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Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 19, 2017 3:58 pm

I am so happy for your dd d dee ! It's such a nice feeling to invite everyone to your home!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Nov 19, 2017 4:10 pm

Dee: dh and ds are driving to Toronto and then flying to Iceland for 3.5 days. I hope they have a good time.

I went to visit dd. The driving was wet so messy with lots of road spray, but not dangerous. Of course, I left 2 hours after they had and by then the snow had stopped.

Ds and I played, we had lunch, I encouraged him to play on his own while his mother and I checked out wagons and then it was time for him to go down for his nap so I left.

Went to Costco because I finished up the yogurt today. Also got salad and berries and a few other things. Remembered I needed more black tights so picked those up. Picked up milk (so there will be some for dh when he gets home, I won't drink up what was already here before he gets back) and lots of butter. I think I might do some of the Christmas baking while he's away and pop it into the freezer.

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Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 19, 2017 4:17 pm

today is a creative day for me as I started so late.
first though planning day
tomorrow I start with outside decorating for Christmas lights and garland (hopefully)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Nov 19, 2017 4:21 pm

Thanksgiving meal with church family went smoothly. We didn't run out of food this year but there wasn't a lot left so will document that this was the right amount of meat to cook again next year. (assuming our congregation doesn't change in size between now and then).

DD canceled taking DS9 to a holiday event this evening. DS9 had to work through his disappointment. He knows not to expect her to do what she says but sometimes we all forget. I reminded DS9 that he can attend the event when we go to it in a couple weeks.

I am taking a break this afternoon. I will have both kids all week (no public school this week). It is going to be a busy week so I would like to start it rested and relaxed.

But first I want to research gum with no dye. DS9 tic that has his jaw going side to side causes tears on the inside skin of his mouth. Chewing gum helps with keeping his upper & lower teeth apart so it doesn't tear his skin. All the gum we have on hand had food dye. ARgh.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 19, 2017 4:53 pm

I am so happy that your thanksgiving dinner went brilliantly d lady.
sweet ds9 (lots of love to him - glad he will be able to go with you soon)

spilled a whole cup of coffee on my cards :shock:

checking account balanced :D
Menu planned and grocery list made
ate out with dd older (missing dd younger and d mom already)
pulling out my needlepoint.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Harriet » Sun Nov 19, 2017 10:13 pm

LadyM - look up the reviews on Spry chewing gums and see what you think about the various reasons people choose it. This is my ds' gum of choice. I think one of the benefits is no colorings - not positive about that.

Twins' Mom that's an amusing (if somewhat alarming) start to our day. Thanks. About a UTI that gets to the point of that much pain WHILE someone is in a care situation... ummm mm... .. that would not inspire my confidence in their attention.

I would have liked to post today but I have been needed in my grandmother capacity and Mom capacity both.

ToddlerC has an ear infection, and had to go to UC today, so she's been over here briefly at the door twice - first to tell us that she has a boo-boo but it will be fine. Then to tell us her boo-boo is better. In between times (3 hours - a long wait for a toddler), we grandparents contributed by having her big brother stay with us. He watched racing, played with the neighbor dog until they were both exhausted, helped with chicken chores, etc. Definitely out of his norm, except for a little arts-and-crafts of making a get-well card for sister. As we walked back in after the after-dark chores, he said, "you know, my Daddy is taking a long time (pause) but I don't care because I get to stay with you."

And all the while, dd was home - just this afternoon. Long story as to why. She took an on-line mathematics test in the bedroom, and brought her grade up enough to come out and give her nephew a high-five and spin him around the room. Then after the UC dust settled around here, i drove her back. That's difficult, but at least while I'm driving I don't have other responsibilities. I guess that sounds crazy, but having to drive means I couldn't take other responsibilities if I tried, so I can forgive myself more. Plus long talks while riding are good for both of us.

And tomorrow, ds must attend a municipal meeting and ddil can't get out of work either, so there's nothing for it except for me to volunteer. I'll stay with toddlerC for 3 hours then and it needs to be at their house. Sigh. And she will be feeling under the weather yet wide awake. We do what we must. Following, I need to go with HRH to drop off various papers, and he has an evening visitation after the death of an old friend. So I'm "covered up" for the first day of this week of trying to get ready for houseguests and for Angel Tree on Sunday, which will find me staying way after usual time.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Nov 19, 2017 10:42 pm

Watched a movie and then a ton of youtube videos.

Ate dinner at 9. At least I cooked myself a healthy dinner.

The dishes are all cleaned up and I think I'll go to be now.

I've used more data than usual this month on my cell phone. I usually try to limit myself to $3 of data each month (I'm on a pay as you go account so I only pay $15 for texting and then talk and data is extra, usually well under $5 per month.) Dd posted on FB that our provider had a special on today, buy one batch of data, get 2x as much. So I bought more data, talk time (that's ridiculous, I'll never use it all up) and US data since these things don't expire and I'll be going to the US at some point after a regime change. For $75 I'm set for almost 2 years of data and probably 5 years of talk minutes, plus the US data.

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Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 19, 2017 11:26 pm

I am enjoying my new magnifying light - I can actually see the needlepoint easily - never thought this day would come but it works. I had so much fun working on it.

dd older is here overnight - I think she knew we would miss dd younger and d mom. dh is, (particularly), not liking the quiet - he keeps asking me how I am doing? very sweet but is starting to drive me a bit bonkers - he is a quiet man at night so this is unusual for him - during the day he can't keep quiet though lol. He has asked me multiple times "how are you doing?" with his hands in pockets and a large smile. :D

well done an such a nice healthy dinner d kathryn

hi d harriet i hope your little toddlers ear infection gets better fast - but oh so cute how she told you about her boo boo. how fun to have her big brother there at your home. How sweet what you d grandson said! nothing better. Wonderful about your dd and the on line math test.
I hope this week is a good one and not stressful. I know the Angel tree is always a busy time for you too.

Good all dear ones.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Nancy » Mon Nov 20, 2017 12:20 am

We watched Longmire the last season on Net flicks this weekend. My ear was acting up a bit. I walked with the dog. The crock pot chicken n dumplins were a hit. It is windy swept leaves off the deck. The owl is still in the tree. Got eggs boiled and peeled for lunches.

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Postby lucylee » Mon Nov 20, 2017 12:51 am

Oh, (((Harriet's ToddlerC))).
And (((Harriet)))
so there's nothing for it except for me to volunteer. ... We do what we must.

Yes. That was our story today. DGD obviously out of sorts, feeling a little too warm, dh noticed her limping so yes, the arthritis IS bothering her, and all she wanted to do was be held. Much crying when she was not held. DGS has been out of sorts since last night, for the most part, and still has some coughing/sniffling going on, so neither of them were much for any suggestions that went contrary to their own wishes.
DS out of town, and ddil participating in church activities, which always thrills me, b/c I so hope that eventually she will begin to feel more a part of things and make friends she can call her own, apart from us and our own connections.

At any rate, they were here until after noon, and then returned around 4:30 pm. I
In the meantime, the reporter friend whom I mentioned sometime in an earlier post, showed up to interview dh and look at his football programs and ticket stubs. He stayed almost two hours. He has known dh since he was a manager for his football teams, probably when he was in middle school, so they have a long friendship.
While he was here, mercifully, dgd was quite content to sit in my lap and listen to them talk, while dgs was overcome with shyness and basically hid out for the entire time. LOL.

I must have had the phone on silent, b/c just as we were starting to take them home, I noticed that dcrazy uncle had called.
Called him back. He wanted to know if I ever returned to him the photos he had brought to me of his grandfather and grandfather's second wife. I really don't know why any of us care much about these photos, but I had scanned them, and since I couldn't find the originals anywhere here, I figured I had already returned them to him.
But I looked... with dgd whining and crying and fussing, and dgs & dh whining and fussing at each other ;) ... and duncle (who is childless, btw) telling me that I "really should cut back on that (babysitting so much)."
* See Harriet's quote above. We do what we must. I explained to duncle that ds was out making a living, and ddil was out supporting the church in community Thanksgiving service, and ... sometimes things can't be helped.
Called dmom to see if I had left the pictures with her, since she sees duncle more often than I do. No...
Called duncle back, told him I would look more tomorrow, was on my way to Wmart at the time.
BEFORE I GOT TO WMART -- d?uncle calls back. VERY dear aunt had found the pictures. Right there at their house.
Shaking my head.

Deposited 2/3 of my troubles at ds's house ;)
(DH is whining and fussing b/c his arthritis is killing him, also, and he was just exhausted from all the activity of the weekend.)
Put away groceries...
Put away dishes in dishwasher...

WHEW. Ready to relax a bit. Sheesh.

You are all in my thoughts. I am too tired to come up with clear thoughts to respond at this point.
Tomorrow is another day.

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