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Postby blessedw2 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 6:37 pm

totally understand d lady - it's hard sometimes! We have all been there one time or another - I am sure you will talk it out with ds9 - ((())) I know there were times with dd older esp that were not my finest hour especially when I didn't have time to think ahead of a behaviour.

glad dr. appointment went well d lady
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby CathyS » Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:36 pm

It seems Harmony and Dee and I are triplets. I don't use the internet outside of the house. I would prefer to see what's going on around me and be a part of it. I rarely read outside the house any more either. If dh and I are going somewhere and he wants to point out some wild turkeys in a farmer's field or if I see a hawk and want to share with dh, we can both do that. I think we both have our faces in screens enough without taking a screen with us.

Dd and her male friend both had their faces in their phones the last time they were here and the time before that... I just want to wave a hand in front of them and say Hello!! I'm here! Why don't we have a conversation? Get your eyes off that bleeping screen and interact with real people in real time.

As you can tell, I don't like the addiction to screen time.

Waving to Blessedw2~~

Dh changed my tires tonight in our garage. We are now heading over to a friend's for hot tea.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:35 pm

I'm fully addicted to screens!

Used the Flipp app (not sure if you have that in the US) to save about 5% on my grocery bill (it allows me to price match without having to go to the other store to pick up the flyers since not all stores drop flyers at our building.)

Grocery list and shopping are crossed off my list although I'll have to go out tomorrow to finish it off. We couldn't carry it all home due to weight so I ended up putting things back or not picking them up at all.

We had a dinner of leftovers.

I've taken the 2 completed Christmas bins back to the storage room and brought up two more. These are the last two before the tree itself which has 2 bins as well.

I also pulled all the Christmas glasses down from their high shelf and ran them through the dishwasher tonight. So they are ready to load into the cupboard.

Even with all that done, my to-do list is still only half done.

Thinking about my Christmas bins, I have 7 in total but one is just wrapping paper, ribbons and Christmas cards. I'll bring that up if/when I have presents to wrap. The cards are in a box inside the bin and are already up here.

I have the window lights and wreath bin. That went well with my kitchen and Advent bin (the early things like the Christmas Card display stuff. Those are done.

I have Nativity scenes and dining room bins next. Each should take a day. I'm having my dsil over on Friday or Saturday so I want things ready for when they come.

The tree will go up on Sunday night or Monday and once the lights and tinsel are on, I'll arrange a trimming party.

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Postby Lynlee » Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:45 pm

tried to go to next town yoga but car was playing up. In my desire to avoid hill (so took a hill avoidant detour) starts I ran out of time before I even left this town, and patience w the car. So came back home. difficulty picking up 1st gear is its problem.
Rang auto workshop, but it seems I have not missed a call. :cry: at possibility of a solution.

LM - take a note of any 'suspicious' food and possible effect. There are possibilities for artificials or questionable preservatives in both donuts (icing?) (oil used?) and choc milk. If there continues to be the same result then its questionability increases. Of course it may be something else involved in the outing. I would usually trial things a few times before being more sure of cause and effect.
Some suggest it isn't the sugar that causes problems, but what is in with the sugar filled product.
Amen to difficult children trying the patience of a saint, not merely a 24/7 parent.

On taking 'devices' out, I rarely take my mobile ph anywhere.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:54 pm

Ordered our 'Christmas presents' for each other. I guess I should tell dh that's what they are. Costco had an excellent sale on the fancy bidet attachments to a toilet. Dh loves these (experience with them in Japan) and has wanted one for while. An almost 1/2 price sale came up today so I had him look at it and he's interested. We won't need the heated seat but blow dryer is interesting! We'll hook up in his bathroom and then I'll see if I like it enough to put one in my bathroom. I'm order both now because of the sale price. I'll have about 2 weeks to test it out before our trip and I can return it if I don't like it.

That's another item off my list. I'll get the laundry folded to get another item off.

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Postby Lilac » Mon Dec 04, 2017 9:30 pm

Dd2, the 2 little girls and I went to see "Wonder". It was an excellent movie and I think all kids need to see it. The little boy has a facial deformity and this shows him being bullied and the consequences that the bullies have to deal with. The girls are 6 and 8 and they both loved the movie. I highly recommend it.

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Postby Harmony » Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:07 pm

Kathryn, I had actually looked at a Kindel and considered it. You can do so much on one of those. However, I'm still one for real live books. I'm pleased to read how sturdy they are.

Actually, when I sat for 3 days in the hospital with DH I took a book I had started and finished it the last day. One dr. noticed me reading several times when he came in and asked if I was caught up yet?! If I don't have a book, I take along a crossword puzzle book (the big easy kinds) and I love to read the newspapers some drs. offices (and the hospital) has. I also studied in my W10 Dummies book. Not sure it helped.....

Helped DH prepare his Youth Group lesson tonight. He was beyond frustrated. Couldn't find his word program, couldn't operate it when we found it. Man! That thing is complicated. I did scope it out a bit but it took an awful lot of time to produce his few pages. Wow. My favorite button is missing. If anyone knows where the little arrow undo button is on W10, please tell me. I use that all the time when I'm trying to do something and it doesn't work. Just hit that button and I'm back to trying another solution. So easy. I couldn't find it. :o

Window came. Big heavy window. I helped DH and the homeowner (who is pitching in to help with all this work at his place) load it into truck and unload it at his house. Thankfully his son was there too so I had little to do.

Dinner of leftovers again. But I made a big green salad with a lot of raw veggies in it.

Enjoying our tree before bedtime. We have an extremely early morning, DH goes to get MRI. He seems to want me to go practically everywhere with him these days. I think he is feeling unsteady in his thinking about things.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:37 pm

Harmony: I'm not sure about Windows 10 but in other versions of Windows, holding down the Ctrl+Z keys is an undo. Works in many, many, programs (for instance it undoes my bad moves in Solitaire.)

I just finished a to-do that is 2 weeks old. Just the first step but I'm pleased.

Now to get the posters printed off for Sunday.

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Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:03 pm

We limit the internet usage on our phones when we are away from wifi. We have 3 smartphones that share the lowest data plan available. We never go over and have a huge rollover reserve available. I have used large amounts of data when a family member is in the hospital and I used the phone to do research. Once I made the mistake of uploading a video for the church using data without thinking how much it would use. Now I wait until I get home on wifi to do the video uploads.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Postby Nancy » Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:08 pm

I rarely take my tablet out unless I want to take photos with it.
We do not access the net with our phones.
Have been feeling unwell ear acting up chicken soup helped for a bit. Bs has been a roller coaster ride today. :shock:

I think I will get out my markers.
It is going to be cold overnite here.
But sunny in the day.

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