Wow What a Wednesday!

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Re: Wow What a Wednesday!

Postby Nancy » Wed Mar 21, 2018 2:08 pm

Fabric pressed.
S2s done. Hair is drying.
Got lunch stuff out of freezer.
I vacuumed the zone in the basement sewing, laundry, furnace, storage room. I took out a few more un-needed items again today yea!

Tea time I think now. Watching Di in denmark made Danish Easter craft vid.

Then another round in the basement vacuum the rec room did that today.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:41 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Wow What a Wednesday!

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Mar 21, 2018 2:12 pm

Good afternoon everyone! Technically it is still morning, but by the time I finish typing it will be afternoon. Last night, DD16 did some homework, we cleaned her room reasonably, and then read fan fiction. Other than her room, I did a little in the MBR, some kitchen, and a micro amount in the dungeon of a sewing room. I also ran a LOL but have not put it away. For fun, I decluttered another ball of yarn into a yarn bombing item. MBR, kitchen, and sewing room still need attention before Dad's Friday arrival. I also have some stuff to plan in Sedona.

Tonight will not have much useful work done due to animal org meeting and pet sitter coming over. The meeting is at a New Mexican style restaurant. I am not fond of NM food, but have found something that, while not appealing, didn't seem entirely gross.

Still need to call my friend about a camping trip she is setting up. Unfortunately, the first person to sign up is the obnoxious whistling guy. Do we really need loud stadium style whistles approximately every 20 minutes or so?

I wish I were going to the opera with blessedw2. Angels Pure, Angels White is a truly awesome song. I saw it as a teenager and can feel it like it was yesterday. She sung it defiantly, essentially telling the devil to go to h*ll, refusing to take his way out.

CathyS: You cannot help her. Unless you are a medical professional in the psychiatric field. All you can do is tell her to get help. Maybe say something like "most people need it after an unexpected death."

The book I am reading is called January Thaw. Can't remember who asked. I hope the author is not part of this board.

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Re: Wow What a Wednesday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Mar 21, 2018 2:30 pm

Dgs is still asleep so I am sitting in the car to hear him when he wakes. I walked for 100 minutes. He was asleep before I had gone 15 houses from home. I know because a bus went by and he didn't call out BUS! I stopped at the store after an hour and picked up a snack since I haven't had my lunch yet.

The weather is glorious.

Dd is having a great time. Both she and ds have posted photos.

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Re: Wow What a Wednesday!

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Mar 21, 2018 3:07 pm

Home from doctor appt and taking a break while waiting for my eyes to return to normal (dilated). My yearly eye appt was normal and boring. YES!! My left eye is 20/25 and my right eye is 20/40 without glasses. They offered me glasses if I want them to correct my eyesight to 20/25 but I passed. If I was a pilot or had a CDL license I would have to wear glasses but since I am not either of those it is an individual choice.

LucyLee - might want to change your aol & email password just in case it has been compromised.

DS9 asked to go see the Dead Sea Scrolls. I was surprised about his interest in seeing it. I talked it over with DH and he gave the thumbs up. Sooooo, I'm going to use this as a teaching opportunity to show DS9 how to plan a trip. The DSS will be in Denver until September but it looks like the tickets are selling fast.

Today's schedule =
6:30 OA homework
7:30 OA phone meeting
7:45 Bible
8:00 Math
9::00 Reading
10:00 English
10:45 Lunch
11:15 travel
Noon - Dr W = my yearly eye appt
4:00 cook for the church family
6:00 OA phone call
7:00 Worship service

DS9 woke himself up and was ready for school on time this morning. He earned an additional 30 more minutes of internet access. He was soooo very pleased with himself. Me too.
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Re: Wow What a Wednesday!

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Mar 21, 2018 3:13 pm

I finished that dreadful book. Our heroine's friend was dumb enough to remove her mittens during their museum burglary and leave them at the scene of the crime. The ending relied on our heroine failing to lock a door for the third (or was it fourth?) time. She does finally get together with the hero(?), or at least man of her dreams. He could have been left out of the book entirely and the plot would not have been affected. I guess he was needed so the author could fill space with the heroine's pants-directed mind-wanderings. Put a coat of paint on her and use her in the next rock drop.

I'll go back to my database work now.

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Re: Wow What a Wednesday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Mar 21, 2018 3:39 pm

Dgs is still asleep! It has been 3.25 hours. Dh is outside with him now so I could come inside and have my lunch.

I actually texted dd to see if I should wake him up!

I am now on my second cup of tea so should spell dh in a moment. Once dgs wakes it will be busy: potty, snack, and potty and hopefully Mommy home. The ski hill closes at 4 and it is an hour drive.

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Re: Wow What a Wednesday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Mar 21, 2018 5:34 pm

We woke up dgs at the 3.5 hour mark. He was cuddly at first then we did potty and snack.

While he was having snack his mom texted me a dinner menu which I read to dh. Dgs listened closely and said Mmmmmm when I finished which we found hilarious.

I am making him do independent play. Daddy just walked in so I am now off duty.

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Re: Wow What a Wednesday!

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Mar 21, 2018 7:20 pm

Wil try to post from my iPad. Not so easy.

Dd had planned to work Orlando Hockey game tonight. She was coughing lots yesterday. Today her rider went to school board clinic -positive flu. Dd went after school & yes positive flu. Her Dr strongly recommended dh and I be put on prophylactic. So we called our doctor offices up home. Mine was called in & dh called his dr. back after we found Wal greens didn't have a script for him. Dr's office called him just after we left there. His Dr was off till tomorrow but they had another call it in. Turns out mine is same med as dd'. Tamiflu. Part of me wonders if I'm coming down with it. Had a flu like headache since last night. We all 3 had flu shots this year. So dd has started spring break two days early. Dd said the clinic thought they were pretty well through. Several out at school. Said cleaners will be trying to use disinfectant all through the school during vacation. She was supposed to have her formal evaluation tomorrow. Not happening.

Took dbil/dsisil to dinner for their birthdays this afternoon. Went to Out back. Actually their anniversary is tomorrow. Had forgotten that.

Slept poorly last night. Dh has a hearing appointment in the morning. Then we're supposed to go to Sebring to pick up the truck dh is driving north. Not sure that will happen. Guy called to say he's having fluid removed from his lung at 8am. I'm doubting he'll be back home in time for us to get down there and back.

Taking my phone to Best b uy Friday. Hoping they can fix it.
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Re: Wow What a Wednesday!

Postby Nancy » Wed Mar 21, 2018 7:25 pm

Got my hair dry, walked the dog h called while we were headed back and got home just a few min. Ahead of him. Trimmed hubby's hair. Have not thought about dinner plans that is next up.

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Re: Wow What a Wednesday!

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:58 pm

Went to tai chi class and felt like I had forgotten what little I knew. Before tai chi was over I had a call that dmom had fallen again. They said not to come, but once the class was over I went to assisted living and she had gone back to sleep. The hospice nurse came to assess whether she needed to go to ER and thankfully felt she didn’t. Vitals were ok.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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