Thinking Thursday.

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Thinking Thursday.

Postby Nancy » Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:03 am

Thursday items to be announced as I am thinking what should be done today.
Journaling next up I to read through that best self journal to see whst I could use. I will get some more quotes. It is similar to what I have been doing.

Last night I did the stove knobs it was some thing I had been putting off yea for progress.

Got out a journal to use for next year then changed my mind before the day was out! :roll: at least I have options.

The laundry needs attn. I have a couple of books and mags to take downstairs when I start a tub of laundry. I got the washer twins wiped down when I started clothes 2day.

I have been geting back on track with my daily quiet time glad about that.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:28 am

Babysitting. Getting here was a challenge because the highway was blocked. I had to cross downtown before getting back onto the highway.

Dgs is getting cranky because I am not playing with him. To be honest, I'm tired of being on the floor! It is almost snack time, just 2 more minutes. He's on a strict schedule.

He just escaped the playroom so I better go!

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:58 am

The first 4 hours of my day has gone smoothly. Up before 5am waking naturally and feeling fully rested. Turned on Christmas lights inside and outside. Welcomed DGD6 to our home. Did personal care (Shower, D2S, face, teeth, hair). Prepared breakfast (breakfast burritos, Waffles, cereal, English muffins, sausage, bananas, grapes, and cuties). Had breakfast together at the table. We discussed today's activities and the character trait of the day (Respect vs Disrespectful). Then DGD6 launched to school and DS9 started on his homeschool lessons.

today's plans include -
** DS9 to school for lunch with friends and recess.
** DS9 to speech therapy
** Me to volunteer duties
** DS9 to chiropractor appointment
** DS9 to 4H outing. I'm really pushing him to go to this alone (without me). He relies on me too much (IMHO) and needs to be confident doing things when I'm not with him. This outing is being supervised by a teacher I totally trust. They are going to WM to buy toys to give to kids who don't have Christmas gifts. Then they will eat out before going to a Christmas park with a cazillion lights, ferris wheel, live animals (camels, horses, donkeys). DS9 will have a blast.....if I can just get him to go do it.
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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:00 am

Ack, lost a post when I refreshed accidently while writing.

I'm home today so am focussing on the garage and desk. This new planner (new and shiny!) at least gets me started thinking on what needs to be done, instead of drifting through the day.

Not sure about late afternoon. My new glasses are ready - dd is going to go with me to pick them up so the doc can dilate my eyes to check them. I'm hoping we go in the morning, but she mentioned possibly this afternoon. Our other "son" Z will be here tomorrow - we also need to do some clean up upstairs since we've been sorting out dd's boxes in the bonus room.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:08 am

Harmony, Hanukkah colors are blue and white because of the colors of the Israeli flag, and before that, Jewish prayer shawls or Tallit that traditionally include blue stripes.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:09 am

d nancy thank you for starting us! I wanted to tell you well done on your routines and all your work!

hi d lady - you have been non stop! glad you made it in time for snack time yesterday! hope your dh is feeling better today.

d kathryn... have a wonderful time babysitting!

d harmony I really hope your back starts behaving and feeling better! Your pantry, you cleaned yesterday, looks lovely.

d lucy - I am sorry I didn't see you last night as well. I hope you have a great day!

d twins (oh that new planner of yours looks so new and shiny - how fun! Interesting - I knew about the blue strips on the prayer shawl but didn't link the blue and white in the flag with Hanukah - really neat (also beautiful)

hello to all.

late yesterday afternoon I took another nap - that can't continue!!! I think it starts to get dark and poof goes my energy.

Have a wonderful day!
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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:12 am

it's finally 19 degrees - it was 12 this morning and i was so sad to see we only got a dusting of snow... I wanted more snow :D (after I finish my dd's gifts lol)

today: My hope is to get those bathrooms finally done and do holiday errands and shipping.

Next: pull daily cards

dd younger made a nice simple soup with chicken french bread dumplings - sounds gross but really mild - she made chicken stock the day before - she did put her dishes on in the dw after cooking and turned it on yesterday. :D !

this am emptied dw :D
put remainder of dishes and dog bowls in the dw (now washing themselves) :D
tossed things from refrigerator :D
took garbage outside :D
washing the white house cleaning washcloths (not bathroom ones) and kitchen towels with bleach/detergent (I usually do it Monday but didn't have time this week until now.) ;)

vacuumed all but living room on first floor (dining room, kitchen, front hall, powder room) - swiffer rinsed kitchen, dining room, front all (except under church bench in front hall and laundry room) :)

trying not to be so hard on myself as I haven't mailed d mom her stuff yet. She called this morning and I know she is frustrated I haven't done what she asked since thanksgiving. :shock: don't know why I have been putting it off - I used the excuse of finishing the decorating ;)
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:22 pm

'Bout time I got here. Went to breakfast with dbil & dsisil at their favorite 'go to' restaurant (not exactly ours & we only go there because that's where they want to go.) Dbil called about 8 this morning to see if we were meeting for breakfast. Dsisil had called me last night to see if we're going to go today. When dbil asked her if we were going she answered she didn't know. Just a tip of the iceberg. Bet she's asked me nearly 2 dozen times what we're doing for Christmas Eve or for Christmas Day -not always at the same time. Will have to finalize with dd tonight.

DD and I plan to go to Trivia tonight. Our 'leader' won't be there as his Grandfather passed away this week. In fact dd and I might possibly be the only 2 there unless my 'psuedo' dd and her dh come late. One of our group is getting married (he's nearly 60) and moving to Orlando so he may or may not be there. We're all rather anxious for him to leave -he's really quite obnoxious.

Dh went back in the restaurant after dbil/dsisil left and bought them gift certificates as our 'draw names' gifts. DD really didn't want to draw names but dsisil did so we are. Actually dd & dsonil had drawn dbil/dsisil's names. Told her the other day we'd get their gifts and she didn't think that was fair to us, but we gave her the name I drew -dsisil's dsis. Then she asked who else we had -our dsonil and we'd give him gifts anyway so will give him one Christmas Eve. Besides we'd buy a gift in addition for dbil/dsisil had we not had their names. And because there's so few names dbil/dsisil have us. Uh, no, that's not right because I know dbil asked me what dd needed -that he has her name. That's what dsisil told me this morning -I'll find out for sure when we go over there from dbil. Crazy. We definitely won't do this next year.

Slept for a bit early last night then was awake from midnight till after 4. :roll:

Back home now. Stopped at L owe's for lumber for shelves dd wants in the laundry room. I went to the $ tree for some of their licorice and bought a few stocking stuffers.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:54 pm

praying for the leaders family d dee

so happy to see you d dee!

Next finish clutter patrol in living room and then dust wood stairs. Old dogs are playing with each other - I hope they don't look at me to start throwing a ball ;)
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Re: Thinking Thursday.

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Dec 14, 2017 1:11 pm

Good morning! Yesterday's gastro appointment done. We are going to try to eliminate one of the meds. It is possible I no longer need it. I will attempt to taper off and return to it if it doesn't work. I was not able to have dinner with my friend before the meeting, so I did a Tar get run instead. Successful for groceries, but VERY disappointed in the purse and wallet selection. The purses were scattered all over the store, none had outside zipper pockets like I wanted, but many had FAKE zipper pockets with zippers as decoration over NOTHING! None of the wallets had zipper pouches for change. LOTS of card holders, but not much for actual cash. And for a checkbook? Forget it! I want one like my FlyLady wallet, only not held together by duct tape. Animal org meeting done. Interesting situation there, but it's a GOOD one. Had dinner with friend and got home too late to get much done.

We are having a work group lunch today, so I did not have to pack anything last night. Tonight is Girls' Night Out, which I would like to be IN so I can get stuff done. Necessary things: B&B, Christmas crochet, and house cleaning. Tomorrow is National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day, so prepare yourself for the assault on the eyes!

This morning, I talked with Dad about the whole xBFF/Mardi Gras trip drama. He and Mom did not have any good ideas either. Mom is a little more neutral about it, but Dad and I are thoroughly disgusted, and my brother (parent of children 15, 9. 9, and 2) would be horrified at the example she wants to set. None of us want to be the entertainment staff for the Illicit Romance Vacation Package. We have decided not to rescind the invitation, but to reiterate it, emphasizing it is for xBFF and her daughter, that it will take place in the family home, it is designed as an experience for the kids, and will involve three generations of my family including teenage girls and younger. If I get the tone of voice right, I can convey implicitly, "Do not embarrass our family or set bad examples for our children." Dad is perturbed that I have to deal with this instead of him, but that is the geography of the situation. If xBFF decides not to come (please please please!), the other guests may cancel too. Disappointing, but not my problem.

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