Monday Moments

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Monday Moments

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Mar 19, 2018 8:33 am

I love this group and being able to share our moments with each other.

I look forward to reading about your moments today.
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Re: Monday Moments

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Mar 19, 2018 8:36 am

Today is DS9 first time attending Homeschool Coop. I am hopeful.

My schedule for today is.
6:30 OA homework
7:45 Bible
8:00 Math
9:00 travel
10:00 Coop class
Noon - lunch out with DS9
2:00 Reading
3:00 English

DH has 2 medical appointments today. Thankfully he can handle both of them by himself.

My cleaning focus today is the bedrooms. I will be working on them in between other things. It always amazes me how much progress I can make with doing focusd 3 minutes repeated throughout the day.
Last edited by LadyMaverick on Mon Mar 19, 2018 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monday Moments

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 19, 2018 8:37 am

I love that we can share our moments with you too d Lady!!! thank you for starting us!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Mar 19, 2018 8:42 am

Good Morning Blessedw2!

Kathryn - I have suspended my Audible account because I don't have the time or desire to listen to books right now. I am totally focusing all my efforts on OA studies when I have the mental capabilities available. I am spending 1-2 hours a day listening to OA speakers and meetings. Once I get a firm handle on OA, then I'll probably return to listening to random books. I did enjoy listening to audible books and I expect I will do it again someday. Sorry to not be any help.
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Re: Monday Moments

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 19, 2018 8:48 am

waving back at you too sweet Lady! Good morning!!!
Thinking of your dh as he goes to the dr appointments

Good morning all! kat FL - Monday!

what is your morning routine?

Mine is when I get up I let the dogs out
right away: throw a load of laundry in the washer (working well)
feed animals - change animals water
breakfast (put away after breakfast)
s2s including brushing hair and putting on perfume.
My meds, dogs meds
make bed
empty dw if needed
swipe sink
swipe counters
pull cards

am: take clorox wipe and wipe off the outside of toilets and swish with scrubber (it takes 5 minutes) nothing fancy

Not doing paperwork (I went on strike) over the weekend has added up to an hour of paperwork that needs to be taken care of today. :shock: ;)

ta ta
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:51 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Monday Moments

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:09 am

LadyM: I'm hoping this book Triggers will help me with my eating decisions. That's my immediate reason to choose to continue listening past chapter 2! It is also short, just 6 hours.

I'm up. Was up ages ago but have just finished tea and chocolate. I had a very long email to write to the minister who is very stressed right now.

Part of his stress is that for some reason his forced 'holiday' (he's been put on 3/4 time to save money) starts the Friday before our church's anniversary Sunday so I'm doing the service. I don't actually remember volunteering to do this! CM had an amazing idea for the service which I took to the minister and said I'd help with to make it come true. Amazing ideas are often amazing amounts of work and I didn't want to add to his burden. Apparently, I added to mine by accident!

He's a bit stressed because he doesn't know I've done two anniversary services on my own in the past so it isn't as if I don't have experience. As well, as I said, this is an amazing idea so the service almost writes itself. We're inviting another whole pastoral charge to join us, along with our refugee families, to celebrate the Spirit moving among us. For our dying congregation, I'm pleased I can put the focus on where there is life rather than on the 'olden days' when the church was large and thriving. If the other pastoral charge joins us, that minister will be the preacher. And the pews will be full (since combined we pull in about 120+ per week and the church seats no more than 150 in the summer (less in the winter due to coats!)

If the others don't join us, we'll still have a reasonable turnout and there will be food after. I have a 2 p.m. service that day so won't be able to say for all the partying after and there will be all sorts of complications for me (dh isn't here so no music at my afternoon service) but all will work out and somehow the refugees will get to the village from the city and back to the city after.

So that was a long email to the minister, along with my reflections on the changes we are proposing for our dying church. Again, he doesn't know history so I could point to a 2 decade path we've been on, meaning the last step isn't as big as it might seem if you didn't know we've already traveled so far.

Now I need to get my breakfast, get dressed and do the Monday chores. We are out of here around 2:15 to go to dd's for her 'birthday' afternoon and supper. We'll spend some time playing before dinner since ds can't stay after dinner because he has his carpentry class.

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby Harmony » Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:30 am

Good morning everyone. It was really really foggy earlier. 1' or less visibility. It is beginning to clear jut a bit.

I have done some dailies. I am going to continue with the work I started this weekend. As I clear places I notice the calmer I feel.

Church was good yesterday. A group just came back from visiting Israel and service was very interesting, plus we are on our way to Easter so things are sorta back to the basics which is also good.

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:39 am

d kathryn I will be thinking of your d minister!

Have fun with your dd for her birthday afternoon and supper!

So that was a long email to the minister, along with my reflections on the changes we are proposing for our dying church. Again, he doesn't know history so I could point to a 2 decade path we've been on, meaning the last step isn't as big as it might seem if you didn't know we've already traveled so far.

Good morning to you d harmony. stay safe with all the fog if you go out driving. glad church was nice yesterday!

time for me to head out to the vet soon for oldest d dog. wishing you all the best!
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Re: Monday Moments

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Mar 19, 2018 10:19 am

Just skimmed today's posts and will shut down my computer very soon. Had to turn it on to get some info and decided to spend what little time I dare have it on -here with my SHE friends! Missing you all. Will be so glad to have a computer back.

Got a new battery for my iPhone last Tuesday. Same issues of overheating while charging and then the battery runs down to 0% very quickly. Also gets hot if I'm using it. Even cleaned everything off of it and started from scratch. Dh and I are going to take it to AT & T a little later. I am really digging my heels in at the thought of getting a new phone -I'm still paying for this one for goodness sake!!! :twisted: If it comes to that I'm thinking of getting a temporary phone at W M and use it for when I absolutely have to. With dh leaving in 6 days I don't want to be absolutely phoneless with no way to have it for emergencies.

Dawned on me this morning that dh only has enough of his "extra" water pill (takes 2x a week) until mid-April. I can't finish ordering my meds to come here until April 8th. After I once get those I'll change the address to up north and get his ordered. We just decided that IF he needs to, he'll take one of the many 5mg he has left. He's now taking 2.5mg that 2x a week. But he's also taking a 2nd pill in addition to his Lasix every day.

Going to lunch tomorrow with friends from church. Looking forward to our new pastor flying in for our Easter service. Then he'll go back to NJ and finish getting ready to move down here. Not sure when that will happen.

God speed with filling out that service, Kathryn. During church yesterday something, VERY SIMPLE, came to me about losing weight, etc. I'm trying it and will let you know, "How's that working for you?" (But it's definitely not all about dieting, but about all of life).

Wishing all of you well, until I make it back here again. Blessings!
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Re: Monday Moments

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Mar 19, 2018 10:31 am

I was out at 8 a.m. to take dh to the airport for his trip. I'll be at Tai chi on Wednesday evening, so dkids will pick him up when he gets back. I slept poorly last night - feeling stressed about dmom's trip to the eye doc today and the weather coming in later.

I'm going to do some genealogy this a.m. - not an assignment, not something I have to do, something I want to do. That's in lieu of going back to bed or running away.
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