In Motion Monday

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 20, 2017 7:58 pm

I'm home. Long day, I was gone over 9 hours. I'm exhausted.

Got there late. Had to come back up to the apartment for the papers I had printed off, only to discover they had not printed at all.

So I got to the apartment late to pick up W & R.

Their settlement meeting went well but took 2 hours. I have a short to-do list from it. As expected, the other team has not talked money so W & R have no clue and are uneasy about expenses. I talked a bit to them about it at lunch.

Then we did a furniture store. Last night, their bedframe broke. Sigh... So we bought a new one. Thankfully it fit in the car. W was exhausted because he'd been up since 4 when the frame broke.

We then did IKEA for the sheets (after discussing how they make a bed, turns out it is the European way) and a water jug. Turns out they gave the one they had back to the other team for some reason. That's two items that were in the apartment that are no longer in the apartment, so they've purchased new. Again, if they understood their financial situation, that may not have happened.

We hit a dollar store for a few things and the electric store for a universal plug adapter. Now they can charge their cell phones and laptop! (Shaking my head at that one, why they came without an adapter, I don't know but they cost more here than in the Middle East.)

Finally back to the apartment. Took the bed apart, disassembled the broken frame, put together the new frame, went to the office to discuss what to do about the neighbour below. He won't tolerate any noise, so the sound of the box spring being placed on the floor or the sound of us sitting in the bedroom discussing how to assemble the frame brought about broomstick to the ceiling thumps. Their first morning at the apartment he stormed upstairs and banged on their door because they were so noisy (walking around the apartment in bare feet.) It is a wood frame building and sound carries, certainly his TV is on way loud but when it is at least he isn't banging on the ceiling (he did it when I was moving stuff in too.)

As instructed by the office, we put the complaint in writing. I wrote it out, read it to W and he signed it.

I left at 5:50 and still hit rush hour traffic so didn't get home until well after 6.

I'm not hungry (I was in the car and had a protein bar) but I have both leftovers from last night and falafels for my dinner tonight so when I am I'll be able to make up something quickly.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 20, 2017 7:59 pm

Blessed, if you are posting from a phone, there's no easy way to post a picture. You can email them to me (I'll leave you my email address in a PM) and I'll resize and post them for you.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 20, 2017 8:35 pm

thank you so much d kathryn! I think I did it right. Thank you again for your kind words.

I hope that the neighbour below, learns a little brotherly love and understanding for the family.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 20, 2017 8:37 pm

I cleaned the tops of the washer/dryer and front (but not side)
hand vacuumed laundry room floor and dusted under shelf
hand washed laundry room floor
managed some clutter (the washer and dryer is empty on top)
vacuumed vents
dusted laundry room walls
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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon Nov 20, 2017 10:23 pm

I have certainly been in motion today!
DH had doctor's appt (actually only say NP) for follow-up from the ablation procedure. They were very pleased with him and said if he felt he needed them, he could call, but otherwise to just see regular cardiologist as scheduled. (This NP works for the doctor who described himself as the heart "electrician," while (he said) the regular cardiologist is the heart "plumber." LOL).

We stopped at the drug store and two grocery stores on the way home, but I could not find the pre-chopped onion & green pepper mix I wanted, so did without and came on home.
Talked to ddil on phone. (Re: Tgiving day schedule)
Called AT&T, who assured me I will get a refund check in 30-60 days. (They overcharged on final bill when we switched over to U-verse.)

Thought I might take a nap... but noooo...

Bank statement had arrived and reconciling it made me crazy. First I was off by $4.70. I have NO IDEA where that number came from, b/c when I started re-checking, it increased to more than $20. (DH said I better stop or all our money would be gone. :lol: )
This was ALL BECAUSE I did not check the next to the last page of the old register. :roll:
The last page had only one check that had not cleared for last statement, so when I checked it off, I thought that register was all accounted for. I had not turned down page for other outstanding checks, which I normally do when I complete a register.
Then I came up with a $26.97 debit card amount, dated 10/24, which was not in my current register. :oops:
Easy for me to believe I had left it out, b/c it was done at the school book fair, had dgrands and dfriend's grand with me, lots of commotion, crowded, hot, busy...
But when I re-entered it, did my math again all the way through, re-checked everything in statement and register again... then I was off BY $26.97.
TWINS, how on earth do accountants deal with stuff like this all the time??? I know lots of people are bound to be more haphazard than I am!
Anyway... had dh look at it. He was as perplexed as I was, but he said, "You're sure everything that has not cleared is after this date?"
I went back to the old register again, turned the page back, and immediately -- there it was. However, the transaction was actually made on 10/9. Why the bank didn't record it until 10/24, I have no idea. :roll:

I was exhausted after all that.
Called dmom...
Cooked supper... s/s kitchen...
Started laundry...
And now the washer is beeping at me already.

Grrrr... sounds like this neighbor is going to be trouble for the new friends, Kathryn. I wonder what his history was with previous over-head neighbors?

Dee -- sending good wishes for you & your gym trainer!
Unfortunately he's bringing back in more than he's taking out.

LOL. That sounds like ds! I don't think his "study" will EVER be straightened up and organized. It so sad, b/c it could be such a neat space. It's right off the front foyer, and it has no door to close it off -- so if anyone uses the front door, there it is -- looking like yesterday was moving day, and it's been 2 years. And we bought him a shadow box to put his dgfathers' letter sweaters and jackets in, with their photos playing football (almost 20 years apart and at two different schools in our county)... but it's still just leaning up against the wall, empty. :cry: :oops: Not my circus, right?

That is neat that you are preserving your dh's Christmas stocking in a shadow box, blessed.

Re: what blessed said about dd and pain disorder. That reminds me, dmom is complaining a lot with her back again. Doctor gave her Tylenol3 (right, the one with codeine in it?) And she said it is doing NOTHING for her. She's supposed to go back in February, but said she thinks she will have to call him for something different, at least through the busy-ness of the holidays.
She had been to the grocery store today, however, and was also doing laundry while we talked.

Cathy, that game sounds like fun! I don't know what five items I would take though... is there a price range you have to try to stay with, or size limits? Like, could I take five pairs of pants I had outgrown?

The genealogy work IS interesting, Twins... although some people would probably be a bit upset to see a NPE turn up on themselves...

(((Elizabeth))) Hugs re: having to change doctors. That is always stressful to me. (((HUGS)) also for the xBFF. I think I would tell her to get a hotel and "we'll see you when we see you." Just forget about coordinating travel to Mardi Gras events; let her & the bf get there the best way they can. This woman is just a big albatross around your neck. (Maybe you can drop her into the gulf during Mardi Gras? ;) ) (I'M JUST KIDDING!!!! But I wish she could find someone else to annoy and leave you alone.)

Hope ds9's appt went well, LadyM.
That reminds me too! I MUST encourage dmom to start back to massage therapy. I know that helped her when she was doing it.

Cranky customers... parking lot altercations... 'tis the season, huh? People are just stressed more as the holidays approach, sometimes.
OTOH -- I have to share -- between the two grocery store stops, I had two ladies hug me, and another squeezed my hand, while inquiring about dh's health and/or dgd's health. I love living in a small town.

Oh well... I guess I must go flip the laundry. Waving to ALL!!! :D
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Nov 20, 2017 10:35 pm

We are watching football. The pumpkin cake is in the freezer in tins for later it was yummy we sampled it before I froze it up. Another new recipe success. We hwd more rain this afternoon. I need to get on the exercise bike. I made good success on the swiffer covers I am making.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Nov 20, 2017 11:10 pm

I'm off to bed now. Sent a summary email of the day and answered one from my minister.

Lucylee: the previous tenant was only there a month. I wonder why?!?!

My cough is getting rather bad so I'll have to come up with a plan for tonight. I'll try Vicks on my feet. I'm good with old wive's remedies when they aren't life threatening!

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon Nov 20, 2017 11:26 pm

Lucylee: the previous tenant was only there a month. I wonder why?!?!

Yep. I can only imagine. Well, in this situation, perhaps your new friends will be waving good-bye to downstairs neighbor before too long (since they don't have so many options to just leave and let him have his silence. And loud tv.)

I can understand, to some extent -- at College Town condo, we are the downstairs neighbor, and the first year ds was there, it sounded for all the world like the upstairs neighbor must have weighed 500 lbs or more. And he was up and down All. Night. Long. It truly sounded like he was going to fall through the roof. But we would have never complained -- it wasn't like he was having crazy parties or anything -- I just figured that was the way it was in apartment buildings. That's what's going on with your situation -- I'm sure your new friends are not doing anything outside the normal pattern of regular life. Their downstairs neighbor needs to let it go.

Hope the Vicks helps your cough! I've never tried that, but I've heard it really works.

Mmmm... yes... I'm still here. Y'all were talking about BGS earlier. I think I could use some. My clothes are going to be a wrinkled mess.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon Nov 20, 2017 11:52 pm

Apparently, I cannot get out of this chair.

There is literally no telling what kind of life I would lead if I did not have dh here scheduling me from time to time. I have no right to criticize my dmom EVER.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 21, 2017 12:14 am

d lucy ask the drs to give your d mom a cat scan or mir of her back if she hasn't had one - my d mom and my d grandpa had hairline fractures that couldn't b seen on reg X-ray - my d mom in her c 2 vertebrae and my d grand were in his lower back vertebrae

hi d lucy and d nancy

sweetest of dreams everyone
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