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Postby DeeClutter » Fri Nov 17, 2017 9:15 am

Before US Thanksgiving. Do you have things to do before the weekend or in preparation for next week -no matter where you are. I know I do!

Slept halfway decent last night. Been up since before 7. Think today I'll work on the laundry room & get that more organized & ready to receive some 'dash & stash'. Wishing we had said 'no' to going to Parrish for euchre tomorrow. Means we'll lose a whole day. Have to leave about 9 & won't be home till after 6. Mainly doing it for dh. I shouldn't have to play (thank goodness) but dh and dd are. I'd like to stay home and just putter. It's an opportunity to see several people from our campgrounds and dh is much more of a 'social butterfly' than I am I guess. One of the main reasons we're going is that this gal lost her dh earlier this year and we know how lonely she is. She's always so grateful for all the things that dh manages to do for her at the campground. So we feel somewhat obligated. But come next year think we'll just tell her we can't do the November or December dates. DD has too little time off and there's always too much to do.

Know we need to go do some grocery shopping for next week and how I dread it! Guess we better put our list together tonight and figure on tomorrow evening. Ack!

I bought frozen eclairs for our dish to take tomorrow. Dsonil saw them and is having a hard time not opening them. Had no idea he was so fond of them. Guess what he's getting for Christmas.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Nov 17, 2017 9:41 am

happy day to you d dee!
hope your day out of the house is a good one!

hello everyone - You all were so busy yesterday!!! Good job!!!

My day, yesterday, was productive but expensive but its done.
I did buy dd younger a present for Christmas too.
Got soup, salad, treat for d sil who had surgery yesterday and dropped it out side her door
d mom, dd younger and I had a lovely time. Time goes by so fast.

today is a part home day and a part out day. Going to zoo lights with d sil's d br ils, d nieces and d nephews and dd younger.

take care all
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Nov 17, 2017 10:19 am

I'm running late.

Rough night but am feeling better now than I did in the night so being up is a good idea. I need to be fed and ready to go in 20 minutes, though. Not gonna happen.

The concert ran late because the audio and video got out of sync on the film. We actually had to miss a section of it. The conductor was delightful and we ended up taking an early and longer intermission. The music was wonderful but somehow we got front row seats again and for this that was very uncomfortable because our necks were tilted back to see the screen. On the other hand, we had full view of the conductor because we were off to one side, and of the pianist and large string section. It does give a private concert feel to the evening.

On the way there, W called to invite us over. We'll try and get there tonight. We've also invited him to join us tonight out in the village for another concert.

Lucylee: dd lives about 20 - 40 minutes away depending on traffic. I allow 30 minutes most days, 40 during rush hour. Dh managed to take over an hour one day during rush hour by trying a different route. We know better now (but it was picturesque!) It takes 45 minutes by bus now, will take longer when the train is finished as then it will be bus/train/bus until 2022 when the train will come to our transit station, then it will be bus/train. Her community will never get a train because it isn't populated enough.

Dh and I try to both visit once a week (normally Sunday after church) and then I am often over there another day each week to help out somehow. But not every week.

Harmony: is there any way you can invite yourselves to ddil's family Thanksgiving? Since they timed it so you can't have anything with them that day, perhaps they can set the table for 2 more so you get to enjoy the day with your family. Otherwise, yes this is very disappointing.

Gotta run now. I have a doctor's appointment at 11 out in the village my senior friend lives in. Not because of the cold but to find out what is happening with all these test results. I have two more tests next week, as well.

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Postby Nancy » Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:10 am

I am up have fed the animals. I am working on a desk tidy up now. Sort of slow going as I need to decide the best place for the books and notebooks. Sigh. Some progress has been made so tjat helps yea!

Journaling is done.

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Postby lucylee » Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:18 am

Oh ! I now see that was HARMONY who is serving as b&b for children! I read that thinking it was Kathryn and that's why I was confused.
It is so difficult to manage everyone's schedules when children are grown.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:23 am

I had a decent time at dh's client event last night, got home around 9 p.m. so it wasn't a late evening.

I've been puttering away at my Pro Gen assignment and now that I've transcribed the document and understand it better I don't know if that's the research question I want to pursue, because it seems pretty apparent now. Henry's daughter Elizabeth was married to Nathaniel and they were basically disowned in Henry's will, receiving only $5, although land, slaves and other property was left to daughter Elizabeth's heirs. Perhaps I'll move to another research question on the same document: were the three witnesses, who all had another last name, related to Henry, and if so, how?

I can't say this is a bad cold at all. I slept without the CPAP last night because of a tickling throat and cough all night.

I need to get the house ready for the dcleaning lady. She's coming late because she's doing another house first.

I'll skip services tonight in favor of keeping my cold at home.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby Harmony » Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:45 am

Yes, Lucylee, it is me with the wonky computer and the messed up Thanksgiving schedule. I've decided I will make the turkey breast and ham ahead of time and just make a lunch for everybody. Then I will make some sweet potatoes for us for later and some gravy. It's going to be paper plates this year. One dessert and maybe some chocolate pudding with almond milk for DGS who can't do dairy.

We're friendly with DSiL's family and some other years we've been invited to things and we've had them here. One year they invited us just for dessert after when a lot of their neighbors and friends also came. But I don't really feel "close" with them iykwim so just as happy not to go. DH likes to get up and cook a big breakfast, but I'll have to tell him not to do that this year as it's too much food shoved into the same time slots.

Well, about all the accusations happening... my DD tells us the girls in teen / pre-teen years are very active, dressing provocatively, acting in inappropriate ways. The pendulum has shifted, lots of times now it is the boys who must say no. With the culture the way it is, movies, songs, fashion (tight shirts and pants and short skirts) should any of us be surprised at the way things are going? They seem to want to flaunt it with no consequences.

Anyway, house is looking good. I will keep doing things.

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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:47 am

ordered thanksgiving flowers for d young couple - they will be delivered tomorrow hopefully
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:49 am

hi d harmony
hi d twins
hi d lucy
hi d nancy
hi d kathryn
hi d dee

and all that follow
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Elizabeth » Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:51 am

Good morning everyone! It was homework for DD15 last night. We had to eat in due to $$$ and I tried to broil a steak in my < 1 year old stove. Broil does not work or I didn't do it right. Finished it up in the oven and she liked it. It was a LOT later for dinner than usual. I'm glad I did not let her waste time until dinner, a pattern she is attempting to establish that I am ENDING. She did ok on Monday's exams despite the stress of Tiki's death. Lara needs a vet trip for her skin. I could not get a Benadryl in her this morning. Dance practice accomplished and one and only one short jigsaw puzzle done. The puzzle temptation is removed until next billing cycle because I have used 75% of my high speed data. Because I could not be tempted, I got to bed at a reasonable hour.

Today, at payroll, I must change the sorting on a report. The clients think this is very difficult and were worried that in the future it will need to be changed. Not so - maybe an hour, at most. If it changes in the future, probably the same.

About those older guys dating younger women: don't forget that many mothers encouraged their girls seek out older men to "marry up". In fact, as recently as 2014, my own mother suggested that I come to an "arrangement" with an older man. Actually said I should just live with one. Her theory was that I would eventually marry and be left a rich widow. In reality, rich old men don't look for gold digging bimbos to take care of them, they ask their MDs for RNs. They also have phalanxes of lawyers to protect their assets from gold digging bimbos. AND to complete the picture, in a community property state like mine, any DEBTS acquired during a marriage belong equally to the spouse, but any ASSETS can be willed to his own heirs. Working for the state does not pay well, but it's not so bad that prostitution becomes attractive!

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