Stick to it Saturday

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Donna's Lifestyle

Stick to it Saturday

Postby Donna's Lifestyle » Sat Jan 27, 2018 8:56 am

Good Morning
Up early as usual.
What do you all have to stick to, to complete?
For me it is my projects small and large, so many have yet to be completed.
Going to get some coffee,catch up on some programs on DVR and wait for hubby to roll out of bed.
Be Back Later:)

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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Jan 27, 2018 9:15 am

Good morning, Donna! Thank you for getting us started. Nice to see a new 'face' here.

I've been up for a while. Took my T-med and have been working on our tax return. :? Think I have about everything I need. However, dh's annuity which I had filed with all the tax papers was actually our January statement and not the tax paper. Hmmm..... One good thing is even if it doesn't appear in our mailbox this month (I will notify them that we don't have it) it's the same amount every year. Also was not sure how to list dh's income since he had sick pay for the summer months.

DD has gone to school as some of her students are testing today for a high school credit in engineering. She can't actually be in the classroom while they test but has to be at school. They have 3 opportunities to take this test and pass so she doesn't really expect more than 1 or 2 to pass it the first time. C hic f ilet is providing breakfast for them and the parent/teacher's org is providing lunch. Test takes place in 2 parts.

Dh has gone to the flea market. He's been itching to go and usually he and dsonil go. Dsonil is getting very frustrated living at his Mom's and I have to wonder how long this is going to go on. He did ask his dniece last night if she could possibly spend the night tonight so he could come home for a bit and see dd. Answer was no. He's quite frustrated with her as she comes with her 3 girls, help themselves, make a mess and leave. Sure he doesn't see when he 'leaves a mess' here -but that's another story. :roll:

Going to get dressed, take the rest of my meds, eat and get something done. Maybe it'll be 'stick to it' to get those taxes done. Actually I need dd's help and that won't happen today. At least I have the numbers inputted. Maybe she and I can tackle them tomorrow after our church's annual meeting.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Jan 27, 2018 10:45 am

Good Morning!

Donna- Thank you for the start this morning.

I was up later than normal last night so slept in this morning. I was grateful my alarm for today's phone meeting woke me.

Today schedule has been almost cleared because of the public schools & church activities being canceled as they try to stop the spread of the flu. However, I plan to take DS9 to a meet/greet this afternoon for homeschoolers that are interesting in taking horse lessons. DS9 is VERY interested in this which lead me to do a pro/con before committing. It is about an hour drive away so I'm not sure I am ready to commit to this weekly 2 hr drive & event. The class cost is reasonable ($80). The class/training is has a start/stop time (8 weeks) so having an end time makes me able to consider it. Basketball will be over in 3 weeks. So that means there would a 2 week time where basketball practice/games and horse classes would all be happening on top of his regular doings. I need to make sure I can juggle this before I add it to my set of balls that are already being juggled.
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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Jan 27, 2018 11:04 am

Juggle away, LadyM. If anyone can do it, you can!

I've been sticking to my 'theme' for today -taxes. Was trying to find what I used as ID & password for T urbo T ax last year. I finally clicked on an email from them and it took me to the site with my ID. Clicked on 'forgot password' and got that done. Did have them in my password book, but guess what -had no idea what my abbreviations meant for the password. But now it's done and I can get in. One more step done. Hoping that I can file by Monday. Hoping we can get back as much as we did last year at least. We pay into NY state taxes from dh's summer job, but normally get it all back plus -because he gets credit as a fireman ($200/year) and I get some credit for my long term care policy. Won't even think of trying to do it tonight as dd is going right from school -Clermont/Davenport area to see her dh in Plant City. I'm sure she'll end up doing some things there.

DD was filling out the application for dsonil to work part time for our friend up north this summer. (That's all depending on his dMom). She finally called friend who she also knows. He told her to leave out a lot of stuff and put him down as recommending him (he's the owner and CEO). I really don't know why dh didn't go to work for him several years ago. Would make more sense to me. But he's a 'committed' kind of guy and would stay it out at the campground. Although this year dcampowner wants to hire someone local to start 'shadowing' dh for the next couple of years.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Jan 27, 2018 11:18 am

Yesterday I bought 5 more containers to use in homeschool organization. It is so nice to have this one area of my life organized. This morning I realized (again) how much I love having a label maker. I use it all the time. My label maker is probably getting close to a decade old but has never given me an ounce of trouble. I buy the generic label tape from A-river so it is very economical to make labels. Labeled plastic containers allow everything to be organized........... Ahhhhh - it is the small things of life that bring me joy sometimes. :)
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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Jan 27, 2018 11:28 am

I need 3 things hens scratch, layer food h granola bars. Will try to get them before Monday. But I am still in recoup mode may have h do that. Time will tell. H has planned to get some tax paper sorting done today.

Soup is on the munu. Journaling is done. I need to feed hens in a bit. Then meds. Bs has improved with my wellness log this week yea!

We have taught the dog to sit up tall. Now for a roll over that has been a challenge! Lol.

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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby helia » Sat Jan 27, 2018 12:06 pm

Hello friends! You all are busy being productive!! I'm hoping your good habits will rub off on me.
Nice to meet you Donna. I definitely need to stick to tasks to finish them.

We're back from taking dd19 to the airport. She's back to school on Monday! Dd22 moved out last weekend, so we're back to empty nesting! (OK, I just used "back" in 3 sentences in a row. LOL! NOT quality writing. .. ) AND dh is leaving for Europe tonight to visit with family (NL) + work meetings (UK).

My Main Goals for today:
X 1. Airport Run -- dd19 off to NYC
2. Jog - try for 6 miles; this used to be easy peasy for me but now feels like a stretch. . .
3. Laundry
4. Progress on Grading
5. Out to eat with friends tonight

Minor Goals:
- kitchen reclaimed
- bed made
- progress on decluttering my bedside table

- some qt
- back exercises
- s2s and self care done

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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby CathyS » Sat Jan 27, 2018 1:02 pm

Hi everyone!!

It's slightly warmer today, but the wind is really blowing!

We spoke to the former owner again (thank goodness he's a regular customer of dh's) He said that in the past he had problems with his first wife having long hair and a bunch of it had gotten caught in a pipe between the shower and the septic tank. Yikes. Guess who has long hair here... :shock: just little ole me. I have considered getting it cut, but I also think I have been losing a lot of hair in the past year due to stress. He also mentioned that he had someone living here on and off before they moved that would use "3/4 of a roll of toilet paper" so to consider that as well. Dh and I both use as little as possible. Funny, the conversations that people have when they are living in a different situation than their old "usual".
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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby CathyS » Sat Jan 27, 2018 1:04 pm

Tree info. It won't come down unless absolutely necessary.

And, pipes were replaced with plastic "a few years ago".
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Re: Stick to it Saturday

Postby Harmony » Sat Jan 27, 2018 1:40 pm

Cathy, long hair wouldn't be causing problems as drastic as yours I don't think. Lots of people have long hair and have working systems. You are having trouble with multiple places in your house, multiple drains. That says system problem to me. We had a problem in one house where the system was too small. But we weren't overusing it, it just couldn't handle the liquid. High water table in your area could be a factor too. Nowhere for the water to drain to.

I'm glad you have plastic pipes. I watched a fix-the-old-house show this morning where they took out cast iron in the yard to the drain but they had already put new flooring in the house, so all that cast iron is still in the house under the new floor. I hope they replaced ALL your piping. I can't imagine how you're managing. Hoping for an easy solution for you and an inexpensive one too.

I am very down in the dumps today. Could kinda feel it coming on. I think its all the work facing us.

And my house is "getting away from me" again. DH was talking about getting something to work on the grout joints here in the kitchen...and I just about lost it. What he really needs to do is pick up his messes around here, hang up his clothes, do stuff that really makes a huge difference every day. Maybe fix my desk light so I don't get blistered fingers turning it off. :roll:

I have started working in the kitchen. 3 drawers emptied and sorted and washed out. And I'm working on the tip-out under the sink, bleaching the white plastic trays now. Waiting on the rubber mats for the one drawer to dry.

We've been in this house as long as we were in the last house, and this was the time I had to redo a lot of stuff, a lot of paint touch up, cabinet work, and not a lot of maintenance work gets done around here. No time for much of that. I know this is too much house for me to keep up just everyday stuff with all the other stuff I have to do. Long list of things needing done.

I'm going to make 2 pies to take to group tomorrow night, but after I finish some of this work and S2S.

Dee, maybe DSiL will be more mindful of the messes he leaves around?? One can only hope!
Last edited by Harmony on Sat Jan 27, 2018 1:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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