Tuesday in Transition

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Tuesday in Transition

Postby Harriet » Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:29 am

Big and little transitions in life call for attitude adjustments, re-calibrations, thinking outside the box.

Homemakers become uniquely capable of handling them, and often making them easier for others.

What transition are you moving through now, smoothing out the bumps along the way?

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Re: Tuesday in Transition

Postby Harriet » Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:37 am

After emailing ds this morning, "I'm with you; finishing up breakfast," he called and told me the bad news that toddlerC's night was terrible, and with ddil having an important day at work today, they have decided he is staying home today, or at least most of it. They will try to get a dr's appt. He was there yesterday for the municipal retreat day of all-day meetings, and that was probably the most important of his week.

So Harmony, thanks for the thought last evening, but I guess with little ones the bugs and colds are even more stubborn.

Thinking of Harmony this morning as she transitions to prepared citizen mode.

Hi to Lynlee, whose porch light I saw on "early" (for me).

So I'm transitioning into a completely different plan today, even though I was up early. I had a little loss at the scale so there was a smile then, and I hope I'll find more as I go along.

I promised ds that I would listen out for him if he needs me today.
Oops, wasn't remembering at that moment that I sort of promised dd19 that I'd do the same for her in the afternoon.
Oh well, super Mom may have to manage a lot. :roll:

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Re: Tuesday in Transition

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:54 am

It's amazing sometimes just what we 'super moms' have to do, Harriet. And we often juggle it all.

I'm up before anyone -well except dd who left about 5:30 for work. She has a hair appointment at 4:45 and I'm going to call to see if this gal can do my eyebrows. They're really 'out of shape'.

Transition here will be to switch refrigerators. DD and Dsonil went to L owe's last night to check out a fridge. They were going to do their kitchen countertops with her bonus (coming in a couple of weeks) but family dynamics being what they are at the moment have decided to wait on that. But they have been needing a new fridge for some time now. Right now it's on sale for a $1,000 off :shock: Don't think we ever even paid that for one in our day. We have a nice silver apartment sized one in the office. I began thinking during the night that there would be plenty of room if they want to put that in here. Plan was to put it on the screened porch in the back. I figure it will have to work a lot less inside. So will approach that with her later today. At any rate we have to clean it out and get it moved so they can ready that space for the new one on Thursday. Know this will be a big transition.

Just waiting for the time to pass between my T-med and the rest of my meds. Guess it's time.

Hope your little dgd feels much better soon, Harriet. I got up in the middle of the night to open our window -it was just plain too hot. But it was after that I began to cough quite a bit. Then I was sneezing to beat the band. Will ask dd about turning on the AC tonight so we can leave the window closed. Even at that it only came down to 76.4 in there and I was still too warm.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Tuesday in Transition

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:39 am

Dee - wondering if the larger refrigerator in your room will be noisy and generate more heat?

I am up and on track today. I am thankful how incredibly good it feels to be filled with energy and not have a foggy brain. I have been on the other end of the "feel good" scale and appreciate the difference.

Today is a relatively easy day (compared to tomorrow) so I want to prepare ahead all that I can.

Today =
** Homeschool with DS9 (est time = 4 hours hands-on, plus 3 hours monitoring)
** Take DH to get old pickup. It has been in the shop for rebuilt transmission & new exhaust system. This is a 52-mile drive. (est time = 2 hours) While there I'm going to make a quick stop at my favorite garden store. Seed potatoes & onion sets are calling my name!
** exercise (30 min)
** DGD6 from school & care (est time = 1 hour hands-on, 5 hours monitoring)
** OA homework & meeting (2 hours)
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Tuesday in Transition

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:03 am

So yesterday I was motivated and planning and just got all shot down. I didn't get up today until almost nine - still adjusting from trip out west, I suspect. The alarm had been going off for 1.5 hours. :roll: I have the garbage can out and took out the garbage from the kitchen too.

-plan the day
-clean up, get dressed, brush teeth
-refill meds/vitamins
-clear kitchen counters
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

Donna's Lifestyle

Re: Tuesday in Transition

Postby Donna's Lifestyle » Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:16 am

Good Morning
I need to transition back to some type of normalcy. Dmom is home from hospital came home Saturday morning, she gave us a scare but all is ok now.
My Dbro and his wife flew up from Tx and are staying with Dparents this week.
That emotional roller coaster along with a wedding Saturday evening, and our little Valentine's 1st Birthday Party Sunday and watching Dgrks all day yesterday,I am totally drained. The house needs major tidying, I have a Mt of laundry to contend with.along with meal planning and grocery shopping.
Going to grab another cup of coffee, try catching up on what you all have been up to and get my day going.
Be Back Later:)

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Re: Tuesday in Transition

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:25 am

We had record lows in our area last nite, 11* when I got up. I did a list of rock designs I painted last year amazed at those. I wanted to keep it for reference and reuse it this year for some any way. I did sweep and mop last nite. H took the trash to the curb.

The new rock shelf at the trading post will be bigger metal and cemented in to the ground or attatched some how.

Some progress here!
bed is made qt & journaling done.
Called Rx. Breakfasted. S2s x.
Meal plan soup
Next up stat bike.

Temps. are inching upwards up to 20*.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Tuesday in Transition

Postby CathyS » Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:26 am


I'm sitting here instead of sitting with my friends over at the Women's Institute craft day. I had been looking forward to this since last summer. The craft that our branch is doing this year is weaving a bookmark using a piece of cardboard as a loom.

I did laundry over the weekend and left a pile of clean stuff on the dresser so of course the cat has decided that she is sleeping there today. All of dh's tops got hung up, but socks and underwear are in the dresser pile as well.

I did run a load of dishes in the dishwasher last night along with doing what was in the sink. So the knives, etc., are done. I did leave a pile on the island and promised myself that I would do those today.

It's a gray (grey) overcast, nasty rainy day here but it is warm. All of the snow is melted with massive puddles everywhere because the ground is saturated. Our cistern had a lot more water in it than I expected when I measured it last Friday. A friend of ours lives an hour away and he has the same size of a cistern and his is draining somewhere. He just had a 3000 gallon delivery and his cistern is now empty.

The free freezer is a 7 cubic foot and it's old. Dh said he isn't even going to plug it in unless absolutely necessary.

Not a clue what to have for supper tonight. Dh said something with rice or noodles would be good with the left over pork.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Tuesday in Transition

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:52 am

I think supper will be out tonight. We have a concert in the evening so we can go downtown to the mall food court and dh can have Chinese and I'll have Subway. I'm out at lunch today as well. I've filled in my food diary for the day and can manage the food out if it comes to that. I just have to make sure I skip my goldfish crackers today. Since they are usually a morning snack, and I ate breakfast late, I should be able to do that.

I've finished the treadmill for the day. Today I also did some stretches when I got out of bed. So that's another health measure that I'm adding in (aside from 10K steps a day plus counting all my food on MFP.)

I'm dressed and ready to go out. I had to rebook next week's varicose vein appointment. I booked it in October, rebooked a month later in November, and they cancelled last week. It is a large clinic but I'm waiting to talk to the lead doctor. So now I go in May. They offered me tomorrow morning but not with the lead doctor. I'm so busy right now, that to start treatment would mean I'd have to wait until May anyway, so this isn't that big a deal except, should I decide to go for having gorgeous looking legs, I will not get them for this summer unless I can figure out what the one-day treatment is. Then years ago, I met someone from Montreal who had that but they have a much larger private medical system than Ontario does. I still have to pay for treatment, varicose veins are not covered under the universal health system. The specialists tell you need to get the work done because of the risk of deep vein thrombosis but the system won't pay for that so I wonder if the specialists are just trying to get more money by doing unnecessary private work.

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Re: Tuesday in Transition

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:59 am

It's a 'mute point, LadyM. We're not moving it to the office after all. For one thing it would only have 1/4" clearance if we took off the doors to that and the room. And dd is afraid it might 'dent' the flooring. So will go with plan A.

I've done nothing but 'almost' snooze this morning. Now it's time to get busy and do something.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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