Tuesday in Transition

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Re: Tuesday in Transition

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Feb 20, 2018 6:08 pm

LadyM: I'm amused by ds9's financial planning!

Rosie: thanks for describing your new legs and how you got there. I'm thinking mine aren't that bad. Laser isn't an option with this doctor and the recovery was too short for what the lady in Montreal had done.

I'm really not looking forward to wearing compression stockings again. They are so hard to get into when my legs don't bend enough (i.e. when my knees or hips are sore.) I gave up wearing them when my back went out. I still have some or all of them though. I think the knee high ones made my legs worse since I have a whole pile of spider veins there that I didn't have before.

My legs often feel like they aren't mine but something bolted on. And the numbness in the foot is my latest issue. On the website for this clinic it mentioned that hot weather makes it worse and that might be why I had such issues in Australia. As much water as I drank, there was swelling and numbness way worse than ever before. On the plus side, it got me serious about losing weight since I figured the weight couldn't help but aggravate things.

I had a 2.5 hour lunch out with my childhood best friend. That was good. We were really bad about seeing each other last year so promised we'd be better this year but it took until 1/6th of the year was gone before we pulled it off!

I then did some shopping. Used $13 in coupons so was glad I got them used up. One was for the free toy and the reason I have so many rice krispies here. I used it to pick up a set of mini Thomas the Tank Engine locomotives. I'll keep them and pull them out some time with the new family when the children have to play in a waiting room while the adults are having an intake meeting.

Also picked up decaf coffee for tomorrow night, and cream and cheese. I'll use my leftover crackers and baking from Christmas plus the nuts and bolts.

Ds dropped by before I left and is still here. He had a lot of laundry to do but is napping now.

Dh and I will leave in about an hour. I might nap a bit too.

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Re: Tuesday in Transition

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:06 pm

The doctor office just called and canceled DH and my appt for tomorrow due to the icy roads. Those appointments are now rescheduled to March. That means tomorrow just got a lot easier with a 4-hour slot opening up. It was fun for a few moment to dream, but then reality struck and I filled it with homeschool lessons.

My energy level has bottomed out. Could it be because my day started around 4:30am? Hum.... I'm going to watch an episode of something and see if a rest will help.
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Re: Tuesday in Transition

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:13 pm

headached and napped - i dislike that ;)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday in Transition

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:07 pm

I have loaded up a bag of Easter toys and decor items to donate next time I am out and about. I have a different bag of things set aside for dgd when she sets up an apt. This summer I will add to it giving it to her later. Yea for progress!

Good News! I got the hen door to close. I shut the run and opened up the coop they went in all but 3 I had to grab a rake and heard those last ones in, the others were they were all lined up on the roast in their fav spots. I counted 2 extra hens not sure how that happened maybe a couple of em moved. :roll: Got 4 eggs today.

I was cross w h when he did not process the mail. Soup for dinner is great. We have a bit of snow in our forecast over nite sigh quite tired of winter.

I got a dish cloth done. I walked the dog to the corner.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Tuesday in Transition

Postby CathyS » Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:45 pm

Best advice for anyone here that thinks that they might be on the road to getting ill. Clean your bathroom! It was something I was grateful for when I was sick. Today was the first time I have done much in the way of cleaning since before I got sick 12 days ago.

I cleaned the cat litter box. I swept floors. Not perfectly, but the middles got done. I washed the same floors with my new favourite cleaning partner, a spin mop. Lots of bleach in the water. I also poured some bleach into the toilet to help clean it. I even had one of the windows open in the bedroom today.

Dh was late getting home for work because a pick up truck came in off the highway with the need for a tire installation. They made $40 on the installation, including labour, and for that 3 men got home late from work, and one travelling man from the west got back on the highway and continued his trip back to his home in BC. Sometimes mechanics and tire techs go that extra mile when they don't have to. Dh said sorry to me as soon as he walked through the door. I was irked when he was late, but as soon as he said sorry, I knew there was an explanation.
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Re: Tuesday in Transition

Postby Lynlee » Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:51 pm

Tuesday Transition Wednesday
Waving from the wide lake and across mountains to Harriet.

dry hot muggy Monday to rainy days and nights.

I got to tai chi again this morning and paid my money for 4 mth course.
I woke at 3, took tmeds at 4, played meditation tape etc.
Eventually fell asleep for an hour and had 30 min dress bfst ready for bus in heavy rain . I made it - glad to have taken tmeds in the night.
I got a lift home with someone who will pick me up on Saturday. Hourly Buses don't work so well on Saturday for arrival time.
I'm hoping the tai chi breathes more chi into me.

yesterday afternoon there was long enough break in the rain to fill the green bin with take over succulents. weed trees need attacking where they were growing. Fallen branches had been thrown in the mix. :cry: There will be another bin full of those weeds.

I'm having my cooked seeds for lunch - banana on toast was my rushed bfst.
Just begin.
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Re: Tuesday in Transition

Postby Harmony » Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:05 pm

Hello everyone. I had a very tiring but interesting day.

I will be tied up probably 2 more days. I guess they liked me. :roll:

Stopped on the way home to get stuff so I could pack a lunch for tomorrow. Traffic down there is too bad to go far and there's not many places to eat in that town. It was meat locker cold in that place and I was glad to get back out in the heat and sun. It was about 89°.

Came home to a whole herd of footprints and none of them were mine. Took a while to get that cleared up and we had leftovers for dinner and then I helped DH make this big pot of clam chowder. Yuck. He raked them up in some little inland pond where a customer says they were. I don't think it smells good at all and I told him not to eat much till we determine they are safe to eat. I have my doubts.

I am learning lots of stuff. I am in a group of very intelligent people, thank goodness, because that helps. It is a great responsibility.

Some desk chores done. Paid a bill online. It is hard to keep all the plates spinning. Now I gotta jump in the shower and get to bed. Fortunately tomorrow is 9:00 instead of 8:00 so that's more doable.

I'm on my way...

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