So, it's Sunday!

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Re: So, it's Sunday!

Postby BookSaver » Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:01 pm

Ta-Dahs for the weekend:

+ I worked at the library yesterday and we had a good day. Business was mostly steady and when we had slow times, teenage coworker and I had projects to do.

+ Good discussion with DH at supper yesterday about how long we want to stay in this house and general plans for repairs.

+ Last night DH and I bought and assembled a small storage shed kit. (Sometime this summer I will need to resume the argument with City Hall about our property zoning and why are we not allowed to build a garage.)

+ Today I cleaned out and reorganized the large shed, moved the trash and recycle bins into the new small shed, and consolidated other stuff to clear space. That space in the large shed was immediately filled with the lawn mower and misc. items from the front porch. Trash bin is full, recycle bin half full.

+ Today I also walked the whole property picking up trash that has blown in from the neighbors. I hate that job :x because it is cleaning up other peoples' messes, but it feels and looks good when it's done.

(We won't talk about how much cleaning has NOT been done inside the house while I was doing all that work outside.)

++ MAJOR VICTORY ++ I just completed our state tax return. This is the first time in several years that I've managed to get it done before the first deadline April 30th rather than taking the automatic extension until October 31st. *\o/* :D Now I won't have that file crouching on my desk like a vulture all summer.

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Re: So, it's Sunday!

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:07 pm

Bookie - POTB!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!

Those done.

I have individual Lunch & dinner portions of carb/grain packed for the week. They also all fit into a gallon ziplock baggie. I am surprised that taking my food for the week could be simpler than I ever imagined!

Next up -
** Gather my tops for the week and a light weight jacket.
** Gather DS9 meds for the week.....ugh.... but first I need to decide which ones to pack. I guess I can pack them all so I have all the options available if needed. I'm not sure which ones I am going to give him. Today I made the decision to stop the one he took the last couple of weeks. The first few days it seemed to be helping but then we noticed his facial tics are soaring and when I did more research on the side effects of the med he was taking....guess what? Dystonia showed up. ARGH! I'm so frustrated that anything he takes it has the potential to cause more problems. I am going to try CBD oil. There are rave reviews on Tourette's forums. It is not prescription and sold OTC. Every single prescription for Tourettes that we have given him has caused problems. I'm about ready to stop the mainstream medical people advice and go holistic. ANYWAY....I'm sidetracking.....just pack it!
** Gather my multi-vitamins for the week and pack them
** Pack raw vegetables in individual portions to take. I'm not sure they will keep in an ice chest but they will go bad here by the time we get back so I might as well try taking them.
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Re: So, it's Sunday!

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:18 pm

Will just post over here. DS-A called me just a while ago. Of course he went to the hospital to see his Dad. Why did I ever think he wouldn't, even if we DID tell them they didn't need to go in tonight. He had a CAT scan which showed he has bowel obstruction. No wonder he's been so sick! Surgeon came in and they're going to start dh on IV's with medication to see if the blockage changes. If it doesn't work, then they'll explore other avenues (most likely surgery). He can't have anything to eat or drink while they wait to see what this will do for him. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. Sure wishing I was home right now!
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: So, it's Sunday!

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:35 pm

((((((((Dee & family)))))) I'm glad they found the problem and are seeking a solution. Also glad he is surrounded by family and they are able to be with him and also keep you up-to-date on everything. (((((Hugs and prayers)))))

Those done.

Next up -
** Find and pack swimsuits for DS9 and me
** Decide on shoes for me and DS9 and get them next to suitcases.
** Gather cooked vegetables to take. Pack into individual portions.
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Re: So, it's Sunday!

Postby Nancy » Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:36 pm

(Dee & Mr. Dee)

Pruned lower braches on the lilac tree. Waljed dogXaroubd the block. Made dinner spiffec up a bit afterwards.

I loaded the dishes and ran a load of dishes.
Last edited by Nancy on Sun Apr 29, 2018 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: So, it's Sunday!

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:58 pm

((((d dee)))) praying - glad he went to the hospital!

well done d book!

thanks d cathy I will try that!

hi d nancy! hi d katrhyn! hi d lady! hi d everyone
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: So, it's Sunday!

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:01 pm

we moved the piano!

I haven't done much but chill - we went out for dinner again because I didn't cook :roll:
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: So, it's Sunday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:16 pm

Glad to hear Mr. Dee is getting good care.

LadyM: I've been following your food planning for the trip. I was starting to think about what I can do for myself when I realize that while we are driving from up the Valley where I'm preaching to Toronto, we are actually getting on a train in Oshawa (an hour outside of the city) and then taking transit up to the hotel (subway and/or bus.) So having a cooler with me isn't an option and I will have to pack a large suitcase so I'll have my kettle and non-chilled snacks with me plus a bowl, plate and cutlery. Sigh... Just when I was thinking I'd be able to do this - back to the drawing board.

I need to call the hotel to find out if we have a microwave and fridge in the room at least.

Talked with my music friend. Am worn out from that.

Booked the rental van, though, so that's done. Actually I have two bookings, one local and one at the airport. I'll see if the local guy will match the airport (same company.) Airport is cheaper because they are open on Sundays so I can return the van a day earlier.)

Next up, I don't know what. Probably bed since I feel exhausted for some reason. My insides felt fine while preaching but then got bad after dinner. I've done under 2K steps today so am really dragging from lack of movement.

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Re: So, it's Sunday!

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:34 pm

Those done.

I now have all my food for the week planned. Protein, dairy, carb/grain, fat, fruit and vegetables weighed/measured in proper portions and packed. This is my "Plan A". If it fails I can always buy something at a grocery store or eat at a restaurant but I really don't want to do that. I am enjoying taking exquisite care of my health.

I also did and/or asked DS9 and DH to do.........
** Dog care - filled up water bowls and put garden hose next to them. Put out 3 feeding bowls next to the fence. Put dog food in a plastic tub in the storage building. Double check with DNeighbors that they are going to feed and water the dogs. The dogs will stay in our yard while we are gone. DS9 dog will NOT enter a building and my dog won't load up in a vehicle so taking them somewhere is out of the question. (yes, I know we could drag but them they are about 90 lbs and I don't want to traumatize them....or us!) They have plenty of shelter and multiple dog houses. They should be fine. DD is going to be stopping by our house to check on things too.
** Gave our door code to DNeighbors so they can use our storm cellar. You enter the cellar from inside our home. They are forecasting tornadoes possibilities this week.

Next up -
** Pack pants and shorts for the week.
** Wash hair
** Pack drinks and favorite water bottles and insulated cups.
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Re: So, it's Sunday!

Postby Lynlee » Sun Apr 29, 2018 10:27 pm

Hugs and prayers to all who need them. Safe travels.

Kathryn - Could you take the shopping card with a small cold box/ freezer shopping bag on the train? or make a dedicated suitcase to hold an insulated bag for cold goods?

Home from yoga.
I need to get lunch, and prep for home helper.

Sleep - last night was lights out by 12. bed time was about 11.30 I think. Woke about 7.
Its a work in progress. I need longer in bed with the possibility of sleep.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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