Terrific Tuesday

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jan 09, 2018 10:54 pm

I'm pleased with how today went. Not perfect but overall about as smooth of a day as possible. My stamina didn't play out today so I was able to go strong for 15 hours straight.

DS9 & I did one of those silly question/answer quizzes that are going around on FB.
WITHOUT prompting, ask your child these questions and write EXACTLY what they say...

*What is something I say a lot?
Let’s do lessons
*What makes me happy?
I do
*What makes me sad?
When I don’t listen
*How tall am I?
5’3” Interesting. I don't know if he realizes that I am 5'7"
*What's my favorite thing to do?
Take a break from school
*What is my favorite food?
A bite of something I have
*What is my favorite drink?
Diet Pepsi
*If I could go anywhere, where would it be?
On a date with Papa
*Do you think you could live without me?
As long as I can come stay with you. I don't think he understood this question but I just took his answer and went on.
*How do I annoy you?”
When you call me when I am playing video game
*What is my favorite TV show?
*What is my favorite music to listen to?
Mercy Me
*What is my job?
Homeschool teacher
*How old am I?
*what's my favorite color?
*How much do I love you?
You would not trade me for 2.5 billion dollars.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 09, 2018 11:23 pm

*sniff* Those answers were adorable, LadyM.

And I think he understood the live without you question as 'live away from me.' His brothers come and touch base with you at times as does his sister and that seems to be reflected in his answer.

Packing is about 80% done. I still have the kitchen to do and that includes some bulky items.

It isn't lunch hour yet but I'm thinking of eating early because I seem to be starving.

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue Jan 09, 2018 11:29 pm

That’s so cute, LadyM!

I finally s/s all three toilets... not the entire bathrooms.
Called The Man re dryer repair; said he would’ve here in the morning.
Dh did not pass out, and in fact, felt like riding to next town. We ate at C hick Fil A for me and Krystal for everyone else... and got ice cream.
Brought some hamburgers back for dbil, too.

Talked to dmom for awhile.

Texted w ddil.

Watching a basketball game now.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:12 am

Martin clunes had a special Rotteness Island was on it!

Hemmed my new pjs this evening.

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:29 am

dishes emptied so that will b great tomorrow am - dishes drying on counter - food chilling in fridge to freeze for another time - dd older loved dinner too

well done d lucy.

hi d kathryn

good night d lady (again so so sweet) and good night all.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:31 am

*How much do I love you?
You would not trade me for 2.5 billion dollars.
so sweet
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby Harmony » Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:44 am

So today... gee I don't remember being out of the house for days and days. All through the cold snap for sure.

So I went to the post office. Then stopped for a quick visit to the library. We started doing another study with our small group and I wanted to see if the library had the book. This one isn't really studying what someone's version of things is...well maybe it is.... but we're using it mostly as a starting off point for discussion. I'm wondering if anybody else has read it: Letters from a Skeptic by Dr. Gregory Boyd. I ordered a used one online Sun eve. but it might not get here till Saturday, which doesn't give us much time to share a book to read. Just my luck, the library doesn't carry it.

Stopped at WM and got some stuff I wanted...half a cartfull of veggies and a few other things, some office supplies (out of envelopes paying all these durn bills all the time) and correction tapes, and more hand creme for this dry skin of mine, some dishwashing soap and kleenix (hope I don't need it for a flu this winter). Came out with $60+ just odds and ends. :shock:

Got the kitchen cleaned up and dishes done. So much needs done around here...tomorrow tomorrow... gee that was a song wasn't it?

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby Lilac » Wed Jan 10, 2018 1:19 am

LadyM, thank you for posting the question and answers. It was a wonderful exchange to share.

I am not sure how warm it got here today. The forecast was 68 but I think we hit low 70's. I went out this afternoon in jeans and a 3/4 sleeve shirt. It felt wonderful. After school dd1 wanted to walk. Dd2 called to see if dgs12 could stay at my house, while she worked out. I invited her to walk and she thought that was a much better idea. She asked if she needed to pick up a snack for dgs12 and I told her I had plenty of cuties, C hicken in the Biscuit crackers that he loves and his favorite soda. Doesn't she know that this grandma keeps each kids favorites on hand?

I bought steak today and dh grilled it tonight. It was so juicy, tender and tasty. I bought them at S am's and they had no ground beef of any grade. A lady asked and he said he wasn't sure how soon they would get more. I was glad I hadn't planned to grill burgers.

Tomorrow is suppose to be 73 but windy. Then they are calling for rain, actually a chance for thunderstorms and then 1-3 inches of snow by Thursday morning. The temps are suppose to drop to 30's again. From past experience, if we have nice days and they start predicting snow, you can bet we will get it. 99% of the time, anyway. Dgs13's 1st basketball game is Thursday but out of town.

Still haven't undecorated the house. Maybe I will start on it tomorrow or maybe not.

Used my new flat iron today and loved it. Makes me wish I had bought one sooner. This one actually tells you the degrees, instead of a vague number system the other one had.

Planning to stay home tomorrow so I really should start the undecorating process. I ran errands today and can't think of anything that I need from anywhere. Trying to stay away from public places as much as I can.

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 10, 2018 1:44 am

Nancy: thanks for telling me about the Martin Clunes special.

I guess I'm 98% packed. The food is organized and I'll grab it at the last minute from the fridge and put it in the cooler bag. We'll dispose of it at our hotel tonight. We are moving to an airport hotel since we have a 5:45 flight tomorrow.

I've cleaned the kitchen sink, counters and stove, put away the things I had out on the counter and washed and dried the dishes and put them away. I don't think I've returned the cupboards to the way they were but close enough (I moved things I use to be handy). I cleaned the bathroom sink.

I'll strip the bed closer to 3:30.

Now I need to spend time reading the goal is to finish my book before I leave here so I have one less thing to carry. Might not be possible.

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