heat up bean bags for me and in the middle of the night I didn't want to wake him up to do so after the one he did before bed cooled down. I'm sure the extra aching was part of my trouble getting to sleep.

We need to leave here, on foot we think, in 30 minutes. We are walking to the luncheon to 1) get steps in, it is almost 2 miles away), 2) deliberately trigger my heart issues so they'll be captures on the monitor and 3) if we are walking we won't be able to buy anything large at the silent auction!

I still have to s2s so will fly now. Won't be back online until the late afternoon.

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Re: Still Here Saturday

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Oct 28, 2017 9:51 am

Busy, busy, Kathryn! It
turned out our car had been hit in the parking lot and dh was too upset about that to enjoy the evening.
Oh do know this scenario! At least you know who hit you. I was the one more upset than dh. It was a bit difficult without any car but we made out. We had decided not to go the insurance route and the guy who owns the collision shop wouldn't charge us because "You're family" -not really but evidently he feels we are. Ended up giving him a $50 tip. So that was a really cheap fix. Insurance would have ended up being $3-$4,000 at least because we would have ended up replacing that whole panel all the way around the back. He just got the dent out, sanded and painted. Can't even tell. He also fixed a couple of spots on my door where evidently others had hit it with their door(s).

DS-R has been here -gave him all the stuff to go to their house. While I was outside I started puttering on the deck. Next thing I knew, the whole deck is done except for sweeping! Even have the fridge emptied but need to wipe it out. Dh unplugged it and it'll soon be ready to be wrapped (after we prop the door open. So, I can cross several things off our 'closing list'.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Still Here Saturday

Postby Harmony » Sat Oct 28, 2017 12:03 pm

I'm still here. Stiff and sore but I'm here.

Kathryn, how awful to have your car hit. Could one of the others on the r. committee move the furniture for you?

I got those last 2 big window panels down. Then I helped bring all the panels around to the back shop doors where DH stored them. I put the big bin of fittings all separated nicely into individual containers with a master list up on a top shelf for next time (which I sincerely hope never happens). DH is working on the sidewalk bolts that wouldn't go back in. He had to go buy another tool & die part.

Fwew! That's enough for me. I'm all done in. Going to get in the shower and maybe clean up the kitchen and take a rest. Now I have another job on my list. The whole outside of the house needs cleaned and the windows. I have wasp nests to treat. The frogs and lizards weren't happy that I moved them when I uncovered the windows.

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Re: Still Here Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Oct 28, 2017 12:58 pm

    up late bc a low in the nite
    Start dishwasher next x
    Payroll starts in 5 min.
    rock drop done

Have a great day.

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Re: Still Here Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Oct 28, 2017 3:31 pm

There are lots of people to move furniture and stuff for me, but I still have to be out at the country church to tell them what to bring and then I have to be at the apartment in order to let people in to unload their trucks.

The issue is that people cannot visualize a 10 x 12 living/dining room so will be bringing not just what we asked for but extra 'treasures' as well. I don't want to move to treasures to the new place and up 3 flights of stairs (no elevator) when I can just move what we need and the rest gets sent to a thrift store. But I can short circuit things even more by being at the church when people bring their small treasures to donate.

For the next 4 weeks I'll be relying heavily on the car. It is a bother only having one when something like this happens. It isn't as if I now have to juggle my car use with dh. We simply have no other vehicle to use. Thankfully ours can be driven until the day it goes in for repair and then we'll have a rental. At least I think we will, we have a replacement vehicle rider on the policy but we have to make sure that's for comprehensive as well as collision claims.

It was a 30 minute walk to the charity luncheon. We walked as fast as I could and I kept pressing the button when things were changing. My neck/shoulder got sore at one point and that hasn't gone away. I'll have to get dh to do a bean-bag for me.

The lunch was good, the presentation really interesting and included a video greeting from the Trudeau's wife thank us for all our work. Canada has a policy of directing aid to women and children so TEMBO fits the current government's aid strategy, although we get no government funding at all.

I bought a gift certificate for the theatre.

It took 90 minutes to walk back. I am tired so was moving much more slowly and we were stopped 4 times for long conversations with residents we passed along the way home. There is 5 - 6 days of dreary weather moving in so people were out for walks all over the place.

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Re: Still Here Saturday

Postby cats » Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:23 pm

Kathryn if the other guy has insurance go through his insurance it should also provide for a rental car. and it does not affect your insurance going up at all... I had my car hit we eexchange insurance we use her insurance to fix our car and we didn't have to turn it in to ours since her insurance took care of everything.
so my insurance never did go up

everyone making good progress, so far I haven't done anything today except visit with sister at the libray book sale
got gas come home and been sitting every since.

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Re: Still Here Saturday

Postby Harriet » Sat Oct 28, 2017 6:26 pm

Hello, cats, good to see you!

Oh, sorry, In Canadas! I hope it's not a complicated fix for your car. Yes, that's remarkable it's only one panel. Also now reading about the sore shoulder - hope that's temporary. A mini-pillow?

I picked dd up at school and we shopped some. The awful WMart between us and the college was a difficult place, but we managed some things. The very things we went for - not so much. At least we were in and out quickly since it was such a non-welcoming place. (Even the lighting kept changing, cashier was never taught how to accept a check as person in front of us wanted, etc., stocks were low) We are so spoiled by the one close to home.

Back here, dd is on her second load of laundry and working in her room. I'm doing more organizing of "office and other" as Focus calls it. HRH is mowing. Next up visiting colorist.

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Re: Still Here Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Oct 28, 2017 6:54 pm

Harriet - Thank you for the book recommendations!!

Yesterday was busy from top to bottom of the day.
** Homeschool lessons
** Mammogram for me. After multiple years of being called back for additional tests (sonogram & biopsy), it was a relief for them to not find anything.
** Shopping at HLobby seeking art projects for DS9 to do. I found 3 of them and am looking forward to having them incorporated into his homeschool lessons.
** Shopping for DS9 winter pants. ARGH! He is too big for youth sizes but the men sizes swamp him. The hunt continues......
** Shopping for DS9 Halloween costume. I found adult onesie type costume and bought a men's small and hoped it would work. IT DID! It fits him perfectly. BIG RELIEF. It didn't have a mask like kids costumes do, so I bought paint for his face and hair.
** Shopping for DGS11 and DS9 main Christmas gift. I bought something that I KNOW they will love but I need to check with DS/DDIL before giving it to DGS11. I am not sure they will approve. If they don't approve, then I will return the gift and find something else.

Today I have been a complete slug. I did cook meals but otherwise, I have been reading a book for hours. I guess I will count today as my weekly day of rest.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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