are you over-goaling? do what you need Tuesday

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Re: are you over-goaling? do what you need Tuesday

Postby BookSaver » Tue May 22, 2018 10:10 am

Hello, villagers ~
Checking in.

I was up at 3AM. Aches combined with DH sprawled across the whole bed to the point of pushing me out, which woke me up enough that I couldn't get back to sleep. I decided I might as well get up and do a little cleaning in the kitchen, starting with dishes. I also cuop from the past few days because I've only had time to read the J&C thread for a couple of weeks.

The past 2 weeks at the library we have been busy signing up patrons for the summer reading program. We already have almost 500 people signed up, which is astonishing because school won't be out until the end of the month. Last year we had around 850 people registered, so this year we're expecting over 900. That will equal more than 25% of the population of TinyTown!

This week is the official start of the summer program, kicking off the additional activities and beginning to hand out the tickets to enter the prize drawings. We'll be having special programs and giving away a wide variety of prizes each week until mid-July, and then the grand prizes will be given at an all-day party on July 20th. After that we'll still have additional activities until school starts, but without the prize drawings which will mean not quite as many people coming in. Summers at our library are lots of fun, but totally exhausting.

Over the weekend I worked at the library Saturday, and did laundry Saturday night. Sunday I did some desk work in the morning, we went out to lunch and then for a short drive in the country. When we got home, I unpacked my summer blouses and cool pajamas, and stored away most of my winter sweaters and warm shirts.

Sunday evening I finished sewing alterations on a library "uniform" (summer theme logo) Tshirt that we ordered from a catalog and it arrived too small. Well, I could have worn it, but every time I put it on it would have bugged me that it was fitting tight enough to be unflattering. I color-blocked in some pieces to add a few inches here and there so I can bend and reach without constriction.

I wore that Tshirt to work yesterday and it was comfortable. We were so crazybusy that the only break I could grab in 8 hours was 6 minutes (I timed it!) to eat a Clif bar and drink a glass of cold tea. Oh, and an hour before we closed I visited the women's room for a couple of minutes, combining personal use with the nightly inspection to refill supplies. OK, I guess I know why I'm so achy this morning after standing at the counter that long yesterday.

I'm definitely staying home today. Need to clean the refrigerator and freezer, and do some laundry.

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Re: are you over-goaling? do what you need Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue May 22, 2018 10:51 am

My day has gone a bit off course but in a good way. The wife of the cousin that passed away has been txting me about details of the celebration of life and luncheon. I am thankful that I am able to help her. I've contacted 23 members of the family so far and given her a head count of who will be attending the luncheon.

For the first time that I can remember, DMom is not physically able to attend a family funeral. She doesn't think she can be "on" for that long of a time. It would be a 2 hours drive (1 hr each way) plus about an hour or so for the service. Instead, DMom will bake cookies and take them to DAunt home a few miles away from us as her way of showing her love & support to the family.

Bookie - what an awesome job you have! To touch so many lives in your tiny town!

Kathryn - I am reading with great interest about the triggers method.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: are you over-goaling? do what you need Tuesday

Postby CathyS » Tue May 22, 2018 11:10 am


We had an insanely busy weekend here. I helped dh move 2 woodpiles. We also moved part of a pile of rocks and put them between the back a row of garden boxes and the property line. Some are the size of a fist and others are rectangular garden edgers if that makes any sense. Dh has both water tanks up on their towers behind the garage. He did a lot of other stuff as well. I totally vacuumed and tidied the house on Sunday morning before dd came over.

We also had a visit from dd and her male friend. Dh and I think we will get one of those mortgages where you can spend the equity in your home and get money every month. This won't be for a few years, but it is a thought for the future. Dd obviously doesn't want a lot to do with us or this house. I think I will put a clause in my will that the house must be sold as well. This is a child that doesn't give cards and rarely gives gifts. When she does, there isn't too much thought to the gift. I got a spoon from David's Tea for measuring out the loose tea. I already have one of those spoons and it is front and center when you open the cupboard with the tea which she has done in the past. Sorry for the rant, but it wasn't a great visit. She also informed us that she won't be able to come out for the garage sale that we are having towards the end of June. It's mostly her stuff that we will be dealing with. Dh doesn't want to store all the stuff for yet another year. We have a "garage sale shelf" in our garage. Dh installed industrial shelving the week after we moved in here.

Supper tonight is pasta and meat sauce.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: are you over-goaling? do what you need Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue May 22, 2018 11:15 am

Waiting at doctor’s office for annual wellness check-up.

I’m stressing out bc ddil did not invite dgs’s little girlfriend to his bday party! I’ve already asked and ddil said she already had the 30 kid limit — imposed by the skating rink — and I KNOW she HATES when I take over and try to tell her what dgd needs to do — but she shouldn’t leave this child out. I know she’s thinking that she never sees the parents and doesn’t know them, but the little girl does comfort to Wed night class, and I think ddil invited all the kids dgs age in that class — plus some older siblings.
It’s dgs first party and I just don’t want him to leave out anyone — when others in the same group are included.

Of course, the party is z month from tomorrow. By that time, t-ball will be in full swing and there will be a whole other set of kids she’s left out.

Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: are you over-goaling? do what you need Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue May 22, 2018 11:29 am

Top 3 ~ Got a dirt shower while doing my early morning round of gardening so had to bathe. If I remove 1 -2 wagon loads of herbs a day I will habe that border ready for replanting the weekend I hope. Hens are eating them.
Need rx before playing in the dirt again.
Got trash to the curb. Waiting for my hair to dry.
Journal and plans done.
Tues. Group move to Wed. Tweaking my schedule. Waving have a great day!

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Re: are you over-goaling? do what you need Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue May 22, 2018 11:56 am

Lucylee: I thought you were only supposed to invite the number of children the birthday child is old. (Family parties are excepted from this rule.)

I know I've lost track of time but I'm sure dgs isn't 30!

If you really feel bad about this, take this little girl and dgs on a special outing near the birthday. It seems to me he'll have a better time with smaller gatherings anyway. It is overwhelming when everyone wants a bit of your attention and you can't focus on what you want to focus on.

I've just finished my first draft of the anniversary service. Phew! That's been mailed out to the two ministers (guest and mine), and musician. Now to get feedback.

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Re: are you over-goaling? do what you need Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue May 22, 2018 12:04 pm


I didn't see myself in "over-goaling" at first, but hearing a little more from you all, about whether it's smart to add something else to your life, yes, there I am. Right there. Wish I could go back and not add some things to my life that are already in there, demanding.

HRH's muscle spasms are hurting him again - he has emailed the doctor.

Dd had a friend over - a very interesting biology and psychology double-major - and they went out to the farmer's market. She's home now and has primed a canvas. She'll head out to work plus her one looooong class in painting that must be taken during summer in order to give the hours each session will require. She decided to get it out of the way now rather than waiting to have it on deadline next summer, to keep options open for both art and computer science. She's out of comfort zone, so that's good.

Rant, skippable!
After I had paid with my credit card $185 to cover parking in the commuter decks for the summer, she STILL got a ticket yesterday and it will be $40. I called and they wouldn't talk to me, because even though it was my card, my money, and she is only 19, Federal rules state that the student is the only one with whom they can discuss. Sigh. But I still made my point to that one person before giving her the phone and there won't be another ticket. Ultimately, she must prepare an appeal for return of the $40. :!: Ridiculous. They admit that their site asks for the car license number, THEN SUGGESTS that you might want to put on another vehicle. Well, that seemed reasonable, so I did that even though it hadn't occurred to me until suggested by their site! So, what happens is that the site then overrides the first choice and accepts only the other one!

I need to get onto church Desk Day. It looks like it could be a pretty day - should consider some outdoor chores, too. This is a surprise.

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Re: are you over-goaling? do what you need Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue May 22, 2018 12:54 pm

:o Boy, Harriet! That IS a mess with the parking. College stuff like that can be so difficult to deal with. Seems like every school has some hare-brained method of doing SOMETHING that drives everyone crazy. I've heard so many parents express frustration with crazy regulations -- and stuff like not being able to discuss with YOU, the person who will ultimately be PAYING for this ticket, anyway.

Kathryn -- LOL -- no, he's not 30 yet... :lol: And I've heard that rule, too. If they were having a party at home, I imagine ddil would abide by it. But the skating rink sets a limit at 30 so she is going for 30. As dh said, they all will surely not show up! She is inviting, she thinks, his Sunday School class, most of the Wed. night class, plus their close-age siblings, in addition to those who have invited dgs to their parties, our cousins and children of (her) close friends. BUT -- I'm afraid she's left out some in the church group that may have hurt feelings... and if she asked dgs who to invite, he'd most likely just say, "I don't care who you invite/I have no clue."
I may ask her -- once the morning Wonderful Wednesdays at church start up -- if she needs to add anyone, and if the skating rink allows more if you pay more. DH would be happy to pay for the additional kids to avoid hurt feelings.
Oh -- but you are ABSOLUTELY right -- dgs would do better with small group, and will most likely ignore 90% of the kids who do show up!
Last year when he went to "Suzy's" party there and decided he wanted to have a skating party, he only wanted himself and Suzy to go. (Suzy is not the little girl I'm worried about. Suzy IS invited. But this is ddil's convoluted logic -- Suzy's bff, a little boy from last year's pre-k class, is ALSO invited b/c ddil reasons that Suzy does NOTHING without this little boy. I am just shaking my head.)
Oh my goodness... it is so much easier to be a hermit... oh, and I would not feel comfortable arranging an outing with the other little girl's family, either, so that doesn't seem a good solution...
* sheesh *

Blessed, do you have a link for Kat's video today? I need to hear that over-goaling talk!

Nancy, you are doing so great with all the gardening and yard work!

Cathy -- WTG with all your outdoor work, too! And (((HUGS))) for dealing with dd and her stuff.

LadyM, I'm sorry your dmom is unable to attend the service, but so glad she is able to do something to help the family -- cookies are a great idea!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: are you over-goaling? do what you need Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue May 22, 2018 1:27 pm

howdy - a quick hello bc I just came back from my grocery shopping bc I couldn't do it yesterday with d mom and d aunt
I want to cut up veggies for tomorrows crockpot and some for snacking on for tonight if I have the munchies (which I always do)

hi d harmony
hi d harriet
hi d lucy
hi d nancy
hi d cathy
hi d lady
hi d twins
hi d kathryn
hi d book!
lynn I know you are sleeping but hello

hi d everyone. I will be back later to say hello properly!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue May 22, 2018 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: are you over-goaling? do what you need Tuesday

Postby Harmony » Tue May 22, 2018 1:39 pm

hope your computer is easily fixed.

Booksaver, your job sounds like so much fun. I miss my library, it is still closed with renovations. We have self-serve book registration machines and I always use those. Only bother the counter lady if one of the books is not logged in correctly and won't scan for me. One time I "found" a lost book for them.

Harriet that is awful about the gas thing. I'm glad DGS doesn't have to bother with that stuff. He walks the 2-3 blocks to and from.

I over-goaled with my sewing recently. I just made up my mind to get it done come h___ or high water and that's what I did but that doesn't make for lots of enjoyment. I vow not to do that again.

Sat with my jig saw puzzle this morning at the table. Quiet. I think DH is afraid to talk to me after yesterday. He did come in very quietly and ask me to help identify a couple wires inside his truck. All I had to do was verify he was pulling on the correct ones. More A/C switch work.

I really lost it yesterday. Trying to be calmer today.

Need to fold laundry in dryer. Needed a break from all the hanging up. Need to organize all the medical reports I printed out and fill in my chart, have been letting that slip. Need to exercise. I went to the supermarket last evening and got a boat load of veggies and I need to do something with all them.

I just had some tuna salad with mostly celery. I like the crunch. Without the bread.

It's raining again. We must have all been wishing for some rain because once it started it can't seem to stop. Early for rainy season, and different, longer rains and harder. Our grass is beautiful. The front looks like dark velvet, especially since DH pulls weeds every week and it's all grass.

LadyM, I agree with the advice you got about the bowling. To go once or twice as a treat is ok, but a regular schedule of it? You live way out for a reason...

Lucylee, now I feel a little bad for the little girl left out. But it's not your circus. Does she live nearby?

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