Daylight Savings Time Sunday (for most of us)

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Re: Daylight Savings Time Sunday (for most of us)

Postby Harmony » Sun Mar 11, 2018 2:35 pm

I did not do well with the time change. Plus I was up for hours during the night with upset stomach. So I didn't make church. I did use the time for cleaning up the house a bit so that was good. Folded laundry. Did another 3 sheets from the landscape covering pile. Gathered up all the rubbish for pickup tomorrow. Loaded dishwasher. Texted with DGS a bit.

If the time change bill in our state passes, we will stay at this time and not change our clocks again. I guess this means we will be on daylight savings time forever??

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Re: Daylight Savings Time Sunday (for most of us)

Postby Harriet » Sun Mar 11, 2018 3:17 pm

Oh, I'm sorry to hear of these bad tummy nights, Lilac and Harmony! Feel better.

Sadie, that is a difficult diagnosis to hear about someone so close to your family. ((hugs))

Kathryn, I was absolutely positively going to think of you during my church's worship today, since you had told us you were going to 3 services and also dealing with music, etc. However, due to circumstances beyond my control, I wasn't able to think of much else besides my own situation, so I can honestly say I forgot all about you.

Have called dd19 to give the "report" of my morning that she insisted upon last evening. Like one of those "fortunately, but unfortunately" jokes, my morning went back and forth. I was able to have the private conversations that I needed, to come to grips with the disruption at our study Tuesday, and that was very good. For a short time before our service, I felt relief and encouragement.

But I didn't know that further excrement had flown into the oscillating machine in the meantime, so worship service was ... tense. And now, all officers (in whatever capacity - so this must mean even us pencil-pushers) must go through an 8 part study series on Conflict in the Church. And elders have to make sure every member (every - that should be a slice of life and a can of worms all at once!) is personally given a copy of today's sermon. :) :| Dd just loved that part of my "report" to her, since she will be required to read or listen to the sermon she missed, too. And the answer to the next question is no, I've never heard of such a thing, either. In this part of the village, we are living in interesting times.

So aaaanyway, it really had occurred to me Kathryn might have an unusual day, and she did. My heart goes out to the whole church family, and I think it's great Kathryn was there to quickly say she could help over the next while.

In other news HRH has family members who are going through a hard time and he has gone to visit now. He hopes to convince the woman to stop posting about her loneliness on social media. She's posting that she is often alone in her house, saying things like, "I'm all by myself tonight". So he hopes she'll keep her home's vulnerability a secret from the world - talk about loneliness, BUT in a less concrete way! yipes. Her dmother is also going later this afternoon - I have a feeling she'll ultimately move in with her mother. None of my business, but I think they need each other.

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Re: Daylight Savings Time Sunday (for most of us)

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Mar 11, 2018 4:01 pm

I've been working on some research. Time to get out of my pajamas and get to work on rest of the day.

-change clothes
-walk the dog
-reboot laundry, fold
-start soup for supper
-set goals for the week, plan tomorrow and rest of week
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Daylight Savings Time Sunday (for most of us)

Postby Sadie » Sun Mar 11, 2018 4:32 pm

Checking in and waving from work.

When I called DH earlier the dgs was down for a nap and he was working on dishes.

He is texting me every few minutes with a list of things needed at home. Part of working at WM.

They’ve done a switch of bosses at work and we have a lady over us again. She was our boss for two years and then we got a gentleman over us for less than a year. We all liked the gentleman because he left us alone, figured we knew what we were doing.

But the lady is more of a micro manager, very by the book so changes needed to accommodate her

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Re: Daylight Savings Time Sunday (for most of us)

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 11, 2018 5:31 pm fly lady Kat sunday March 11 video if you are interested; if not that's great too!
I need to focus :D!

it is 4:18 pm and I finally finished my morning routine :shock: 8-) (except swiping the toilet)
played with dogs and they are exhausted
we had though we would be cooking at home but we talked and we are going to just let it go as all of us have hit a wall and need to start the week out rested and peaceful. I need this! :D

hi d sadie - waving back at you
lol I love that since you are working at WM he can write you a list. getting both done - wonderful
hope your old woman boss acts like him (it's hard when someone micro manages - I had a boss like that, a man, and he was always over my shoulder.

hi d twins! enjoy your day - glad you took time for something you enjoy!

hi d harriet! so happy you felt relief and encouragement. I have a feeling a lot of people around your think of you in those terms all the time. Glad your dd was there to support you.
Sorry it was so tense - I hope the series will touch hearts and bring peace to your church. Are they given a copy of the sermon before the sermon or during? I haven't heard of that - the individual sermon is up to the pastor at the lutheran church or the catholic is done by the priest. They have people help plan the mass but the sermon is totally up to the one doing the service.

If she is writing about loneliness to everyone it must be a desperate time for her. I think a therapist would be a blessing at this time. I will pray that she finds purpose and friendships to fill her soul.

hi d harmony - I am sorry you had an upset stomach! please feel better!
I wish they wouldn't change our time - just leave it where it is right now.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Daylight Savings Time Sunday (for most of us)

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Mar 11, 2018 5:41 pm

excrement had flown into the oscillating machine

What a lovely saying. So Southern. Even better than Bless her heart!

On the other hand, in our denomination it is frowned upon to use the pulpit to speak about discord in the congregation. So my eyebrows are raised.

The rest of my day went well but as I sit here at my computer I'm aware of overwhelming physical exhaustion. I ache from it.

No messages from my minister. After the second service he told me next week's bulletin is all done, just the sermon (and I assume) prayers of the people need to be written. Easy-peasy since I have to do that for the retirement home service. I told him I could preach and he just lead worship if that works for him instead of taking the day off. Not sure about a children's story but we only had 2 on one church and a baby in the other because it is March Break so I don't really expect a huge number next week anyway.

It isn't the service so much that worries him. It pastoral care. We have someone younger than us in the hospital after he dropped 'dead' from a stopped heart at an arena on Wednesday. Thankfully we have defibrillators in all arenas and it was used to revive him. In the even worse department, a church family gets word on Tuesday if the 'last option' chemo is working on their 9 year old son. He has tumours throughout his body now and had to stop treatment this week because he was too compromised to continue. Tuesday is hope/no-hope day for that family. Our minister wants to be there for them, naturally enough. Especially since our pastoral care person is dating the grandmother of this child so is part of the family. I'm not great at pastoral care so don't really want to volunteer to step in for that even if it was appropriate for me to do so.

Oh, and the wife of the man in the hospital is best friend of the mom of the little boy and has been the coordinator of support for that family.

As I said, it has been a really strange week for tragedy and concern - I think that's why the Rev's dmil dying today came as such a shock (although I'm sure he was telegraphing his shock through to me.) She had been well until a couple of days ago when she started to feel poorly and it took until today for her daughter to convince her to see a doctor. On the plus side, although Newfoundland is a long way away, there is a sister who works for Air Canada so getting them onto planes to get home will be easier than it would be for a regular family. Apparently she's in shock as well, but tasked a friend at AC to get them home.

So I'll await email instructions from the Rev.

No-one died this week at the retirement home and I had 9 (2 shy of a full house now with the new chairs) so it was a good service. My singing went well in all services although I was pretty tired of singing by the third one.

After that we picked up the used stroller for dd, had froyo, gassed up the car with Sunday afternoon cheap gas and picked up a cooked chicken (and other meat) from Costco so dinner is taken care of.

Dh is at his desk working now. He and I have an internal business planning meeting on Tuesday and he's started to send me documents for that discussion.

So I need to get my head to shift from my exhaustion and all the drama others are going through, to the business and my prep for the meeting. We'll leave the house and sit at the bagel shop until we are done. We need to be there to be away from distractions.

'Our' team just lost in the semi finals so that means I don't have to watch curling tonight (unless I watch a repeat of the game this afternoon to see what happened, we just followed the box scores all afternoon.)

Blessed: please keep posting those links. I haven't watched one yet, but I mean to!

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Re: Daylight Savings Time Sunday (for most of us)

Postby Nancy » Sun Mar 11, 2018 6:53 pm

Back from the po d got rocks to paint, h drove, I walked the dog walked while we were there too.

I have made up two jean bags today.

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Re: Daylight Savings Time Sunday (for most of us)

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:04 pm

oh my goodness thank God that the was a defibrillator at the arena
I have always been amazed at those who do pastoral care!
praying for all d kathryn
wishing you a good evening

good night d nancy and all as well!

dd's and I had dinner out - glad that I got that out of my system as I am ready to cook again without that inner stinker (brat) taking over. 8-) :D

dd younger and dd older had a great time chatting - always fun to be with them them when they are having such fun with each other.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Daylight Savings Time Sunday (for most of us)

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:39 pm

Blessed: I know. The thing is that he should be just fine. There's been no damage, as unbelievable as that sounds. They are still looking for exactly why it happened, that's why he's still in the heart institute. Thank heavens for people who stepped in and revived him. He was with his dd13 at the time. His youngest is about 5. A tragedy was averted and for that we are immensely grateful.

Dinner is over and cleaned up and I have had some decaf tea. Still feeling achy but have put on a warm sweater. Not that it is cold here by any stretch of the imagination but the warmth feels good.

I've avoided work for as long as I can. Just one item. If I can get one thing off my long to-do list I'll sleep better.

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Re: Daylight Savings Time Sunday (for most of us)

Postby lucylee » Sun Mar 11, 2018 9:58 pm

I am just soooo tired. I guess it is the time change, but I did sleep all afternoon. I'm still in a grumpy mood and should probably just go back to sleep.

Talked to dmom, who is very concerned re: foot surgery -- but equally concerned re: NOT having foot surgery. As she said, she can barely put on a shoe, she can't attend church or play with her great-grands or anything, really, b/c (1) the pain is so bad, and (2) the shape of her feet has her so off-balance that she is afraid to go anywhere without her walker! OTOH, she says she has very poor circulation (no diabetes/etc, though) and she fears her foot will not heal properly. * sigh *
I just hope she WILL meet with the assisted living people Tuesday as she says she will, and get this surgery scheduled ASAP.
She knows she will need the other foot done also, again ASAP, but I told her she should be able to give it six months or so and do it during cooler weather, so she can have a reasonably good summer.

Of course, my "cooler weather" weekends are pretty spoken for, but IF she does well in assisted living, that will solve a few weeks of recovery time, and dbro should be able to manage a couple weekends for me.

excrement had flown into the oscillating machine

Ooohhh... I love the way you put that!
Harriet, I find myself wishing * in a selfishly evil? sort of way * that I could have been a fly on the wall at your church this morning! It sounds fascinating... all of you now taking classes on conflict... hmmm...
We did have a preacher once whom dbil was pretty certain would have taken a swing at him, had the preacher's wife not been present. That was a long time ago though. Preacher has long since moved on and dbil has mellowed in his old age. ;)

Speaking of "mellowing," dbil is visiting the mouse, near Dee, with his children AND dxsil this week. I cannot imagine DH mellowing to that point, EVER, if we were to divorce.
I'm just jealous, b/c I want to visit the mouse w/dgrands... :mrgreen:

Kathryn, I am so sorry about the situations in your congregation, and I hope you will not be needed for any emergencies during your pastor's absence.

We've been to Wmart... groceries all put away... I got all the Sunday chores done last night, except for washing dishes after lunch, so at least I'm good for the rest of the evening. I really need to exercise... but I wanted to do that while watching programs on the dvr, and DH is watching that tv right now. We really need two dvr's. I would never have thought that possible.
Waving to Sadie! * Sorry about the new manager! And (((hugs))) for your family friend.

Nancy, sounds like you've had a productive day!

And blessed -- so glad you had such a nice evening with your dd's!

Twins -- agreeing with blessed -- you definitely needed to take time for yourself!

(((Harmony))) and (((Lilac))) Hope you both feel better by now!

Waving to all.

I will probably be taking dgs to school in the morning and keeping dgd for a few hours -- but that is not certain. DS is going to be arriving home just about the time ddil has to leave for work in the morning... but I kinda hate for him to be on Parent Duty after being on the road all night, anyway. I told ddil to just let me know in the morning if I am needed. I'll shower tonight anyway.
Tomorrow is another day.

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