Together we are stronger Thursday

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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Mar 29, 2018 6:04 pm

Inventory report problems. Story of my life. Did I really expect elves to pop in while I was on vacation and solve everything?

I have gone through the home emails. Very little required any action at all. Quite a few didn't even require reading.

Today's title makes me think of the state workers' union.

What on earth is a spoon gook???

So glad to hear that LadyMaverick's liver work is normal.

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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Mar 29, 2018 6:16 pm

Ditto the others, Harriet!
Hmmm... maybe NO women will show up! That might get their attention.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Mar 29, 2018 6:58 pm

hello hello

back from errands
dd younger got accepted from Mayo Clinic!!!
still need to put things away

hope you all are having a good day. :D
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Mar 29, 2018 7:14 pm

Our local school just announced they are having school next week. I have been to the school twice this week and called twice but still didn't make a connection with the principal. So DS9 is officially still a student in public school. I could have told the secretary that I was pulling DS9 out of school but I want to tell the principal myself because she and the superintendent really went above and beyond to support DS9 needs. I want to be open & honest with her so she is well informed about DS9 status. I also want to to thank her again for their encouragement and support as we close out public school in DS9 life (at least for the foreseeable future).

I don't feel like I have accomplished much today. I woke up late and haven't even finished today's OA homework.

** made 2 gallons of salsa from scratch and packaged it in portion size servings.
** cooked 6 summer squash and packaged it
** cooked 1 lbs mushrooms, garlic, onion and bell peppers and package those in portion size servings.
** visited new doctor and did blood work
** DGD6 from school, fed and watered
** served 3 meals to everyone
** DH and DS9 both went to their doctor appointment (no help from me)
** DH mowed the yard (no help from me)
** DH played catch (baseball) with DS9 (no help from me other than showing them where their ball gloves were stored)
** visited with VDFriend that stopped by to borrow a sawzall. She has decided to put her home up for sale and move to an easy to care for condo type structure. (This is Tony's widow) It has been 16 months since Tony's death and I think she is ready to make these big decisions.

Not a lot accomplished but not a total slug either. Somedays are better than others. I'm okay with that.
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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Mar 29, 2018 7:44 pm

hi d lady (hope you are able to get in contact with the principal soon). Well done on all your work d lady!

hi d lucy

hi d elizabeth

hi d rose hope you tummy issues are better

hi d twins I am glad you got a nap! I understand why you don't feel like doing anything - I think you are doing great - you have so much on your plate and getting three things at a time is great.

hi d nancy- carving - great. hope you had a good day.

D Harriet it's more than okay to email back and say you didn't know about it and you won't be able to come but wish everyone a nice time/service. It's okay to say no.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Mar 29, 2018 7:47 pm

hi d kathryn too and d lilac
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Mar 29, 2018 7:50 pm

LadyM, I'm so glad to hear how ordinary you are. ;)

blessed, I don't know everything this means, but I am happy for your dd!

Harmony, I am so interested to learn how you like your new food containers.

Thank you all for listening to my conflicted thoughts. As you can see, I'm at home. I don't know if the other two possibilities - our bass or our tenor - attended. There was no hint from either of them of their decisions (and they don't owe me one). I know both worked today. I think if the song leaders had started contacting each other it would have turned into a grousing session or gossip and we just all decided on quiet. As least the musicians don't have to contend with unfamiliar words.

Frankly, if our household had gotten an email saying ' wish you'd be with our church family all together for a meaningful service' , we might have given it more thought and ducked in after all. But I think the minister doesn't put two and two together to realize that this type last minute decision takes any confidence or meaning away from those involved in the music.

One of the best things that could happen might be that some other woman would get roped into a last-minute rescue tonight, and we'd find out that she would like to start volunteering. I would be grateful, but as you can imagine, I can't exactly go around recommending it - not truthfully. and nobody ever suggests they might.

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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Mar 29, 2018 8:03 pm

Harriet: glad you didn't go. Although to be honest, ministers expect the whole flock to show up for significant holy day services. Still, mine plans well ahead and does his best to do the guilting us into coming on Palm Sunday.

Given how badly my last minute song-leading went last week, I'm glad you didn't risk similar humiliation.

I've still done nothing except fed myself, open mail and talk to my husband for about 30 minutes.

I'm on the treadmill now (I've done nothing so have to make up 3 miles of steps) and am answering email. Lots came in, later in the day while I was binging on Netflix.

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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby Lynlee » Thu Mar 29, 2018 8:42 pm

hugs all
I bussed into service last night, thankfully accepted a lift home.
I can't imagine the Easter service times not being publicised well ahead of the season.
Here the call goes out for all potential choir members to sign up for willingness and availability, and practices commence from before lent, as well members nominate which services they will attend.
I love the Easter choir and it's song that fills the church.
(With 3 services each normal weekend, often there is just a couple of song leaders for each service, on a monthly roster.) We don't get such a rousing response at a regular service. If no musicians/song leaders turn up, then it happens sans music/hymns, though sung litagy happens as best we can. Thankfully that is rare, but does happen sometimes.
Just begin.
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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:15 pm

hi d lynn!

d harriet - for us it is a relief to know they will test her thoroughly so we can find out answers - no matter what it is - it is better to know!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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