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Postby Nancy » Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:32 pm

H is at work some one wanted to pour concrete today after all.

I have a cake in the oven wanted to try one other kind I will freeze at least half of it for lunches.

Trash got dumped dishwasher is unloaded.
I have a painted stone ready for the last coat of sealer.

This is me avoiding mentioning guys and cars topic sighing... :roll:

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Apr 16, 2018 3:07 pm

Dd just texted. She was setting me up for a backup plan if their power didn't come back on. It had been off for a while but then came back just 10 minutes after I started making plans to go get them for supper.

Dh's meeting is done. It was worthwhile since it meant an investor in the block chain project. So far he's brought in one significant investor and one expert who has come on board the executive. I'm starting to believe this might turn into something. We currently have put a fair chunk of real money into the project (something we never have done before) but it might pay out. Actually, thinking about it, we've put in as much as made on a previous sweat-equity project so even if we lose, we haven't lost from our own savings, just from the sweat-equity stash of money.

I try not to think about the sweat-equity paying off (certainly the one in California went bankrupt) but if this one does modestly well, I will have money to renovate this apartment (dh's choice) or move to a nicer apartment building (my choice.) Either way, I might get a new kitchen counter top and a bathroom that doesn't have an ivory sink and tub surround, a grey, black & brown, speckled counter top, and white toilet to go with the white marbly chipped tile floors and grey moss walls. (Seriously, it makes me laugh when I hear that they have a designer who approves upgrades to apartments - I'm guessing the designer also has a seeing-eye dog.)

I had a reasonably nice chat with my sister (we don't really get along that well but keep trying.) It turns out she will be in town when I'm visiting her city so we are making plans to do things together. Like I said, we try to get along. Neither of us are bad people, we are just people who don't see eye-to-eye on almost everything.

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Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:29 pm

I"m home later than I planned. I need a break to regroup before starting the next segment of my day. I have already drank all my tea for the day so am enjoying sipping on a glass of sparkling water over ice.

Our trip to town included 2 hours of Homeschool Coop class, trip to doc office for DH bi-weekly shot, trip to Sam's for buying items on 2 lists (ours and the churches). DH and DS9 had lunch at Sam's Deli. I had packed my lunch so ate it in the vehicle while DH was driving. We did a sidetracking trip to the lake to check out some potential picnic & camping sites before continuing our trip to the church to unload those supplies before coming home and unloading the rest of the items.

My drink is gone so I need to get started again.
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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Apr 16, 2018 5:07 pm

I'm off the treadmill. Need to do more movement this evening. Maybe some housework.

Dinner will be soon which is good because I'm hungry. And sweaty after 56 minutes on the treadmill.

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Postby Nancy » Mon Apr 16, 2018 5:52 pm

I have walked the dog got home just before it started to rain again. I got the eggs collected, hens are on their free range time now. Got another fabric bag seamed up.

This cake with fruit cocktail is yummy!
The wind has picked up.

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Postby Harmony » Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:41 pm

From"Twins' Mom": It's kind of a "duh" moment when a woman names her second child "Abraham (her maiden name for the middle name) surname," that Abraham could be her father's first name but it has taken me years to consider that! :shock:

My brain which is totally fried from this past week totally took the name Abraham and turned it into Alexander. At least I got the A correct. :oops: Does that clear it up, Harriet?

Part for car out in the country all taken apart now has 2 wires coming out of it (the new part) and not just 1 wire. I am SO DONE with this car. Everything we touch crumbles away. What is wrong with DH that he can't see we are at the end of it?

I know what he's doing, trying to get it all fixed up and running spiffy so that if he does quit work (doubtful) we'll be able to get a tiny trailer and pull it around on our vacation. Then when we're back home if we need to get a new vehicle we won't have to get one quite so big. What's wrong with this picture? We'll have a tiny RV and a small car not big enough to pull it. :roll:

I need something to go right. Something. Rug is beautiful out on the porch. All 3/4 of it. The other 1/4 is totally different color, never to come right again. Like I said I need SOMETHING to go right.

I did get the living room put back together, outside of floor covering. Without the rug there I was able to get sofa and love seat out from the wall. Unbelievable to see the floor underneath. They are close to the ground and nothing fits underneath to clean or dust. Took soaking the floor and 2 times with mop to get it clean. Then I cleaned 2 sets of blinds, the biggest ones in the house. Big wide ones with fabric tapes. That took a long while.

End table with built in magazine rack was moved to kitchen and cleaned. My goodness. Could never reach it before. I threw away about 10 big catalogs in the rack part. They were old Medicare and insurance booklets for a few years, doubles for each of us. Says people are supposed to keep for evidence of coverage. No nice page inside to remove and keep in a binder, no have to keep the. whole. thing. I kept just the current year.

Kitchen cleaned up, DW ready to run.

Maybe tomorrow will be better. Gee I say that a lot don't I.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:46 pm

More distractions: Ice chunks are now falling off the side of the building and occasionally hitting the ledge outside our windows on the way down. At least it is dark out so it isn't a visual disruption too.

I've done almost nothing today and am feeling like a slug. Tomorrow is a write-off (to dd's by 8:10, then drop off stuff for the refugees and then a meeting in the evening plus possibly a pickup from a local buy nothing group.)

Off to clean the kitchen.

(((Harmony, I've been saying "Maybe tomorrow will be better" a lot lately as well!)))

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Postby Lynlee » Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:11 pm

posted bday card for dd
floor PU
bed / washing away
bed changed
floors done
vanity cleared cleaned etc
She was quick so we spent 10 min in the yard
broke off reshooting tree that doesn't understand its fall a year ago was supposed to be fatal.
washed - 2 loads. towels and clothing
towels away
clothing mostly in to finish drying in the heat of the house
nap with legs up
bed was just after 10. A wonder for me.

started looking at last lib bk about qigong. Not sure what I think of it.
bfst and washing on

Its time to put out 1st washing - sheets etc. There is another load. I could have stuffed them all intogether, but watching them last time it seemed to take forever to even get them wet. So much for 4.5 stars. It aint good enuf in my book.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
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Postby Lynlee » Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:28 pm

t LOL on the line
Veranda cement is burn your bare feet hot.
inside is 33c/91f.
So much for autumn.
Though the dry air has started, though some spots have heavy fogs overnight/morning.
So much for snow and ice in that opposite meant to be spring place.

needs doing today
fill ? :? green bin.
find things for waste bin.
both bins to the curb.
open every window.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Postby lucylee » Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:39 pm

My second attempt at posting today. :roll:
And I have tried to cuop, but to very little avail.

I started the day with high hopes, and I do have certain Ta-Das to report, although it has been with much frustration. And I never did any daily/weekly stuff (or at least, not yet).
But the day included --
* coloring my hair
* watering plants
* transferring pics from phone to computer
* washing two loads of clothes
* talking to dmom on phone (three times actually, b/c I kept calling her back to ask questions re: the call I hoped to make for dfriend, below)
* talking to ddil (twice?) (I think)
* talking to ds
* talking to dfriend-in-bankruptcy... who came over later and had me call finance company for her (b/c she was "too upset to talk to them")
* sitting on hold with finance company for 15 minutes, at which time she had me hang up
* talking to another finance company who told me, as anyone would have suspected, myself included, that neither he nor any reputable loan company would be likely to want to take over dfriend's loan. I told him I was not surprised, that I just wanted to talk to someone who was in this field of work now, since dmom has not worked in banking in 15 years or more.
* taking long nap with dgd while dh "watched" dgs strew toys all over the house
* picking up toys with dgd's help (she is a much better worker than he is!)
* going to ds's house for supper! :roll: And a delicious supper it was, I might add. Crockpot roast and potatoes/carrots... mmmm... soooo good.

So now we're home. Pest control lady is coming tomorrow, so I do need to s/s the bathrooms and I wish I had vacuumed the floors, but she has seen them in a messy state before. Plus, she'll be at ds's house right before she comes to ours. ;)
Not likely I'll make much progress before she gets here, b/c I have the retired teacher's meeting tomorrow at lunch time. She will be here around 2:00 p.m.

So much for autumn.

(((Lynlee))) That's what we're saying about spring here! It is so cold -- and ddil said dgs left his coat at art class today. :roll:
At least we don't have ice and snow to contend with! (((Kathryn)))

Kathryn's mention of her sister made me remember -- I don't think I told y'all -- dbro & his girlfriend opted OUT of our meeting Saturday. DH was kind of aggravated, b/c he thinks they should have shown more interest in seeing ds, especially after they had TOLD us they WERE coming.
I told dh, I don't care. Now we don't have to worry about including them in our activities when we go back to Atlanta for ballgames in May. :P

I like names like that, Twins. If the names are nice names. I certainly would not have wanted to use my paternal grandfather's name.

(((Harmony))) WOW -- it looks like you have done an amazing amount of cleaning! Getting under/behind all that furniture. And even if the rug never does look exactly like you want it to, when you get it back in, you'll at least have the knowledge that it has been REALLY cleaned and it's all fresh and nice.
Goodness... our carpets and curtains need cleaning sooo sooo badly... and dh practically breaks out in hives when I start talking about doing that stuff.

Guys and cars...
My duncle is like y'all are talking about. He used to keep newspapers in the floorboards, so we wouldn't get dirt on the carpet. His cars always looked like they were on the showroom floor and he wouldn't DREAM of letting anyone eat in them. He is the one with the show car (66 Chevelle) that he won't drive ANYWHERE. Also the one who now owns ddad's 63 Pontiac.
Ddad was somewhat like that when I was really little, but he mellowed out a lot through the years of raising two kids. (Duncle has no children.) When I told dmom that ddad would roll over in his grave if he could see the way ds keeps his truck now, dmom said, "Well, ddad realized that it was impossible to keep a "work" truck looking like a show car."
DH... OTOH... oh my... as long as it runs, he's fine, so far as washing/vacuuming a vehicle. He IS quite a stickler for getting all the trash out whenever we return home. You will never find in our car: empty or half-empty drink bottles... papers... napkins... mail... toys... candy wrappers... etc. No, that would be ds's truck. :roll:

(((Harriet))) Still so thankful there were no physical injuries in your area!
:idea: Your story about the tree and the disagreements about its age remind me of something, and with your newspaper background, you will sympathize, I think.
DH and ds are alternately ROFLOL vs expressing disgust at an article in our local paper.
The features editor writes about local happenings, historical events, just whatever crosses her mind, and more often than not, her own family (which is very large and does have some interesting local characters.)
But this week, she wrote about a businessman from the 40s-50s, and at the beginning of the article, she says:

As part of the series Memories of ___, we will be bringing you some of the history of our town. Sometimes this information will come from the ___ Archives; other times it will be memories handed down from generation to generation and often it ends up being a mixture of both. This particular article was composed by talking to relatives of the subjects because there was not much information on the gin at the Archives. Any discrepancies can be put down to the passage of time…thank you for following us down memory lane…

DS is just having a field day with this.
One of the pictures is of an early courthouse in our town and says this building burned in 1936, I believe. DS said, "That building didn't burn; it was torn down to build the new one. The first one burned in (whatever, he had the date.)" DS said, "It took me about 5 minutes to look in that history book of the town, and I am pretty sure the Archives has a copy of that book. If she was at the Archives, how much trouble would it be to look it up???"
He and dh also had a big laugh b/c she captioned a picture as saying the local businessman was "standing in front of one of the first bales of hay to be ginned that year."
Mmmm... now y'all, we're sorta backward down here... but we are known for COTTON gins, not HAY gins.

She also misrepresented the timing of some businesses, as to when they were in operation, but that might have been something impossible to document.

DS said, "I really want to correct this for her, but I'm not going to act like a (you know what.")

Well, that's the trouble. It's such a small town that everyone knows her and likes her, so no one wants to call her on it, but stuff like this is just silly. Newspapers become sources for research papers and future information, and when she prints things like this, it just looks stupid.
I think this is the 200th anniversary of the state or something, so there will probably be a lot of articles like this in our little weekly paper.
DS said, "Well... I was about to say I guess we're lucky to have a local paper... but ARE we???"
I do wish someone would hire me to proofread for them. I haven't even mentioned the grammatical and punctuation errors I find every week. :roll:

Whenever a student would point out an error in our school paper, I would just praise him/her for reading closely and recognizing the error, and challenge him to read our local paper, then compare what I did with a staff of untrained teenagers in one hour a day with what they accomplished with a staff of journalism majors in 40 hours a week. :P
Tomorrow is another day.

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