Steady Sunday

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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:03 pm

logical, lucylee.

I am simultaneously in mid-winter slump (due to extreme cold and early sundowns) and January ease (because yay the expectations related to holiday social gatherings are behind us).

I've always loved January but my dVetNeighbor has always said, no, February is the month. I'm beginning to think she's got a point. It's true that yay the expectations are behind us, but the ease hasn't lived up to expectations like it used to. I'm constantly just barely making deadlines. As Dee says, the meeting I'm facing will probably be Jan 28, and things could get more - not less - hectic and worrisome until then.

A few items on my calendar the early part of the week:
tomorrow - clean up early, because d2ndsisil and my little niece9 would like to come visit (niece is the one with a few little presents still here). And I'll call ds to let him know they are here, so we'll have 3 children playing together and hopefully bonding at least a little.
Tuesday - I promised to take my second oldest dgirlcousin to visit our Dear Aunt of the Many Aprons. Car needs to be spiffy by then, somehow. I need to remember some questions I want to ask, while not getting too involved with that since it will be boring to dcousin. Some church Desk Day came up, too, believe it or not.
Wednesday - get a large package ready to send to dd37, and hopefully get out to send it.

I don't understand why I can't have a pocket just because I have ovaries.

Somebody invent software that can make whatever you type into it look like needlepoint, so when I say, "somebody should needlepoint that", it will be vaguely possible.

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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:42 pm

Harriet: LOL!

I've had my lunch now and watched the first of my episodes of The Crown (I had downloaded 3.) The hotel internet is too slow to watch Netflix or Youtube. But there is a tv so when I start to feel lonely, I turn that on.

I have work to do so will stay in until 4:45 when I'll walk over to pickup dh.

First up - redeem some hotel points for a gift card. The lot of them were going to expire but Google helpfully sent a warning to dh (it analyzed the email from November) and a redemption will save the rest. I'm both thankful to and creeped out by Google in this case!

I have data entry to do and a report to write for the church annual report (thank you to those of you working on yours, it reminded me!)

Edited to add: I have to write travelogues too. I have sent one out now in over a week.

I also have a load of laundry to run. I guess I'll start that now.

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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:46 pm

K in C I hear U - I got pj in mens dept and was tickled to have pockets, also frustrated bc none were in the 2 pr. I got in Dec. In ladies dept. Maybe we can start a fb campign!

Dishes are loaded in dishwasher.
Last edited by Nancy on Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:50 pm

quick hi - hi

dishes are in the sink soaking
other dishes are washing themselves
it's snowing
i had a sweet :? control!!!!

sweet dreams
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby Lynlee » Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:27 pm

Kathryn - Praying that DH will be sensible when visiting NT. Dry heat sucks any moisture out of you. Wet heat - You still sweat, but get to feel like a grease ball. imo.

I'm having a quieter day today. Its cooler for starters. Only 91F 33C inside.

If I was good I'd get my library books returned.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby lucylee » Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:33 pm

Boy, I need this topic today... a reminder to hold steady...

Dmom is still talking about the foot surgery she needs. This topic just makes me crazy with anxiety.

Busy week ahead --
* Monday -- funeral visitation (day)
* Tuesday -- retired teacher meeting (lunch) & nursing home (night)
* Wednesday -- church (night)
* Thursday -- dermatologist appt (afternoon)
* Friday -- go to college town
* Saturday -- ballgame & return from college town
* Sunday -- church
In the midst of all this, I'm going to have to finish laundry, which got waaay behind while dryer was messed up
PLUS dmom is trying to make an appt for me to accompany her to the foot doctor for consultation & clarification.
I'll put more on this topic in J&C.
PLUS -- there will probably be some time that we need to babysit.

BUT... I am making progress in spite of my anxieties.
* Dishes washed
* Wmart, groceries put away
* Talked to dmom -- that is debatable, as to whether or not that was a good thing or not.
* Found dh's missing dvd's which was about to make him sick!
DH noticed today that two dvd's were missing from the top of the dvd cabinet. One was given to him by a friend, and another by ds. He was heartbroken -- they were both irreplaceable, so far as he knew, and he just felt terrible. We both looked everywhere, including in the Christmas decorations. As dh kept talking about it, when he saw them last, etc... he said, "Those handprints of ds's were right there, too..." (Laminated handprints of ds from k-12 grade, which I hang on the tree every year.) So, having prayed about this already, I went BACK to the decorations box, even though I had just looked at the handprints once, and I flipped through them this time -- and THERE WERE THE DVD's. :shock:
DH was sooo relieved. He had accused dgd of taking them and leaving them somewhere... I had accused HIM of giving them to ds to copy... We were at our wits' end.

I am determined to exercise somewhat tonight, even though I have this ear, nose, sinus, and throat thing going on. My weight was up THREE POUNDS this morning from yesterday and I did very little today to help things improve. So I've got to quit wearing this fitbit as just a trendy piece of jewelry and start working with it. I do feel miserable tonight though. I just want to curl up and sleep and sleep and sleep... until dmom has her feet back to normal AND her teeth back to normal. * sigh *
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:51 pm

The faith rock was a hit I will be doing more of them! :mrgreen: I did 2 owls and 2 sunflowers bc they make me smile! Watching "Fury" with Brad Pitt in it, while I wait for the new season of Victoria to start on pbs.

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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:55 pm

Load of laundry is done. First travelogue is written and sent (now I just have Saturday and Sunday to write - the busy days with lots of pictures!)

I won't update you on the travelogue since you all know what happened already.

When I add more pictures, I'll let you know.

Now to pick up dh. He just texted me that he was running late. Good thing, I had no idea what time it was and I'm really late too!

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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby lucylee » Mon Jan 15, 2018 2:33 am

In spite of my sinus crud, I managed to walk 15 minutes. Not strenuous walking by any means, but I stood upright and moved my feet up and down for 15 minutes.

I also organized one small — VERY SMALL — area of my bathroom vanity area, Bible and papers/cards/lists.

Laid out clothes for tomorrow...
Took off makeup...
Flossed teeth...
Filled meds for the week...
Did Bible reading...

It DOES feel better to steady the ship, doesn’t it?
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Steady Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jan 15, 2018 3:49 am

Technically it is still Sunday for Nancy so I'll share this 'Steady the ship' anecdote from my Sunday morning.

We were on the ferry and all of a sudden a number of dolphins were running alongside the ferry. There were gasps and cries to come see. After a moment, the captain came on and said there were dolphins on the left hand side of the ferry but please don't all go to that side because it affects the stability of the ferry!

So that's my real life steady the ship story from Sunday!

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