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Postby DeeClutter » Wed May 16, 2018 7:09 am

I awoke with several 'wannas' for today. I 'wanna' get out for a walk before the rains start up again. Never got out yesterday -didn't even get the trash bin out to the road (though I see dd put it out before she left today).

Have to remember to go to L owe's for some weed killer that dh wants me to bring home with me. Have to figure out some dates for breakfast/lunch with dsisil. She probably won't remember that I've even gone with her, sadly. She did ask dbil the other day why my dh hasn't been over to see her -he left here for up north on March 25th. ;)

I was up for quite a while in the middle of the night. BS was down and I remembered I wanted to order a fanny pack to wear while walking -so I can carry my phone. Also wanted one to wear on my way home.

Need to pick up a muffin pan in the next few days. Saw an idea on the net the other day of placing one in a bin for the front seat (unless someone is sitting there of course). That way I could keep several of things I want to take on the trip handy. Haven't decided whether to get a full size or 6 muffin pan.

Off to start the rest of my morning routine. At least am s2s and bed made and T-med taken.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby LadyMaverick » Wed May 16, 2018 7:41 am

Good Morning Dee!

Fanny Packs have been the topic with FB friends lately. Apparently, they are "the thing" to wear now.

Yesterday while walking through Sam's I had the sensation that my shorts were going to fall down. I pulled them up securely over and over each time that sensation would happen. When I got home I tried to pull them down without unbuttoning to see if they would really fall down. Yup. They slide right off. I've noticed my shirts being bulky with lots of extra material because they are getting bigger than they used to be. A clear sign it is time for me to do my least favorite thing....clothes shopping. I popped onto ARiver and ordered a couple of shirts. I am going to try the 3/4 length sleeves and no iron button shirt. We will see if I like them as well IRL as I do just looking at a picture of a model wearing them.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Postby Twins' Mom » Wed May 16, 2018 8:18 am

I woke up and was out of bed just before 7 this a.m. Only, I thought it was just before 8 and I thought it was Saturday! Dh was still here, and I asked him what he was doing after Torah study. I don't know how I got that confused!

I thought the webinar last night was a little too elementary, and in addition she had some inane suggestions, like buying a laptop instead of researching on the phone. I'm not sure any of folks watching would have done that - it was sponsored by the board for certification of genealogists. And some of her citations weren't right. Weird. She ran over, and I left a little after nine p.m. I had a headache from her chirpy voice. I actually went on to sleep by 9:30, I think.
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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed May 16, 2018 9:36 am

I wanna get a week's worth of work done in this one day, since I've made no progress at all this week on my goals. Sigh...

I'm up, s2s, had my full breakfast before walking dh to work this morning, walked 5K steps, made mint tea (by accident so it is cooling and I'll have it as an ice tea later today) and am trying to focus on my tasks.

Sunday was such a productive day.... too bad the rest of the week has been an abysmal failure. The main focus was to be on church work and I'm struggling because I'm getting no cooperation from others. The minister asked me for the times for the services I'm doing in August and September and I said I needed board approval for those. He disagrees but thought I was doing regular services, not our new dinner church. So, that means there's misunderstanding on what I'm doing.

I explained to him that I would not have volunteered for regular services because I do not support him being put on 3/4 time and since I'm not paid to cover for him, I will not do so. On the other hand, since dinner church was my idea, I'll step up and do those services.

So he can't finish his work (he's trying to get all the announcements and bulletins done for June - September before he goes on unpaid leave) until we talk to the board. He's frustrated (with me and the board) but I won't step up and take over for him because I'll be used as slave labour if I do. It is not that I can't, it is that I won't.

Seriously, our church needs to shut down. There is no doubt in my mind that is what needs to happen.

I'm trying to not let that bias affect the report the board is to make to the congregation, but the board is making that very hard. They were to poll the congregation and my report is to reflect the views of those conversations and feedback. Over half the board has not done their work, so I have no feedback upon which to base the report.

Which isn't true. The lack of feedback is all the feedback I need to write the report. The church isn't sustainable because there is no energy left within the congregation. The congregation needs to disband, families go elsewhere to recover from the loss of their church, and then hopefully use their new-found energy to support another congregation.

There, I've just written the report!

Now to start work on the Anniversary service which is a void in my head right now.

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Postby blessedw2 » Wed May 16, 2018 9:42 am

good morning dear everyone!

d harriet hope that problem from the acidic things on the pizza last night didn't bother you the whole evening.

dearest dee thank you for starting us with Wanna's! hope your blood sugar regulates! and I hope all your wanna do's become done's

hi d lady! I hope when you go shopping for new cloths you find them right away and you love them.

hi d twins. It's nice to think today was Saturday! Maybe you brain wants to play!

hi d kathryn good job on writing the report. Good for you for saying no and for not taking over his work. You are a really busy woman and do so much already!

hello to each and one of you all today! have a lovely day!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby blessedw2 » Wed May 16, 2018 9:49 am

I think my self imposed stress and anxiety from yesterday is still effecting me physically. I need to go outdoors today to get some calm back.

d mom and dd younger are back. dd youngers face was completely swollen - mmm.

It is a new day - sun is out and there is a nice brisk air outside 53 degrees F (lol and inside as I left the window in the family room open)
No thunder boomers or rain!

goal: No perfectionist thinking for me today.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Twins' Mom » Wed May 16, 2018 9:59 am

Amazing what one can accomplish by getting up before 7! I haven't brushed teeth or washed up, and laundry is still underway.

Goals for the day:
-goodwill drop off
-glass recycling
-research/genealogy work (what, exactly?)

-brush teeth, wash up et al
-finalize grocery list, meal planning?
-load car with goodwill stuff, glass recycling
-out the door to goodwill, post office, glass recycling, grocery, maybe Michaels before grocery store?

The church isn't sustainable because there is no energy left within the congregation.
Kathryn, I completely understand this. My congregation still has some energy but it's low. I think the interim rabbi offended some people when she commented that she was surprised when she got here about the low energy at a board meeting, but it is an accurate assessment. Hoping a younger rabbi, and my dd working with families will help. We still have about 200 member families - same number of years - the number of Jews here is limited. I'm sorry they are making this hard for you to plan ahead.

bw2, poor dd! What caused the swelling? Or do you know?
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby Elizabeth » Wed May 16, 2018 10:51 am

Good morning! I wanna hear from the surgical scheduler, but that is not something I can control. I also wanna get my plane tickets for FL, but don't wanna do that until I hear from the scheduler. Last night, DD16 did her homework, which was interesting. Her class (English?) is using Disney villains as their essay basis. She had to choose the worst and support why. From the list of Madame Medusa (The Rescuers), Frolo (Hunchback of ND), Queen of Hearts (Alice), and Cruella D'vil (101 Dalm.), she chose Frolo. He alone had bad actions in support of a bad motive. He wanted to rid the world of gypsies, the others wanted respectively: a diamond, red colored surroundings, and a spotted coat. None of the last three are inherently evil and can be acquired by ethical means. There is no moral way to rid the world of gypsies. I gave her the title for her paper: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who's the VILEST of Us All.

Today, there is a report I would like to FINISH the mods for. This evening, I need to drop off my yarn bomb items (clutter yarn OUT!) and possibly retrieve Briggs.

In answer to yesterday's question, it is impossible to have too much money! The only balance needed there is to balance your accounts!

Last night, I forgot to charge my phone and it was down to 3% when I turned it on. I have a charger at work, but since both of my carpool coworkers had texted that they would not be in carpool, I was fortunate to be able to get anything. Won't do that again.

Could Harmony's computer problem be the monitor or its connections?

Maybe LadyMaverick's DGD could have home summer school? It would not have to be formal, so it would be less work. It could also include life skills like sewing and checking car fluids. Congratulations on having a well educated puppy! He can join alumni like my cat, who heard all about quantum mechanics (the bane of my existence in both college and grad school).

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Postby Nancy » Wed May 16, 2018 10:58 am

I have been up a while we had rain in tne night. I swept seeds, cleaned the
deck table, and outdoor kitchen, swept seeds, laundry & dishes are going now. So glad it has cooled off here yea! I have a plan for dinner thawing out meat balls to go in tne crock pot. Next up fold & put away laundry. More a m routine stuff. I wanna find mini happy planner daily pages in stock when go there.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed May 16, 2018 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed May 16, 2018 12:37 pm

Fire alarm just ended.

Decent communication by the hotel. When one is on the 24th floor it makes decisions difficult. But I knew from the announcement that the fire alarm pulled was above me and my floor was not being evacuated. I finished my lunch and packed up my computer while waiting for the next instruction.

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