Thrilling Thursday

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:26 am

Good morning! I just consolidated a multitude of lists onto one small, but jam packed page. Some of the old list items were already done, some were repeats, so it was not as bad as I'd feared. Last night, there were only three of us at the board meeting, but it was enough. The only non-routine vote was to approve surgery for a dog that needs it. (If there were not a quorum, we could have emailed or phone voted. The result was a foregone conclusion, but the board must officially approve > $500 expenditures.) The other two members were not available for our usual dinner afterward, but that was ok, because my stomach is still not happy and I had to deliver the papers and key to traveling companion friend. The latter was a success, because, while I did stay there longer than I planned, it was not horribly late. I have returned to the discontinued meds for the former. I think I am improving already. Or maybe I am enjoying the placebo effect. I will know after lunch.

Yet another cat is on the horizon for me. I am hoping she can stay put for another week, until Briggs is off his soft food. If not, I can manage. I will be happy to send booksaver an ex-street cat to demonstrate eating off the floor (or anywhere else).

I checked to see if a charge had been deducted from my account. I'm glad I checked. The bill sent from the company was for x, the charge deducted was x+17. I called billing and it turned out the licensing fee had increased by that amount and the company had simply deducted it without telling me. If they had notified me of the increase and given me the option of discontinuing service or paying up, I would have authorized the change. However, you cannot bill me one amount and collect another, even if you are on autopay. I am considering dropping autopay for this company. Let 'em take a check like everyone else.

I'm pleasantly surprised that apple cider has helped ramblinrose's reflux. Apple cider is very acidic. As well as yucky tasting.

Still no word on whether DD16 has celiac or not.

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:47 am

I am not going anywhere today after all as d dog 13-1/2 either had a seizure or that she became super dizzy and became frightened. They gave her a muscle relaxer which has not helped yet. She still can't walk on her back legs without falling but they said so far she should be okay. I don't like animals suffering but she said she thinks she will be okay but if not bring her in again. Sweet dog just licked everyone even though she was feeling awful. She is a really good dog. She was born happy!

I have to sit at my desk a bit so that she won't try to follow me around. Hoping she gets some sleep.
Dh/dd came with. I couldn't have gotten her in the car with out them.
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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:10 pm

I have handled morning stuff. Cut out next 4 fabric bags they will be smaller, great for kids rocking bag. I need yarn on the last half of this one, none struck my fancy last time I was at the store. Laundry is going now, got the bed made.

Bw2 good luck w the pooch.

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:15 pm

hi d Elizabeth! Wishing you a nice day!

hi d twins ((())) hope the rest of the day goes well

hi d rose how nice you found the dresses so you don't have to buy one!

hi d nancy wishing you a good day! thank you !

rah rah rah - cheering you as you work as well d book!

d lucy and d harriet - I saw you last night but I didn't get a chance to say hello. have fun with your d grandchildren today!

hi d book good morning too hope the taxes are easy peasy
did you know you can lay down on your bed for a second and get off the other side to restart your day?! I start over that way all the time. 8-)
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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:35 pm

After talking about LastPass I started to update some passwords but it is still flaky on the auto-update feature so I need to do it one by one. Too many to do now. I did change the important one (Amazon, someone could do a lot of damage with that) and deleted an account with a compromised company.

Dh and I had chat about how he registers for things and I think I'll start his method, . That gives each registration a unique email address but gmail doesn't care about the characters after the + so send any emails to

So, if a place I'm registered gets hacked, the email they have for me is and if someone sends me a phishing request, the email it is sent to will show it came from Hackedcompany, instead of my bank or Facebook or whoever the phishing site is pretending to be. I'll see that in the "To" field and know right off it is not legit.

With LastPass in theory place I'm registered has a unique email and a unique password so there's nothing a hacker can do with the information on me.

Cybersecurity is time consuming. As is email, I plan to take my computer and hang out in the lobby of the other building this afternoon. That will allow me disconnected time to file all my emails. I never got to in-box zero, but I had been under 30 emails since January. Then all the emails about the refugees ballooned that to 419. It should be quick to delete/file those down.

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Harmony » Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:44 pm

I really feel for those of you who are experiencing bad weather. I remember my young days in PA when I would be extremely unhappy when winter dragged on and on. We'd get maybe one nice day and I could just feel my spirits lift, then we'd be back to icy rains and no sun and I'd be right back in the dumps again. In spite of the insanely long and hot summers here I do much better in this Southern weather. It is beautiful today. We really do have beautiful winters.

Dailies done. Checks to the mail.

Then I caught up my spreadsheets. Had to set up a rather gnarly one as we're going to be asking for a draw on the house we're building. I have to find out if my bank charges for wired money, have never had that before. That's how the mortgage bank pays us. It was quite a lot of work, glad to have it done.

Need to get lunch. I think I missed breakfast.

I counted my bags of shreddings and throw-aways. 10 tall kitchen bags (stuffed full). Lucylee, I can imagine your DMother would have trouble getting rid of all her paperwork. The bleach idea is a good. In the future I will get a year at a time out of storage and put it by the fireplace in the winter and burn it all.

Nothing thrilling here. I'm going to eat lunch and sit down with my book for a while.

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Sunny » Thu Apr 12, 2018 1:19 pm

Hello everyone. I am thrilled to be able to check in here more often again.

Daily routine is finished. Dh is preparing lunch for us. After my lunch break I will start a load of laundry. Then this afternoon spend some time at my desk taking care of a few bills that will be due in the next week. Ds#2 called yesterday afternoon and said he would be by after his work today to mow and trim. There are branches the guys cut down last Tuesday and a pile of weeds I pulled from the back lawn, so I will move all that to a trash can just before he is due here. Then he can start right away and not have to take time to do that first.

Lady M, hope your dh is resting comfortably today.
Elizabeth, hope you keep feeling better and better.
Harmony, I have some shredding to do also, but I think not as much as you had. Hope the soreness goes away quickly. (Our shredder came with it's own waste bin, but I always put a plastic grocery bag in it to catch all the paper shreds. Easy to tie closed first then take it out of the bin.)
Kathryn, LastPass sounds interesting; I want to look that up.

Have a good afternoon everyone! ;)
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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Apr 12, 2018 1:41 pm

hi d sunny!

hi d harmony!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Apr 12, 2018 1:47 pm

I am so far behind!
d old dog is finally resting! After muscle relaxants and pain pill she is almost ready to fall asleep.

I haven't finished my morning routine. I also have tons of dog hair on the kitchen floor, yuck, as when d dog became physically stressed and in bad shape she shed 2 other dogs worth.

I lost track and focus so I pulled out my journal and card file as I will not do errands.

Things I want to do as I will have to stay near d dog today as every time I move around the house or outside she tries to get up:
a garden control journal

pulling morning routine: do this first
what's left: clean counters
clean stove top
put laundry I washed this morning in the dryer
make bed
swish and swipe the toilets
clutter check 1 2 3 trying it out.
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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Ramblinrose » Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:28 pm

Elizabeth... my same thoughts about apple cider vinegar, however what I have learned is acid reflux is not caused by too much acid in your stomach, but rather not enough acid. Weird I know.

"Since reflux is usually a problem of too little stomach acid, encourage your body to make sufficient amounts of hydrochloric acid (stomach acid). You can easily increase the acid content of your stomach by drinking 1 tablespoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a large glass of water. The acetic acid found in the ACV fights against bacteria and other foreign bodies in the intestinal tract, Drink 1 teaspoon daily to start and if necessary, increase to 1 tablespoon in 8 ounces of water." Dr. Daryl Gioffre

Gioffre is all about gaining control and balancing your PH in your body.

And yes, it still taste YUCK...but its working for me :D ... +acid+book
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