Tuesday tricks

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Tuesday tricks

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:14 am

What tricks do you have up your sleeve to make today a success?

I'm particularly interested to hear how Harriet plans on losing weight on her head so the new top will fit. When I lose weight my head swells with pride (and relief!)

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Re: Tuesday tricks

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:25 am

I'm up. Have booked Dh's flight to Miami. I can't believe how much cheaper United is compared to Air Canada since the flights will be on the Air Canada plane. It was the difference between flying to Fort Lauderdale and renting a car. Since the conference is at a Miami airport hotel, it will save dh a ton of time to fly there but the first flights I found were $500 more than flying to Fort Lauderdale.

I am doing updates on my computer now. Chrome shut down unexpectedly so I decided to do updates at the same time. That usually takes 20 minutes or so. I'm posting from my phone while I wait.

Not sure what tricks I have left in my sleeve. I need to plan food for the day because yesterday got away from me.

Dh is having the snow tires swapped today. I asked him to book an appointment expecting something at the end of the month but they could take him today and he has a meeting at that end of town so he took the appointment. Makes sense except there is storm this afternoon/evening . Rain, snow and freezing rain. Sigh.

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Re: Tuesday tricks

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:10 am

Yuk, (weather), Kathryn!

I need to find really good 'tricks' to end procrastination!!!! I absolutely need to get the minutes done for last month's church council meeting done and sent. Had planned to 'attend' next week's meeting but the moderator who has the wherewithal to connect with me will still be on her way north from down here.

DD is afraid I'll become bored being here by myself most days. Truth is I have so much to do in the coming weeks that I should NOT be bored. Trick is to "JUST DO IT". :oops:

Have my bed made and had breakfast and meds. Now it's time to act on ANTI-PROCRASTINATION! BGS applied, albeit I will still be working at the computer. Have a good morning, everyone!
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Tuesday tricks

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:39 am

My bed is done and I've almost finished breakfast (still have to take my vitamins.)

My other task today is to extend dh's hotel reservation by 2 days. The conference is paying for hotel for 3 nights. Or so they claimed. I've been through reservations, front desk and am now on hold with corporate sales and no-one has a reservation either for dh or really know if the conference is at their hotel. I'm 30 minutes into this. Really? No wonder I get nothing done all day.

At this point I think I might just book him at another hotel in the area, the only question is if I need to do this for the whole week or just the two extra nights. Given the discounts that corporate sales gives, it might be cheaper to leave dh at the hotel but otherwise, this hotel is $210 (plus no cheap place to eat so $30 for breakfast) or I can put him at an Embassy or Homewood Suites to get a bigger room, evening reception with food and full hot breakfast in the morning for $120 or $140. Or it is possible the conference hasn't booked him into the conference hotel but somewhere cheaper and they just haven't told him. All he has is assurance they'll pick up the cost of his room.

All this is because he staying on an extra day in order to attend a baseball game with a friend. This is becoming a very expensive baseball game in terms of my time (not to mention cost of an extra day in Miami.)

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Re: Tuesday tricks

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:52 am

Echoing Dee:
Trick is to "JUST DO IT".

I am flitting around this morning as usual. Need to answer a DNA email, research a new DNA match, plan my day, have breakfast Dfriend M just texted me about lunch out today too. Dh wants to know when I'm going to work on the tax return and I reminded him it's only 3 April.

-get the garbage out
-breakfast smoothie
-meds and vitamins
-take ddog around the block before rain comes in
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Tuesday tricks

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:09 am

*Whine* But when you Just Do It, you end up on the phone for 36 minutes AND still haven't crossed the item off your to-do list.

I'll make an online reservation at another hotel and cancel if I need to. It will save us over $50 a night (the conference rate was very good but not good enough.) In the meantime, I'm going to try and bully the conference into giving us another night of hotel. They only paid until the 9th but the flights leave before the conference is over so they should be pay until the 10th anyway. If they pony up the extra night, then I'll leave dh there; if not, he's being moved. These guys are incredibly cheap, the first year they paid for only 1 night. The second year they paid for 3 nights and I think airfare. For the Europe conference they paid air fare and hotel no problem. Now they are cheaping out on airfare and hotel again. They aren't paying dh's time, just some of his expenses, yet they charge conference attendees $2K to attend. This is not a non-profit organization.

I washed the dishes and will now wash me and get dressed for the day.

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Re: Tuesday tricks

Postby Harmony » Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:23 am

Kathryn, wow I'm wondering why your DH even does those conferences.

Got sucked into this computer. Someone sent an invoice which DH printed out - so light I couldn't read it. Came back to look at the email and fill it in (it was sent as a picture) and here I am at the computer...

Don't have any tricks. Need to get started here again.

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Re: Tuesday tricks

Postby Nancy » Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:50 am

My best trick is to pretend some one is coming to get me in gear! I need to do that one today. I slept in slept well. Strange dreams. Breakfast is done next up meds. For today, then s2s.

I took out things not being used in the zone this week liv room worked well. I can tell my habits and routines are becoming more normal and I do not have to think as much to do them yea! Only took 7 mo. Lol!

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Re: Tuesday tricks

Postby BookSaver » Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:55 am

Good morning, villagers ~
Successes to report from the past few days:

* My car has started every day. :D

* Saturday was a very good day at work.

* Sunday lunch with family was wonderful. DSis made lasagna because she thought it would be much less work than traditional ham, scalloped potatoes, different veggies, etc. At first her grandchildren said they did not want to eat lasagna ... but once they tried it, they loved it and she ended up with no leftovers. I took nacho sauce and tortilla chips as requested and brought back home only a very small amount.

* New 4-qt. crock pot (on sale from Target) worked great to make and transport the nacho sauce. My old slow cooker still works but the outside base looks really grungy and will not come clean. I suppose it could be painted but I don't need another project right now. The old outer cooker will go in the trash. I'll use the old ceramic crock and its lid to replace a plastic container where I put veg and fruit scraps for the compost bin, because the crock will look much nicer.

* DSis had only 7 of her grandchildren for Easter so she tried a new method for egg hunt in the yard where each child had a specific color to pick up. Worked well: kids and parents didn't have to count as many times while searching to make sure everyone found an equal number, easier to put the ones for the littles at ground level and eggs for the taller kids up higher, and safer for the girl who must eat gluten-free candy to have her own special ones.

* Sunday night for supper I tried a new recipe and it was yummy. Vegetarian fried rice with extra veg -- using finely chopped cauliflower instead of rice. Frozen mixed veg from a bag. I found the cauliflower pre-riced in a bag at Target and decided it was worth the extra expense because I knew I wouldn't have time over the weekend to process a full head of cauliflower. The next time I make the recipe, I'll get my food processor out of storage to chop cauliflower myself.

* New mixing bowls I bought a few weeks ago are very useful, especially because they came with lids. I love the bright floral design, too.

* We had a good day at work yesterday. Everyone in a good mood including the boss, therefore a pleasant environment.

* New sewing group treasurer asked me for info from last year. First thing this morning I got on the computer to pull together a set of digital files to convert to her preferred program and send to her. I've offered a few times to get together with her in person for orientation and training, but she hasn't been available. Her first set of monthly reports isn't due to the local board until next week, so we still have time if she ends up needing help. I just hope she doesn't change her mind and resign the way the first person did!

* I found a set of transparent canisters on sale Friday. My plan for them is to declutter the shelf where I have pantry staples like dried beans, split peas, barley, etc. in a mishmash of containers. The foods will be easier to find in the see-through canisters and will last longer with the better air-tight seals. I will wash the new ones today and then how far I get with the declutter project will depend on interruptions.

Please pass the BGS. Break time is over, must get back to chores. :)

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Re: Tuesday tricks

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Apr 03, 2018 11:10 am

Harmony: he does them for ego reasons. He is considered one of the top experts in this area and he has built this technology from nothing to being on the verge of widespread use world-wide. So it is his baby and he's trying to launch it into the world. There may be enough consulting work that comes from this to cover our costs but not his time. There is a chance that one of the irons he has in the fire could turn into a big payout (i.e. high 6 digits.) In the meantime he loves doing this and whenever I complain he's being used by others he gets upset because I'm taking away his 'fun.'

The meeting he is at right now is an offshoot from the trip to Belgium, I think. Turns out they are trying to break into North America using a product built on dh's standard (because dh writes ISO standards, we don't profit directly when other companies built it into their products.) Their North American office is here so dh is at their office now to advise (for free) and possibly pick up some consulting hours.

I just made 3 hotel reservations (2 for my preaching up the valley and 1 for dh in Miami.) I also got two answers to questions I sent out yesterday and have thanked the people for their quick answers. One was everything I hoped for, the other told me I can't pull the scheme I wanted to pull. That's OK, it was important to have a quick answer to shut down that line of thinking for me.

The apartment stinks. Someone nearby is getting their floor refinished and I'm feeling sicker and sicker by the moment. Will seal the front door and see if opening the windows more will help. I have probably 20 minutes before I get really, really, sick. Unfortunately, I haven't showered yet. So sick I will be.

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