Working Wednesday

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby helia » Wed Apr 04, 2018 4:46 pm

Oh, Twins, I'm so sorry that you lost your brother. He must have been so young.

Thank you for all the condolences for dfil. He was 93, so he had lived a long life that was productive and full of love and people. It's still sad, but it was also a life to celebrate.

Maia is fine! Thanks for asking, Lady M. This was a recheck for an infection she'd had on a paw. It has cleared up.
Elizabeth, I don't know if you remember or not, but my dd22 was diagnosed with celiac disease about 2 years ago. They knew just from looking during the endoscopy that she had it and that it was pretty bad, but they did the biopsy anyway. She also has another auto-immune disease: Hashimoto's Disease. Being gluten free while she's here isn't that difficult; there are so many options in the stores -- but they tend to be more pricey than regular food items.
I don't know exactly everyone who is talking about the wind, but it's very windy here too! I think about 25 mph right now. I'm not going to go jog in it.
It's nice to see you all here! And nice to meet you, Donna.

I'm home from work and trying to work up the mojo to go to the gym. I need to do more laundry too. Grocery shopping was done this a.m.

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby lucylee » Wed Apr 04, 2018 4:57 pm

Hi, helia! It is so good to see you! I’m sorry about your dfil — but so glad you were all able to make the trip and be together. Hope dd is feeling much better now.

I am not working... so far.
I have just felt “off” all day... still some stomach cramping/pain, tired, headache, and felt kinda like blood sugar was low.
I got up, went to the post office, came home and read the paper, and went back to sleep while watching ballgame with dh.

I’d like to get some bathroom cleaning done bc tomorrow will be my last chance of the week — headed to College Town Friday. Also have to go to drug store Thurs for dmom’s meds.
Church tonight... last week of the study with the crazy book.

I haven’t even called anyone in my family to check on storm damage. I know my cousin had s tree fall on his car, and he’s only one street over from my aunt. They are about 12-15 miles north of me. Next Town had lots of damage, according to news reports. (Structure — trees down, roofs, etc — no houses or lives lost, thank goodness!)
Our power never went out, but lots of folks’ did.
VERY windy all night long.

I am still sooo sleepy. Nodding off while I’m typing this! I’m going to take some Aleve and try to sleep a little more before I jabs yo start supper.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Apr 04, 2018 5:10 pm

Back from a med walk with the dog between showers, I picked up the weeds I dug out for the hens I put those in the back yard.

I just put final touches on a 2nd bag glad to find a couple things I need for future projects while I was in that room. :mrgreen:
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Apr 04, 2018 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Apr 04, 2018 5:49 pm

I have made fast fixes to 12 reports and uploaded them all. There is one more fix that will not be as fast that is in the same grouping, but if it is not completed today, it will be tomorrow.

Here is the list of what I wanted to accomplish tonight:
  • church webwork
  • fix front door lock (or at least get tools to do so)
  • find info about a dance performance opportunity
  • LOL (at least one)
  • trash and recycles to curb
  • bills and budget

Here is what I will really get done: visit traveling companion friend in hospital. If she is able to convince the cardiologist to release her, I will drive her "home". Home is the xBFF's house where she stays when she visits our area, not her permanent residence in Florida! xBFF is having lots of medical stuff herself today and not as available as normal. Thank goodness hers is routine screening type stuff.

Right now, I need to catch up on my work email, which has about 20 new items that I ignored while doing the high priority fast fixes.

ETA: Just got the word that traveling companion friend is being released at 5 pm. I did not drive today and can't get there until 6, so someone else is driving her. I will be visiting her at xBFF's house. I will check if she wants me to bring take out.

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby helia » Wed Apr 04, 2018 6:45 pm

Thanks for asking about dd19, Harriet and lucylee and blessed and others I've probably forgotten. She texted us when she got to her apt. Monday night and didn't mention any incidents on the plane, but we haven't heard from her since then. I would guess she's probably OK. She's a pretty tough girl in many ways. Though she'll admit that throwing up means she needs to stay home, nausea probably wouldn't keep her down.

Totally flaked out after work. I was tired and hungry. I didn't go to the gym and snacked instead. I'm not hungry now but need to get a simple dinner going for dh and me.

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Apr 04, 2018 6:52 pm

The last load of laundry needs to be folded. I'll have a load of my own tomorrow and then possibly a load of sheets. Then I'll be done.

The winds are blowing us around. I got a great video of the dining room chandelier swinging back and forth. It helps explain why I literally feel off balance at the moment.

I'll try and get back to cleaning the kitchen. I'd like to do the Tuesday chores on it.

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby CathyS » Wed Apr 04, 2018 7:29 pm

The water in our toilet is swaying back and forth. Dh says that there are trees down everywhere. I didn't even go out to the garage when it was really bad late this afternoon. It's cold in the house. I'm going to go snuggle on the couch with dh. He isn't a snuggly type, but he will put his arm up and around my back and put the blanket over me and hold it up with the hand that is behind me.
Dishes never stop.
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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Apr 04, 2018 7:59 pm

your dd sounds like a really cool young woman d helia !
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Apr 04, 2018 8:00 pm

quick hi - finish workout
dd is home and we had dinner early together.
exhausted but wanted to say hello to all of you!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby Sunny » Wed Apr 04, 2018 8:24 pm

Quick check in to say hello. I will have to cuop a little at a time when I can.

I haven't had much time to myself since the end of last week. Friday was normal as ever with daily/weekly routines, etc. Saturday mid-morning ds#2 stopped by with paint to do the windowsills outside. I knew he was going to paint, so I washed all the windowsills with bleach and a little bit of soap water. I also did the front of the house about five feet high to the ground. The white looks nice and bright again. The sill color is nice, a deep aqua on the blue side. He worked till about 4 pm, then went home. He and ddil are working with their local Arts Center in preparation for the Highland Games this coming weekend. Anyway, I had just settled down to take a break before supper when the doorbell rang. Turned out to be dfam#3, ds, ddil, dgs16 and his pal who is also 16. Wow! Dh had talked to ds a couple of weeks ago and suggested they come in June when school was out instead of now during spring break so that dgd20 could come with them and ds said, ok, sure. And then he did just what he wanted to do...come on spring break! What a surprise. :shock: 8-) :lol:

So Sunday morning we got up early and went to Sunrise Service, which was very nice. Ds and ddil went shopping and brought a ton of groceries. Monday ddil wanted to go strawberry picking. We ended up at a place called Favorite Farms, Inc. Dee may have heard of them. We picked six full ice cream tubs. They are so delicious. On the way home they made a detour to the big airport across the bay and surprised me by picking up dgd20 who had flown in to spend the week with us. Tuesday was a real work day: ds#1 and ds#2 came in and the three guys worked outside. I knew they were coming, but did not know what they would do. Turns out ds#2 had picked up 6 ft. tall sections to replace the fence on both sides of the house. Dgson16 and his friend painted the mailbox post and swept all the pine needles off the roof. I raked all the pine needles from the side to the front yard and later ds#1 helped me bag it all up. There is at least 12 large trash bags by the curb, along with the broken fence pieces. Oh, they also replaced the overhead shop light in the carport. I was glad to see all three of my dsons together.

Today dfam#3 spent most of the day with ddil's dfather. They went fishing on the old skyway bridge pier and are going out to dinner with him and ddil's aunt. Tomorrow we will go to Busch Gardens for the day and Friday dfam wants to go out to the beach in the morning, then take a trip to Tarpon Springs so the boys can get their girlfriends something. They also want to make some strawberry jam for their girls, too. They will be leaving for home sometime Saturday morning.

I got caught up on some ordinary things today; paid some bills and did four loads of laundry. The boys had taken their clothes out and put in the washer, so I started with that and got them washed and dried. They can fold it all and put back in their suitcases. I need to finish getting ready for tomorrow so that when dfam comes home from spending the night with ddil's ddad we will be ready to go.

Hope everyone has a good evening; I'm going to cuop a little.
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. --- Francis of Assisi

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