Snowy or sunny Sat.

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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Dec 16, 2017 12:47 pm

DH and I both changed our minds about breakfast menu once we got started preparing it. DH decided on a deluxe egg sandwich (think Dagwood Sandwich). I wanted vegetables and protein (no simple carb/bread). I experimented with putting multiple vegetables through the food processor and then heaping them all into in hot cast iron skillet. I was hesitant on how this would turn out but it is VERY tasty. It is a cross between hash browns and stir-fry. I added a chunk of rotisserie chicken breast meat (more protein) to the vegetables while they were cooking. When I plated it then I added shredded FF cheese which immediately melted on top of everything....which made it seem like a casserole. Soooooo - it was a hash brown, stir-fried, casserole recipe invention. I will be doing this one again. MMMMhhhhh.

A-river deliveries for today just arrived. A hammer jack drill for DH and a 50 cup coffee urn for the church. The urn will be replacing one that we use to serve Hot Chocolate every Sunday during the winter months. The old urn is years old (15?) and has started being forgetful....sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

DSis just called and talked me into going to another church tomorrow. One of our childhood friends is going to be a guest preacher there. This friend has been a pastor in a big city in another state until he retired about 3 months ago. The month after he retired, his wife of 40+ years died. DFriend is struggling to reinvent his new life without being a pastor or a husband. DSis and I are going tomorrow to show our love and support for him.

Next up - I'm going to push the battery-powered lawn mower to get some steps in. The fact that I can do it in the bright sunshine, no wind, no kids and also collect/bag some leaves are just "icing on the cake" to this exercise.
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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Dec 16, 2017 1:11 pm

I am back and not so cranky - computer surfing without purpose added to the crankiness of missing the walk this morning so once I stopped that rabbit hole behaviour and pulled my cards it changed my attitude for the better! feeling much better with a better attitude.

good morning d kathryn, happy day to you d kathryn!

good morning d lady happy morning to you! how special that a friend of yours will be the guest preacher!

good morning d twins - so sorry the cleaning lady is not coming but much better that you don't get sick! It's going around over here as well.

good morning d dee how horrible that the manager took the money. yay on getting the rest of your christmas cards out

hi d harmony yay on getting your laundry done too

dearest Nancy... thank you so much for starting us - have a wonderful day.

hello all.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Dec 16, 2017 1:19 pm

yesterday dd and I brought over a present to d friend and did drop off ornament for special sis in law. We were out of the house for quite awhile - dd younger ended up with a migraine again last night - a bad one and then a migraine this morning.

the cards I pulled are mostly temporary ones -
- finish Christmas cards and mail
(after I find the stamps I bought 2 months ago)
-get from dd older another idea as items were so so cheap
-wrap regular presents
-put together grab bag gifts... no one knows I am doing this but I will be give one to each member of the family this year and then until d niece is 18 for the young adults in dear mom in laws name. I don't think the youngest should have to stop this tradition because she is the youngest. dd's don't know I am doing this either. dh knows.

then daily cards.
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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Dec 16, 2017 1:55 pm

Yes, it is unfortunate, Blessed, but he managed to do these $$$$$ damage in such a way that it wasn't 'embezzlement'. :|

I've been in my car trying to 'refresh' our S irrius radio so we can get the Christmas channels. Do get 1 but there are others. Talked with them and they kept trying to refresh it -no go. I've 'exceeded' the number of tries using the text they sent as well.

DD is spending the day doing her cookie baking. We were going to bake dinner (chicken pot pie) but realized the oven will be busy. I have a frozen veg lasagna from S touffers. We're going to try baking it in their new toaster oven on the 'bake' setting. If it works I may try to find us one for our RV -if I can find room. We'll see.
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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Dec 16, 2017 2:00 pm

Pushing the lawn mower racked up 3K steps so that was a double productive use of my time. I really do like mowing and find it very relaxing in walking in a pattern and making everything in my path neat. However, watching to make sure kids are not in the path of danger while I'm mowing removes the relaxing part of this activity. I still enjoy doing it when the kids are here, but I can't drop into a mindless mode like I was able to do today.

DH is delivering the poinsettias for me. He is much more social than I am. He can talk to anyone with no effort. I am more the quiet wallpaper kinda of gal. EXCEPT when I am here. I seem to lose all my shyness and have no problems just jabbering on and on. :oops: :roll:

Next up - Pull out all the hidden Christmas gifts and get them wrapped and under the tree.
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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby Nancy » Sat Dec 16, 2017 2:32 pm

My exercise today was 45 min. Of snow removal I was so excited about the snow I could not sleep. I did a rock drop got to drive in a bit of snow, removed snow off the trading benches some one had put the rocks under the top shelf but they still had snow blon in on top of them. Walked the dog aroud in the snow breaking a trail she loved that!

I got the folding table out of the shop and in the kIt to clean up h helped me take it down the stairs I set ut up and put my spinning wheels on it for storage that frees up a closet upstairs. Found my teal coat I had forgotten about. :mrgreen:

Sheets are back on one bed and ready to go on the next one.
Making good progress today.

Snow is melting a bit now so the trails I swept off will be great for the hens.
Soup on the menu today.

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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby CathyS » Sat Dec 16, 2017 3:46 pm


I was up and out early. I met with Messy Friend to give her the Christmas gift I got for her specifically (an internet/email password book where you write down your passwords and keep it either in your desk or some other safe place). I also gave her one of the many signed cards that I did the other night. At 50 cents each once you do the math, I figured I could give her one without having to think to much about the message. (Have a warm and cozy winter holiday.) She is leaving for Vancouver tomorrow.

I have been decorating the tree almost ever since I got home from going to Tim Hortons. Dh made us a delicious brunch. Dh had to get the snow blower out today.

I saw a small hawk over one of our trees as I returned from coffee. Dh saw a goshawk when he was clearing the snow. Yesterday I saw a cat in our wood pile, so the lack of birds hanging out is bothering dh as he thinks that between the goshawk and the cat, the backyard has become a birdie drive thru.

Dh is making fishcakes for supper.
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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby lucylee » Sat Dec 16, 2017 4:22 pm

Sunny and 50 degrees here. Still feels kind of chilly to me, but I know it's a real heatwave compared to what some of you are experiencing. Last night, when we came home from the movie, it was around 26 degrees, and that was COLD. Brrrrr....

Did I tell y'all -- we did not see Star Wars -- we saw The Man Who Invented Christmas. I really liked it. It omits the problems in Dickens' personal life that came after the publication of A Christmas Carol -- and it adds a totally fictional character, a maid to provide some of his inspiration (for no real good reason, IMHO, although I liked her very much.) All in all, it is a very good movie. If I were still teaching, I'd probably want to show it to my classes.

DH probably would have liked Star Wars better, but we reasoned that Star Wars will be on through all the holiday season and maybe we'll have another chance to see it.

Last night, I had SUCH a good post going, and then lost it all... shaking my head.
I was replying to everyone and had such good thoughts for everyone...
BUT -- I think I have been THINKING too much perhaps about planning for the coming year and revising my cards, etc.
Last night, I had a TERRIBLE dream where my ddad was fussing about the cleanliness of the house and the irregular mowing of the yard, and apparently he and dmom lived with us, b/c dmom had left him and then dh and I left and went to spend the night at my grandmother's house. LOL. It really had me waking up in a bad mood...

BUT I do think I need to tweak my check-list a little. I was saying last night that I apparently can NOT live by a regular WHB plan. I never know when interruptions are going to come in the way of small people, or larger people, If I think, for example, that Thursday is Bathroom Cleaning Day, then I will put it off until Thursday. I may be sitting doing nothing on Tuesday, but my head will say, "Oh, no need to clean the shower, it can wait until Thursday." Then Thursday arrives with the pitter patter of little feet and the call of a deeper voice saying, "We need to go to the drug store and the bank and... and... and..."

I think I need to just make a list of IMPORTANT WEEKLY TASKS and ZONE CLEANING AREAS and not date it by week days or calendar dates -- just strive to move through them the best way I can. Seeing those dates for zone cleaning just makes me get discouraged because I've gotten so far behind. I really may try an undated version for 2018.

Today I have s2s, done Bible reading, colored my hair, paid two bills, and send dh on his way.

IKWYM about the quiet time to yourself, LadyM! I am sooo sooo happy to have dh, ds, and dgs off on a Boys Day Out (along with dbil). They are gone to a college basketball game. I can't wait to hear how it turns out!

I need to wrap some presents... the Very Last Presents have arrived and I am DONE. *** DONE. *** (Once they are wrapped and under the tree!)
I am also trying to catch up on some laundry and cleaning today while I have the house to myself.
But you know what? First I think I am going to go play the piano for a bit. :P That's something I never do when dh is home, b/c the piano is in the same room as the tv.

Hope you're all having a great day!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Dec 16, 2017 4:40 pm

CathyS - I am not familiar with Fishcakes. I did a google search and some of the recipes are similiar to Fish Patty recipe that we make (usually using Salmon as the fish source). Other recipes I found are a combination of potatoes and fish made into a "cake" and fried. How do you make yours?

I am not making progress on gift wrapping yet. I do have them pulled out of hiding and laid on the bed in groups of who the gifts go to. However, I know I am missing at least 2 gifts that I hid. I wonder if I had DH put them in the shop?

DH has taken DMIL car to town and will put new tires on it. DMIL wouldn't accept this gift at first because she thought it was too much. DH managed to talk her into it by telling her he would feel horrible if her tires caused a wreck. He told her she should stop driving her car with the tires in such poor shape. DMIL income is limited and there is no way she could afford to put new tires on the car. With the thought of needing to give up driving, DMIL finally agreed to accept the new tires. DMIL is passionately hanging onto her independence and doesn't accept help unless she absolutely has to.

I have the wrapping paper out and ready to get started. I did get sidetracked when I pulled the Christmas wrapping paper out and finished up the decorating in the house. I put 6 huge tubs back into storage until it is time to take all the decorations down.
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Re: Snowy or sunny Sat.

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Dec 16, 2017 5:32 pm

Lucylee: thanks for the movie review. That's on at our discount theatre next week so is on our list of shows to go to.

The family loved Star Wars.

Dh and I walked over for milk. The sun was shining so we made an effort to get out early (we'll go again in a bit for dinner.)

I still have to finish the sermon. It is over 1/2 done. I'm stalled again so set it aside.

Spare bed is made back up with clean sheets.

The pile of stuff for the locker has been taken downstairs. This is a good thing, more room in the front hall now.

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