Tuesday Tools

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Feb 06, 2018 12:37 pm

Have managed to clean up the kitchen and get the dishes done -after first putting away the clean dishes from yesterday. I'm trying to do 10-minute stints and rest between. Will be so glad to feel great again. That is coming, right?

Have a whirl of things going in my head I'd like to accomplish before ds-R and ddil come Saturday evening. They're not due in at Tampa until 6pm (their flight had been cancelled and thus a later arrival time). We plan to stop for dinner on the way home and hopefully dsonil can get someone to stay with his Mom so he can meet us. We'll stop in Plant City so it won't be too far for him to come. May be the only chance he gets to see DS & DDIL.

Next up: 10 minutes slotted for cleaning up my computer desk. Timer going -guess that would be one of my favorite tools. Still thinking about that Instant Pot, LadyM. I've looked for a slow cooker with a metal insert so it's not so heavy but that just might be that Pot.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 12:44 pm

well done on getting the dishes done d dee - I hope you and your ds have a wonderful time when he comes in
went through emails. done tossing those

Happy washing towels d kathryn (and paperwork time)

hi d nancy waving at you too

Hi d elizabeth happy day to you.

d helia - where ever you are on your busy day - have a great one!

another 15 minutes done: all recycling washed and dh took out :D
dh finished snowplowing - :D dh said he can no longer do the plowing as the exhaust and the cold bothers his throat and that is where his cancer was. Very frightening to him (of course). He has his yearly ENT appointment Thursday so I know he is anxious. So it will be another job I and dd will take over - I am okay w that. I just have to figure it out.
sink is super clean (for now) :D :D
oh I also played ball with the old dogs this morning. :D They are happy. It's hard bc their back legs don't always work well any more.
I also tossed the jarred stock - ;) it didn't turn out right and I kept putting it off
made myself a cup of (cuppa 8-) ) chamomile tea.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Feb 06, 2018 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Donna's Lifestyle

Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Donna's Lifestyle » Tue Feb 06, 2018 1:46 pm

I am back:)
Feeling 100% better, BP and heart rate is back to normal after the flu, without any med changes which makes me very happy.
The house has been completely cleaned and L soyl'd and all bedding washed in the hottest water possible.l
Dh"s appointment with Vascular Surgeon was so-so, his Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in the Dr"s opinion looking at the last CT scan
may have increased in size,and wants to do a MRI but insurance is saying the size does not warrant a MRI, and just do another CT scan, so glad Insurance companies known more then Drs :evil: So he will have a second CTscan done next week :evil:
With all the above going on, the furnace blower fan decided to stop working, and had to be replaced, not going to complain was alot cheaper then replacing the whole furnace.
So that is what my life has been like. Today I want to work on some uncompleted projects, before heading DK's to watch the Grands.
Have dinner in CP, final lol is in dryer and have tidied the house.
So going to grab some lunch and catch up on all the happenings here that I missed, then get moving.
Have a Good Day, and see you all tomorrow:)

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 3:24 pm

So happy you are feeling better d donna!!!
Praying for you dh! and so so frustrating about the furnace.
take care! looking forward to seeing you tomorrow
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 3:32 pm

I didn't use the timer this time but I did order groceries as I knew it would just make me lazy on what I want to do if I went shopping. this way I can stay on task (as good as my d little brain will let me 8-) ).
counters are nice and clean :D , I vacuumed :D and dusted kitchen :D but can't find my swiffer - I think it might have ended upstairs, lunch eaten (I wasn't good as I had cheddar 2 ounces along with sandwich and some of dh's low salt chips (geesh). I know he always eats those for lunch and I always find my way into the bag ... :shock: ;)
swiped handles etc. :D trying to get dh to wash his hands when he comes in the house from outside in the world or at least use the antibacterial soap
dogs are sleeping.
stove front and handles etc. are clean :D but the drawer should be cleaned and the inside but I knew I would make it into a big job instead of keeping it simple. I did swipe the front of the fridge and dw as well, microwave too. :D
cleaned window over sink :D
checked cleaning supplies :D
cleaned out silverware drawer and wash front of that drawer. :D
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 3:34 pm

took picture of address (dog pool) so I could have it on my phone for tomorrow (I still need to file the card)
I need to put what I spent on the charge 3 x 5 (grocery) card that I did a few minutes ago.

Next: pull recipes for today and do prep

also toss one load into the laundry machine so that something is working while I make dinner early

kick myself - I got lost down the rabbit hole of the computer.

timer pulled
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Feb 06, 2018 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Feb 06, 2018 3:35 pm

Donna - it's great to see you back and feeling better. ((((Hugs)))) on all the challenges

I'm home from taking DMom to Cardiologist, visited DBro at Cancer Center and stops at to WG & WM to pick up items for DMom. DMom new doctor is is young and doesn't have DMom confidence (yet?). She argued with him several times during the appt and DMom's face became flushed. I was tempted to tell the doctor that is just the way DMom is, but held my tongue. NOTHING would convince DMom that the Cardiologist might know more than her so there is no use trying (BTDT).

Lunch is pinto beans, potatoes, and 6 other vegetables. Avocado is my fat for this meal. Mmmmhhh. So good.

I left DS9 15 papers to do. He completed 13 of them before stopping for lunch. He is so pleased with himself. Me tooo.

LucyLee - I don't know if this is just a local thing or widespread. We have FB groups called "You know your from >>insert city, state<< when." These groups are filled with old pictures and discussion of "back when" that happened in that town. I was wondering if there was a similar FB group for your town where you could receive pictures and discussion about the structures he built. Our local group talks about all sort of old things - structures, events, people, etc. I have been wondering if the people doing ancestry searches access these FB groups too. In our local group they are constantly posting old pictures (100+ years old) of people and discussing who they are and details of their life. Their parents, children, where they lived, when they died, etc.
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby lucylee » Tue Feb 06, 2018 4:45 pm

Thank you, everyone, re: the letter!
LadyM, yes, we do have the FB group and I have gotten feedback from several people there — but even they said “maybe you should write a letter to the paper...” OTOH, dh just seems to think that’s silly: “Well, I have never seen a letter to the editor like that. People write letters to the editor about injustice at the bd of ed and corruption at city hall... or thank you for whatever charity... not stuff like this...”
— sheesh —
But Kathryn’s right too — do I really want my name address and phone number/email out there on the web?

Oh well...
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:08 pm

So happy to have Donna back. And she seems to be doing very well since her house is in better shape than mine and I haven't been sick!

Ds is here today (along with 5 loads of laundry!) We visited a little over lunch and he helped me by reading dozens of numbers off a printout (thus I found the 2 transcription errors I made) but aside from that, I'm working on the audit and he's relaxing.

Dh and I have to walk over for the meat for dinner.

I've missed my chance at doing the errands. Tomorrow is a big snowstorm and then the audit in the evening. Not sure where the car is getting emptied because it is full of donations.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Harmony » Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:34 pm

Favorite tool....I guess it would be my wall calendar where I keep track of my life and my desk and calculator where I keep everything in order. That sounds so old school, doesn't it? Works for me! And I guess my washer, and then there's my crock pot.

Kathryn, yes I guess I'll check and see if I can do zip files. I hate when I receive zip files. I've been unable to open some of them. Our customers already have the bottom line price before we do the whole proposal and have ok'd that we go ahead with at least the paperwork, and if they want it in their email they're already expecting one. If they gulp and say no, we move on. Saves us a lot of time.

I had a short trip out, went to 2 banks. Car gauge was back to it's funky fluttering but at the middle range, not at the extreme low end like I saw once. I don't know what to think about it. I had one more place to go but I didn't want to drive all the way down there, so I came home.

Laundry today and dailies. Easy day.

Donna, glad you're feeling better.

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