Motivated Monday

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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jan 15, 2018 11:02 am

RR, we saw The Post yesterday and I loved it. Of course I love Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks and I love history too. We saw Darkest Hour last week and I loved it also.
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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jan 15, 2018 11:27 am

I had a smooth start to my day. Very laid back because there is no school today. DS9 is still asleep and DGD6 is watching TV. She is a bottomless pit today and has requested to be feed twice already. Both times she requested something super easy to prepare - Cereal & milk, then banana dots. DH left before 8 am for his quarterly diabetic checkup with the family doctor.

I am trying out a peach flavored tea today. I'm making it in addition to our regular unsweetened tea that DH and I like.

Since I can ignore school lessons today, I am spending this extra time on making a monthly financial collapsable task list for the BuJo. I like having all the details available but not having to look at them unless I want to. It makes my daily page very clean looking but still gives me the feeling of having all my areas of concern covered.

B: Greek Yogurt/beet powder/chia seeds, Banana, Grapes, Cutie
L: Kitchen Sink Salad & Tuna Salad
D: DS9 choice = chicken pot pie. He has never tried it before and requested that we eat it. I have never made chicken pot pie so opted to purchase it. If it is something that we like then I'll attempt to make it from scratch next time.

I have eggs in the Instant Pot. Once they are hard boiled then I'll make the Tuna Salad.
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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Jan 15, 2018 11:32 am

I spoke to your cold and told it that it had to leave you and your family alone. It said it is packing its bags and planning to leave your family so hopefully you all will be cold free soon!
Thank you, Blessedw2! Someone louder than me had to do it! ;)

Just finished up the dishes and sprucing the kitchen and dining areas. Dsonil and dd have headed out to his Mom's. (Thanks for that advice, Blessed. Will be sure to put a bug in dd's ear.)

Dh is working on his puzzle. We need to get our act together and head to Wmart pretty soon. Feel a little more like going than I did an hour ago. Talked to dbil yesterday to let him know we were still sick and he said dsisil had laid on the couch all day. My suspicions are that she was "up" waiting for her dniece and 2 of her dks arrival for a week. She went home Friday night (to near Philadelphia) and I rather think dsisil is going through the let down and she's getting so frail.

Been tinkering with my new ipad (new to me anyway). Slowly I'm making it 'mine'.

DD plans on going to school/work tomorrow but then it'll be day-to-day. She wants to get a few days of emergency lesson plans done so that when she has to be gone she doesn't need to think about that. Said she'd tell her 'boss' at the Solar Bears she would be available to work games, but to know she might have to cancel at the last minute. It'll be a good diversion for her. Know they have home games Saturday & Sunday. Dh will probably go Saturday, but I'm sure I will not.
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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 15, 2018 11:36 am

H had to go in 1 hr. Earlier today. Ddog would not let me sleep in. Sigh ... journaling quiet time done. Breakfast as well. I need to do hen chores, sweep, mop, vacuum, empty coffee grounds, empty trash, pick up dead squirrell in front yd. Toss on trash ack, done ! More coffee & then30 on stat bike, hit the shower x. Paper pile to tackle ugh. I have top 5 not top three lol!
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jan 15, 2018 2:25 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Jan 15, 2018 11:40 am

We like those pot pies, LadyM. Of course I like them fresh made too. Actually dh and I tried C hunky chicken pot pie soup last week and liked that as well. Unfortunately the salt content is not good for either of us most likely.

As I suspected, in talking with one of our church members (here) last night (to put dsonil's Mom back on the prayer chain, etc) she said we're having a guest speaker this Sunday and the next. A retired pastor who lives in their park has said he'd come do pulpit supply just for a short time. As I thought, she thinks our interim pastor will not be back. He's the one the church voted on last Sunday for the purpose of calling him as permanent pastor. I had said to dh that I really felt it was 'a vote of confidence' vote at best and the confidence obviously is not there. Know he and his wife have to be devastated. I'm just hoping it doesn't cause a big division in the church. The vote ended up being 21/18. There were a lot of us absent because of illness unfortunately and as I said, several who had left came back to vote. Won't be surprised if they're back and I know there'll be some healing needing to take place. We've been there/done that up home but not for a lot of years.
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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Jan 15, 2018 12:27 pm

Got bogged down with some planning and looking. :?

-wash up, brush and floss, get dressed
-walk the dog
-make the bed
-reboot laundry (have folded those two loads)
-refill meds
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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 15, 2018 12:32 pm

I never knew the south - Tennessee, Carolina's etc. got snow or that much ice! I guess I always thought of those areas as hot most of the time and then 50's/60s in the winter! So interesting!!! We used to get lovely snows here in our area but not anymore - I told dh that I would like to see what it would be like in minnesota or Buffalo, New York (especially when I was young because I loved the outdoors in winter). Really interesting! I can see how scary it is for the elderly!

I would like if we could have a couple 2 feet (ers) again in a row but that is not what happens here - very rare now. :? 8-) - It's not often we get an ice storm. the other day it did rain and then the temps went to 7 degrees in a short span. Dh was able to get dd youngers care started but when he tried to get out of the car he was stuck inside because the doors were frozen - it took 15 minutes to get out! Thank goodness by the time he talked to me he thought it was funny.

dh is plowing the snow.
I am off to do the kitchen
then a dvd yoga for big chicks - I keep thinking of my women on the water class coming this summer.
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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby Harmony » Mon Jan 15, 2018 12:53 pm

We could have some ice here but it doesn't happen very often. Tallahassee (n. fl) got some flurries with the last storm. We haven't had any snow for years and years. But we get freezes, can happen up to a few times every winter, or then we get years where there is no freeze. Last year we had no freeze. This year will be at least 2, the one a couple weeks ago and Tuesday night/Wed morning supposed to freeze. Dew points often mean a freeze even when the temp is above 32°.

It's funny about hail, most often it happens in the warmer weather. I've seen cars driving around looking like golf balls. All dinged up.

I was sick Fri night. Tummy all upset and very cold; threw up a couple times. Because I was up all night I was tired the next day and still cold. Crawled back into bed and slept 6 1/2 hours. Up late evening and part of the night. Slept another 4 hours. I really didn't feel sick, actually was better once I got "rid" of whatever was in my tummy, but tired and got my days/nights mixed up. Today I am feeling better and catching up around here.

While I was down I used the dishwasher and the clothes dryer. I make a lot of work for myself not using my "helpers".

Sunny, I was so sorry to read about DSon's truck. I'm wondering what the insurance co. has said. I suppose he made a police report and they are looking for it? Hope you are both feeling a bit better.

No mail today. I guess I'll go bring it back in from the box. :roll: County did come out and pick up our garbage; they are usually just off Christmas Day and maybe Thanksgiving.

Going out to blueprint place to print plans, stop by and drop book in library bin. Need to fold up laundry. 3 loads sitting around. Got behind.

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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon Jan 15, 2018 12:57 pm

Dee, we'll see you out shopping. Now that dsisil has left, HRH says he's dressed for something out in the world after all (he was thinking the holiday might see him in sweatpants all day, which he might have enjoyed, actually) let's go. So WMart and home improvement (he has simple tastes, usually practical).

Ds says toddlerC is sick. :? oops.

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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Jan 15, 2018 1:10 pm

Tuna salad is made. I ended up adding an extra can of tuna because I put too much other stuff. Oh well. I do not believe we have ever thrown out leftover tuna salad. It always gets eaten.

DS9 and DGD6 are teamed up to water and feed the dogs. DS9 insist on carrying warm water to the dogs instead of giving them water from the outside faucet. He is very conscious of being a good pet owner.

Peach tea is okay but I probably won't make it again.

DH is home from doc appointment. It generated more 3 items to add to my tasks list. These are items that I will only need to monitor to make sure they get done. DH has been known to forget things.
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