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Postby Elizabeth » Fri Dec 29, 2017 6:28 pm

Hello again! As usual, the bane report is continuing to supply me with job security. Eventually, it will be so complex that no one else will ever be able to decipher it. My GHOST will have to maintain it. I thought I was going to end up with another foster cat, a 14 yo, but she has been adopted already. Tonight's WTF = B&B.

Interesting that Baby Alive has been around for so long and is still a hot item. As a big sister, I always wondered why anyone would want a doll with dirty diapers.

Money CAN and DOES buy happiness! If you don't spend it on drugs. My trip home brought me happiness, and it was $$$ that put me on the plane, not the good fairies. I could have spent less money, but there would still be $$$ in the gas tank and hotels. Money keeps my cats alive and fixes broken feet and took me to Hawaii. If I had more money, there would be less stress in my life, which would increase my happiness.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Dec 29, 2017 7:12 pm

Money buys options. And having options can make even the most awful of situations seem better (i.e. do I have the option of taking an expensive experimental drug, vs. not being able to afford any treatment?, the former will make me happier even if I decide not to take the drug.) And options make the little things better. Elizabeth had the option of going home. How and even whether she chose to do so was her choice.

Money buys time: a veggie or fruit tray from the supermarket instead of buying the fruits and veggies and cutting them up yourself. Buy bread instead of baking it. Taking the car instead of a bus. More time almost always means more happiness.

There is a point, though, when increased money doesn't increase happiness at all and may even reduce it.

An example would be the movie Lucylee saw. J. Paul Getty's fortune put him in the dilemma of whether or not to pay a ransom for an estranged grandchild.

Money often causes resentment in families, therefore lowering happiness.

But in general, I'm in favour of having enough money to live life with a decent amount of choices!

Speaking of money, I lost the business checkbook. As I was tearing my office area apart looking for it, I turned around and found it on the couch. It must have fallen out of the hanging file rack that was there with the business files I'm dealing with.

I went to file payroll withholding taxes online but the government website is down for 2 weeks. It will be up before the money is due but I will not be in Canada at that point and don't trust it will work for my computer. So I dug around and found an old remittance form to use at the bank (you can't make a copy, must use the special form due to the special ink.)

My office area and the dining table are disasters.

Dsil just called asking us to come before noon tomorrow. Their home is a disaster, dd is out all morning with doctor's appointments (thankfully a neighbour is loaning her a car) and dsil needs us to come help with dgs while he and then they work on preparing for 5 guests. At the time of the invite, the appointments were not scheduled so dd couldn't have foreseen the conflict.

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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Dec 29, 2017 7:41 pm

hi d elizabeth
hi d kathryn
hi d nancy
and all again!!!

dinner was alright but I did get my veggies in and I over ate - I HAVE TO START MEASURING MY FOOD AGAIN
rinsed dishes and put them in dw
swiffer rinsed kitchen and front hall
It's only 5:39 and I am tired.
I don't want to be lazy and watch tv but I am tired.
2% left on computer so I shall say good night.

what still needs doing:
take dd youngers camera stuff upstairs and put it in her room

I didn't put away the chairs yet (they are meant for basement storage but are sitting in the hall)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Lynlee » Fri Dec 29, 2017 7:58 pm

tmeds boxed, todays taken
2 loads of washing on the line. + really? 2 garments to hand wash. while they are new I'll treat them thus.
for a while at least. attempted to straighten pleats in rayon skirt. Who knows how that will pan out.
I've been thinking of what I'd like to be doing on a daily basis.
eating a late breakfast happening. cooked seed porridge again, w apricot and ginger.
on line support group starts toth.

Kathryn - remember Perth is a long way west, so it may be helpful to look up sunrise and set times. will have it. Also a 7 day forecast- well as good as that gets for predicting the future. (I know I've been surprised to see how high the sun was in Perth - way beyond the clock 2 hr time difference. Memories of cricket test scenes on tv.
I'd expect it to take 6hrs + to get to Perth from here, even if flight times all suited. I think its 4 hrs from Sydney. (for the USA folk - our WA is over 1/3 of our continent, at a guess, which is similar in size to USA.)
I do hope you enjoy your trip once it is happening.

groceries are a must do today.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Postby Nancy » Fri Dec 29, 2017 8:02 pm

Waving to everyone. I did another round in the kitchen worked on the counters, they need a other round done and dining table needs attn. Not sure that will happen today. Fed the hens and took out fresh water for them as well. Worked a bit more to get water to drain off from roof run off and rains today.

I dumped coffee grounds and took out egg shells.

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Postby BookSaver » Fri Dec 29, 2017 9:11 pm

Hello, villagers ~
A nice easy rest day for me after 2 long days at work.

I had planned to run a couple errands and go to McD for lunch but when I looked out at noon, I saw that it had snowed a lot and was still coming down quite hard. It didn't look like the plows had been out yet. I didn't really NEED to go anywhere so I just made myself a deli turkey sandwich. I know that DH will want to go out for lunch tomorrow so I'll wait until then to go to the post office.

We were really slow at work yesterday, in spite of the fact that we were offering free hot chocolate all day.

Since I didn't work today and Monday & Tuesday are both considered City holidays, I have 5 days off in a row. It's a vacation! :)

Blessedw2 ~ Re: knives your DH doesn't want to toss ... I watched a video this morning about decluttering and the woman had a display on her kitchen wall of antique kitchen items from her great-grandmother and grandmother. The items meant enough to her that she didn't want to get rid of them, but she couldn't use them for cooking, so she turned them into decorative wall art! Maybe your DH wants to frame those knives and hang them somewhere. Of course, then you'd have to negotiate where he could be allowed to hang the frame. ;)

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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Dec 29, 2017 9:27 pm

hi book not a bad idea!!! ill tell him! thank u
good for u having time off

well done on laundry d llynn

oops dd is calling
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby lucylee » Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:19 pm

Can't possibly respond to all -- but must ci: to say -- WOO HOO for me --
AND a big thank you, blessed -- I found Dianne from Denmark on YouTube, and she and I ;) have gotten a LOT done since my last post!

I did take a nap... hmmm... almost 2 hours, it would seem... :oops: But that means today's total sleep is 8 hrs and 50 min. And I really think I am one of those people who does best on about 9 hours sleep. I wish it were different, but it is what it is.
DH came into the den, where he had left me two hours earlier, and said, "I thought you were going to take a shower!"
I said, "I thought YOU were going to wake me up!"
He thought I was setting my alarm, as I usually do, but whatever -- I jumped into the shower and got dressed pretty quickly.

We went to the gas station, cleaners, and drug store... saw dmom at the drug store, (She has a yeast infection, after taking antibiotics for sinus infection.) It's always something. But she was managing okay.
Home, supper, and then I found Dianne from Denmark.
Somewhat energized, I have -- ta da --
* washed & put away all the dishes (which included last night's supper & dh's breakfast)
* s/s all three baths, including cleaning mirror in our bathroom
* straightened up baby room, which, as dh aptly described, "looked like a tornado had been through it."
* addressed & stamped birthday card to send to dfriend tomorrow

I also have clothes laid out for tomorrow. DH packed the car (as much as possible) while I slept, so in the morning, we only have to pack the toiletries, etc.
Basketball game tomorrow, Sunday nothing planned -- I hope to read a lot; dh will hope to watch a lot of football, and Monday will be our game in Atlanta.

I love BookSaver's idea to display the knife, blessed! You might find some other memorabilia to go with it, in a photo grouping or shadow box.

Oh, Lynlee -- thanks for the reminder -- I need to do meds for next week since I will not be here Sunday!

(((Kathryn))) -- if there is anyone who can relate to trip panic, it would be me! Of course, I've never been on a trip to compare to any of yours -- I've never been out of the USA, and haven't been to half the states here, I guess. But anticipation is always so difficult for me. Once I'm on my way, I'm usually just fine. I think you will be too. It's kinda good that you have to be busy with dd/dsil/dgs.

The other night, I had some generalized anxiety feelings, and all I can figure is anticipation of the new year. I don't know why -- nothing STARTS for me this year, nothing really changes in any way. I guess partly it's b/c I WANT things to change... I want to be better w/my routines, and lose weight, and get my stuff organized... and I know it is sooo HARD to DO the things that create the change.
I also am fearful of what the new year might bring with dmom's health... ddil's busy busy schedule... dgd's health... and I just can't get my dfriend off my mind. Even though HER situation (J&C) hasn't changed in forever, I have only just become aware of it, and now I am almost obsessed with it.

But I KNOW the answer to ALL of this -- in the case of dfriend and others -- whose problems (unlike dfriend's) actually do have the possibility of affecting my life -- the ONLY solution is prayer and faith that I will have the strength to deal with life as it comes, just as I have in the past.
In the case of creating change in my own life, I must just do the thing, one baby step at a time.
Knowing you ladies are here to support me and cheer me on makes it possible to face anything!

Blessed, I have to get serious with my Fitbit (getting in more steps) and logging my food. I plan to buckle down Tuesday. I figure with Christmas goodies in the house and odd eating like we've been doing (and will continue through Monday), it's just going to be frustrating for me to try to worry about it. I'm enjoying the Fitbit though b/c it is making me more aware, but I'm not really USING it to any great accomplishment right now. I'm just wearing it and having fun with it.

Oh, yes, Kathryn -- money CAN buy so many things that -- b/c of the peace of mind -- help provide happiness. For example, now dh thinks we can afford to call The Man re: our screeching dryer.
That will make me much happier, if The Man is able to replace a belt or something simple and clean out the vent and give me peace of mind.
I'm happy that we are able to trade vehicles, only b/c I wonder how much longer our 275,000 mile SUV can hold out. (I'm always a bit anxious about something new like this, but since we are staying with the same model, I guess we'll be as happy as possible with the new one, and most likely, it's brakes won't squeak!)
And I'm happy that we're able to go to all these :roll: ballgames, b/c it makes dh so happy.

BUT... yes -- money can create sooo many problems. It is so much fun to think about all one could do if they won a multi-million dollar lottery... but so many times, we hear about those winners suffering such great losses soon afterwards -- poor investments, spending unwisely, relatives coming out of the woodwork, ;)
I don't think I'd really WANT to be rich on the level that it separated me from the average person in my hometown.
I definitely want to have enough money that I don't have to worry about paying my bills, providing Christmas for my family, and being able to enjoy my free time to a certain extent.

I can understand Getty's reluctance to pay the ransom -- as he said, if he paid it, he would have 14 kidnapped grandchildren the next day.
OTOH -- his attitude toward his money was somewhat extreme... and it did create problems between himself and his family.

Welcome home, Elizabeth! Now I'm confused -- when do you go back for Mardi Gras? That's in January/February, right?

(((Harriet))) Hmmm... so an 8 1/2" letter can't be put into a 9" envelope? Yes... I would begin to have my doubts about this person's helpfulness as well...

Waving to ALL!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:47 pm

Lucylee: my panic will end when I'm through security at the airport on Monday morning. At that point, I'm no longer in control, there are no major choices to make, so, "what will be, will be." Until then, there's no way I can get it all done so I am constantly choosing what will be left undone.

I can't find our netting to cover my head to keep bugs out. Apparently I need it for the trip. Sigh....

The payroll is done and the files for the business are back in their hanging rack in my music cabinet. Am trying to pack up the investment papers now in an organized fashion.

Had a long talk with my childhood best friend while she drove home from work. That was good.

Added a date to a to-do in my bullet journal (write something for the annual report.) The minister forgot to include me in the email that went out ages ago but I knew I had to write something so now know the deadline.

Downloaded hours of podcasts so that's done.

Off to make the marinade now and 'cake' now.

Dh is already on his way to bed but not me.

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Postby lucylee » Sat Dec 30, 2017 12:20 am

At that point, I'm no longer in control, there are no major choices to make, so, "what will be, will be."

A lot to be said for that attitude, (((Kathryn.))) What will be, will be. I understand what you mean!

I have written check for the paper man (who will come by to get it before we get home).
Also refined and printed new checklists -- four of them, actually, which will last four months, if I don't decide to refine more.
Talked to ddil & dgs on phone -- ddil called to ask me to get recommendations for mechanic for when they get home. They got stopped for headlight being out. It has been out for a while -- there's a shortage in the wires, and when their mechanic friend couldn't find it, they just gave up and decided to live with it till they got stopped.
Updated Christmas card address list.
Tomorrow is another day.

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