Tuesday Toast

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Re: Tuesday Toast

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:41 pm

Home from taking DMom to town. The heart doctor office called because the doctor was called away by an emergency. They rescheduled her appointment. DMom and I went to the Cancer Center and visited DBro. I took him a Dr Pepper, DMom took his a plate of still warm chocolate chip cookies. One of DBro's friends is bringing him lunch. All DBro has to do is sit in the recliner for about 10 hours and let the 8 bags of IV drip into him. He is bored. Bored is good.

I took DMom to pick up her prescriptions and then all over WM to get items on her "Buy this" list. She was pleased with herself that she had $16 in coupons to use with her purchases. Once we arrived at her home, I unloaded everything for her and put it in the vicinity it belongs. DMom wants to put everything in its actual place.

DNephew called to let me know he saw an FB post that someone at church needs a stove. DBro wanted me to pass on the information that he has one that was taken out of the house they bought 3 years ago and has been sitting in storage since then. It is a high-end stove and was working when they took it out. He said it was free to anyone who needs it. I stopped by the Churches Clothes Closet and talked to the ladies volunteering there. They knew who needed a stove so hopefully it will work out.

Before I left home this morning I put a big pot of soup on to cook. It tastes wonderful on this bitterly cold day.
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Re: Tuesday Toast

Postby lucylee » Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:45 pm

Oh how I wish dgd would acquire some words... She's pretty good with da-da, bye-bye, and hi... but that's it. She much prefers to point and get her way otherwise. I know... I know... it will come. She is obviously intelligent enough that she understands every word we say. She most likely is always going to be a quieter child than dgs, and so many people have told me about their 2-yr-old not talking but soon afterwards, it started and there were no problems from that point on.
I definitely agree -- Ritz crackers are worth talking about, Kathryn! LOL!

(((Dee's dsil & family))) This has to be so difficult for all of them.

So glad LadyM's brother has boredom as his major problem today. Praying the chemo doesn't leave him feeling too awful afterwards.

I need to flip the laundry -- I did at least get a load started...
Need to change sheets...
Need to call dmom...

DH and I went out to town -- trying to go to drug store but it was closed, along with the bank, our doctor's office (we didn't need to see them, I'm just saying) McDonalds, Taco Bell... sheesh! DH thinks it is ridiculous. Main highway was basically clear, but side roads and city streets did have lots of snow cover, so I can certainly understand why everything is closed. But we need the pharmacist! I sent him a message on FB and he said he expected to be open tomorrow. In the meantime, thankfully, CVS pharmacist "loaned" us one F lomax.

DS cancelled nursing home singing tonight. He says he still has a bad cough and there is so much flu going around... but mainly it is ddil who wanted to cancel, we think. DS was all for it yesterday. I'm fine with cancelling, but dh said he wished we were going. I really don't think dh is up to singing or much of anything. He says he now has a pain in his ribs -- I suspect from all the extreme coughing he has been doing. 13 days till he sees his heart doctor... not that anyone is counting or anything... * sheesh *

Bill Cosby has a great routine on old people and glasses. (I know Bill Cosby has fallen from favor in today's climate, and I am personally very disappointed if half of what we have heard is true, but it is still a funny routine. He says that's the reason old people walk so funny -- there's nothing wrong with their legs, it's those glasses they're wearing, and tells about his first experience w/bifocals.)

Waving to ALL!!! Have a good day!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tuesday Toast

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:34 pm

Got my laundry basket out to use so I don’t fall into my sidetracked ways... always works like a charm :D
:D d rose!

d lucy use sign and say the word - no pushing it- make it fun! I love d Kathryn's daughters idea -so cute - kids are too smart lol - helped a lot for kids I used to babysit for (especially when they had older siblings that did the talking and the getting for them :D ) my sweet great niece is almost 2-1/2 and doesn't say a lot and the doctor is fine with it - she is consistently curious. She has already been tested for autism - which is now the norm with visits with d nieces doctor. I have to admit I would definitely talk for Ritz crackers :D

so frustrating - so happy your dh was able to get at least one of his meds.

Waving to you too d lucy
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tuesday Toast

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:41 pm

hi d lady I am glad you were able to spend time with your d mom and visit your d brother! how lovely that you brought those cookies and the dr. pepper - I bet he was thrilled. It is boring getting the chemo - dh and I would sit and chat for a little while and then we both would be so bored even if the tv was on for the patients.

DMom wants to put everything in its actual place.
made me smile as it sounds like most of my family except dd younger and myself.

d kathryn I keep being blown away when you mention it's the next day. My d kids loved New Zealand! What a great idea of reading a book with shapes and doing the Ritz crackers - you dd is a smart cookie! so cute about your d grandson

Hope the rain doesn't stay long d nancy! I hope your ear stops hurting! And praying that your bs balances itself out.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tuesday Toast

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:46 pm

I've banged my head 4 times on the range hood or microwave here. I'm busy looking down to avoid stepping on something or tripping over an open drawer!

Still not s2s. To lay out my clothes for today I need to plan my clothes for the weekend. I'm flying tomorrow and Friday (plus a quick run into Adelaide while on a layover there.) When I pack tonight, I want to pack all my outfits in separate grocery bags so I won't have to think at all over the weekend. Hopefully this will work (my suitcase is pretty tightly packed.)

Tomorrow is a regular day but I'll need something warm for the airplane - I'm leaning towards yoga pants for that. Not classy but the best I can do given the heat in Sydney on arrival. We get there at dinner time for Sydney.

Friday we have to be to the airport for 8 so leave the hotel at 7:30 a.m. That will be the best start time for a long time. We arrive in Alice Springs at 4:20 in the afternoon. We'll likely be starving due to body time still be on Wellington Time. The transfer to hotel is by the tour company and then we have to find our own dinner and buy food for the bus tours since feeding the clients seems to be an after thought.

Saturday we leave at 6:55. They stop for breakfast after an hour. They'll stop again for lunch briefly. Both of those are our expense. It is a 5.5 hour drive so I figure with the two stops we'll be arriving around 2:30. At 3:15 we head out to Uluru so there's no time to eat (or go buy anything in there.) We'll have to have all our hiking things ready as well since there's no time to change between check in at the hotel and departure.

They give us nibblies at sundown (8:00) but no indication when we'll be back at the hotel. If I'm to sleep more than 4 hours that night, I don't see time for dinner that day.

Sunday we leave at 4:15 in the morning. Breakfast is included that day. Not lunch for dh, but since I'm on the short hike there is a chance to grab some food while waiting for long hike people to rejoin the group. We'll get back over 13 hours later (so really I'm looking for breakfast, lunch and dinner while gone.) Once again, the choice is sleep or dinner.

Monday we leave at 5:00 in the morning. That's the day they recommend we bring our own breakfast since they don't feed us. We'll be back at the late morning but have to be at the airport for 11 so there's no time to eat breakfast at all that day (seems we'll be snacking on the bus.) Not sure if there's a place to buy food for lunch but the airline might offer something. <Just checked - no food services at the airport, sigh.>

It makes me sick to think I've paid $$$$ for this torture.

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Re: Tuesday Toast

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:50 pm

I can't believe I already have a bit of a list for the store already. As long as I don't buy anything else at the store I should be okay!

2 upstairs bathrooms are cleaned well - weeklies done - I did a eyeball search for smudges and got rid of them. Emptied out the bottom of our upstairs sink and tossed a bunch of old stuff. I found 3 new shampoos of dh's that he didn't know were there.

I also clorox wiped the places where we all touch as the flu is really bad in our area (I guess like everyone else's area).

Its a I don't wanna moment - I really don't feel like doing the powder room. It only took 15 minutes :roll: I literally made myself miserable thinking about doing this job but its done ;)

flipped more laundry - towels washing themselves.

hi d elizabeth!
I have to go back to read your post as I can't seem to just scroll and post right now.

d kathryn safe travels! Sorry that they don't feed you at off hours - even a sandwich would be nice or some fruit and yoghurt.
Hope your day is lovely!

I saw something interesting on Good Morn ing Am. - that our gloves, scarves have so many germs on them and that when we wipe our face we could be spreading the flu to ourselves. I never thought of that... I always felt better with gloves on but it is true you do sometimes wipe ones face. I wipe my phone regular but don't do my gloves often. I accidentally wash dd younger's leather black gloves that she got as a gift and they shrunk and stuck to themselves. 8-) Gosh I sound old!

Next: make soup and cut up squash for dinner. hitting another tired spot!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Tuesday Toast

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:55 pm

Cheesy & Jalopena Cornbread just came out of the oven. Score! It goes along well with the pot of soup.

DH picked up a meal for 20 at local BBQ place and took it to VDFriends home. One of our Friday Night Gang members had a death in their family (his sister) so we wanted to stock them up on ready-to-eat food as their family starts arriving today.

DS9 did well on his homeschool lessons papers that I left him to do while I was with DMom. DS9 only has his online lessons to finish. That will take him about an hour. DGD6 gets out of school in 55 minutes so he should finish about the same time.

It is bathroom cleaning day on the weekly cleaning tasks. I'm going to grab the timer and see how long it takes me.
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Re: Tuesday Toast

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:58 pm

Grrr. just realized the dang travel agent booked us into a twin room. That means two single beds.

I swear this is the last time I will ever use a travel agent. She never asked me. It never occurred to me that we wouldn't have a double room so I didn't read the documents (which came 2 weeks after I paid) to see the accommodations - she told me the hotels involved and I was satisfied (actually, I had no choice but I researched them and they'll be just OK, apparently it is too much to ask for clean in this location.)

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Re: Tuesday Toast

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:22 pm

(((Kathryn))) don't fall down from lack of food, please. Sounds difficult at best.

DD texted earlier that she's stopping to pick up a roasted chicken and mashed potatoes. She's trying to think of good meals for her DMIL's digestive system. I'm sure she probably won't have much of an appetite anyway. She wants to compile a list at least for the next few days. Now is not the time for their budget, with dsonil out of work and it still being questionable if he'll be able to collect unemployment -the jury's still out on that. But I'm sure it will all work out. We're trying to contribute more toward groceries here than we usually do. It'll be an adventure. Any menu ideas? You gals are always such a wealth of information. It's going to mean a lot of miles on their vehicles for sure. She works about 35 miles east and her dmil is another 30 miles west. Dsonil has been gone all day. Not sure if he's coming home tonight -think hospice was supposed to go home with her today.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Tuesday Toast

Postby Nancy » Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:26 pm

Rain stopped and it snowed in the mtns. feels cold outside now. Heading to get arm wts. Out and blow the dust off of tbe #5 ones to change it up a bit.

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