Surprise, Saturday!

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Re: Surprise, Saturday!

Postby Nancy » Sat Feb 03, 2018 8:53 pm

I survived the shift that was longer than I thought it would be. The kids are getting good at picking up toys. I spiffed up the living room then we move on to other rooms and I tokd them that room was off limits. Had snack time while I cooked up pasta salad for hubby to have for sides and lunches. Then they left.

I got the hens rounded up and fed, walked ddog to the corner. It is grey out looks like we will be getting rain before long. Dinner is in the oven. I like watching various electric pressure cooker infomercial for ideas of things to cook up. Hubby is enjoying the cave basement after I cleaned it up.

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Re: Surprise, Saturday!

Postby Lynlee » Sat Feb 03, 2018 9:18 pm

Waving from Sunday
Slept better last night, but I am still way behind on sleep.
church this morning
I walked home from church again, gaining a blister along the way.

Today we sometimes have the sun, wind, sprinkles. Rain showers were at large since the morning after the eclipse. I did put a link to eclipse photos in that thread.

RE flu - I've heard many say it was with them 6 wks.
Remembering when I was young with pneumonia and children were young with asthma, postural drainage (head down/ lungs higher, for gravity to work). Expect to cough heaps if you try it.
Worst medicine I took then was ammonia and senega. I've used it since and think it tastes so bad you get better to stop taking it. Its a phlegm loosener, not a cough suppressant. I just looked it up and flu wasn't mentioned on its list. My chiropractor (from decades ago) once gave me a herbal tea recipe for flu. Black tea and cinimon sticks, cloves and I forget what all else. I hated it so much, but it seemed to do the trick at the time. But then, normal tea makes me feel ill.

Prayers all suffering recover soon.

I think I'll make seed poridge for early lunch, then see if I can catch some zzzzzzzzzzz.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Surprise, Saturday!

Postby Harriet » Sat Feb 03, 2018 9:43 pm

I have visited my colorist. (I hope ya'll know it's nice to be able to chat with you about that - even though it's a part of my routine, the rest of the world is divided into the they-don't-care-a-bits and the I-don't-care-to-tell-thems. :)

Anyway, n and e is changing and I used my last box of the usual one with color part in a liquid form - they are going back to cream color in a tube. Unfortunately, as I navigated the new oddly constructed boxes and slightly different stock/names (and couldn't find what i was used to), i made a wrong purchase for next time. It's called mocha brown. Maybe it was the new boxes or the florescent lights, but what looked light brown in the store looks reddish now at home. Oh well, it is not a waste. At least I know they are changing their line and know to look it up online. Also if I choose to become a chemist in the future, I could use half of this (color tube) with another one that would bring it closer to my choice and might be just enough fun - but not too much.

I thought, for tomorrow, let's not decide to become a (surprise) redhead. :| As a matter of fact, I'm obsessing a little over what I'll wear (I think the navy, two-piece, serious, slimming, no-nonsense), and what notebooks I'll carry everything in, and who I'll speak to before service, before meeting (basically, I may stay in bathroom or nursery, and sitting in the car until last minutes does appeal). lol Dd19 will sing instead of me again, bless her heart.

Why is Kathryn auditing church books?

Loved reading about LadyM, her dmother and dgs sewing pillow covers. Memory making. Sometimes my hands shake in a way that reminds me of my ddad's and I know I have inherited at least a mild case of his family's Essential Tremor. I hope my children don't, and keep their paternal-sides' steady hands. I think it's wonderful LadyM's dmother tackles sewing or whatever and doesn't let a shake stop her.

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Re: Surprise, Saturday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Feb 03, 2018 10:32 pm

Kathryn is auditing church books as penance for taking on the refugees sponsorship.

Basically, it is a tiny church. Sponsoring the refugees was work I was willing to do but it would make a difference to workload of the envelope steward and the treasurer because of the handling of the donations and paying out of funds once the refugees arrived.

In order to support them in their work I volunteered to be an auditor.

Sadly the first treasurer was overwhelmed and despite numerous offers of help from many people, he just pushed through until it was a complete mess and he had to admit defeat. He did so only at the time of the birth of his third child, when he and his wife both had pneumonia. Talk about hanging on to the bitter end. It was a situation of he didn't want anyone to know what a mess he had made but couldn't get out of the mess on his own.

I'm sure many of you can identify with this.

Thankfully, we are a church family who don't judge people by their shortcomings but by their strengths. This is a young, active, family whose presence gives us great joy and breathes life into the dying congregation.

So I don't have any hard feelings.

I do have a hard job ahead of me. I'm auditing the 2017 year which is a mess but in the hands of someone unraveling that. I've been given the spreadsheet with 2016 (which is a great unknown) and will try and get that unraveled because we don't have a solid start number for 2017.

Thankfully, this is my strength. Patience, a tamed tongue, long attention span - none of those are my strengths. But numbers are my strength and my scattered brain can often pick up patterns. It is part of my seeing the big picture at all times (as if my eye roams from above like a drone.) It makes little sense to others as I jump ahead making what seem to be leaps of logic but it can work for me.

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Re: Surprise, Saturday!

Postby Lilac » Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:07 am

Dgs13 is feeling better after being on the antibiotics 24+hours.

Sunny, I don't like liver either but I fix it for dh at least once a year. I do liver and onions and I hate how the house smells, so I usually burn candles in every room. It just dawned on me that I should fix them in the electric skillet out on the patio when the weather is warm enough. It will still smell up the house when I bring them for him to eat but it shouldn't be as bad as it is when I cook them in the house.

This morning dh unhooked the heating element. It came out in 3 pieces instead of 1. There were several little balls of metal laying there plus 2 of those little balls are now embedded in the enamel of the oven floor from being so hot. I cleaned the oven, racks and the door. The door comes off and that is so helpful when trying to clean the oven. Dh went to an appliance store and they told him that no one in town stocks heating elements, no stores or repairmen. They said everything is on an order basis. So dh came home and found the one he needed on the Maytag site and it should be here in 2 days.

We went to dgs12s ballgame at noon. Dgs12 was on fire. I knew he made the majority of the points but of course his dad kept count. He made 23 of 40 points. The game ended in a 40-40 tie. Dgs loves basketball. Dh was laughing when we got home how dgs rebounds his own balls. He can steal that ball and just flies down the court. Of course as dh said, he probably missed as many points as he made, but that is part of the game.

I took a bath awhile ago and just as I finished drying, I lost my balance and stumbled sideways, hitting my upper arm on the towel rack. It is so scary how easy it is to hurt yourself when you get older.

Dd1, dgs23 and I walked this afternoon. It was good to see him. He hasn't walked with us lately. We have only been walking when it is warm enough. It was 60ish but a little breezy. Tomorrow it is suppose to be 30's.

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