good morning, Good Morning! Monday

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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon May 28, 2018 12:10 pm

Got up late at 8 when med alarm went off, did up the dishes from last nite, and started pasta for pasta salad, h took over that, is in my cooking triangle and I did not get the eggs started yet. Sigh... so decided to finish my journal, need to cook up the turkey sausage h might do that too. I guess I could mow later shen it dries off. Ok my turn for the kitchen. I guess I need to move.

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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon May 28, 2018 12:31 pm

howdy howdy
just got back from a lovely drive to the country near by! dd older and I got star buck's and picked up a few things and off for a lovely drive!

so nice to spend time with dd older
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon May 28, 2018 1:28 pm

((((Harmony))))) Oh NO!!! I've heard if it is a broken bone, it can't be treated (other than immobilized) until the swelling goes down. I don't know if that is true or not.

Yesterday we quizzed a retired Marine on the proper way to treat Memorial Day. He said the most offensive is for someone to say "Happy Memorial Day". It is a day of remembrance and honor to those who gave their lives. We recognized and thanked the Gold Star families in church yesterday.

Homeschool with the new schedule format went well this morning. DS9 said he really liked it.

DMom called this morning and asked me to gather my siblings and meet with her. DSis started a campaign Saturday to take DMom's car keys away from her. DSis called me and DBro and told us we need to do it. Then DSis told DMom that I was overreacting when I told DSis that IF we were going to take DMom's car away from her, then that meant we need to put a plan in place for someone to visit and/or stay with DMom on a daily basis. I am adamant that we will not leave DMom stranded alone at her home. ANYWAY..... We all need to be in agreement how we are going to proceed with DMom care. I need to set up a time for DSis and me to meet at DMom home and have DBro on the speakerphone.
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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon May 28, 2018 1:32 pm

Good morning to everyone!

DH is watching baseball (a double header today, so I know where he will be all day.)
I got my clothes together for the trip yesterday -- and of course he already had HIS ready to pack -- so that's done. All I "have to" do today is get dmom's medicines to her. She said she would come out here, but if not, I'll have to go out to her house. She forgot to bring the empty dispensers last week, so I can't fill them up in advance.

But that's no big deal -- so I'm just starting out my day a little lazy (again.)
Answered an email from my aunt (wanting ds's address and their birthdays) and I'm thinking from the tone of that email that my cousins aren't planning any big blowout for the holiday. She didn't mention it anyway and I suspect the weather being so "iffy" would have something to do with that. Cousins are not her children -- this was the aunt with no children -- but cousins always include her and my uncle with their get-togethers. I wouldn't be surprised if cousins are together at the home of the oldest, who has a pool, but I suspect there is nothing real organized going on. Anyway -- as much as I like to be included, I'm kinda glad to have nothing to do today but rest in prep for vacation. Vacations are always kinda exhausting for me, LOL.

So glad you and your dd had a nice drive and some quiet time together, blessed! So nice of you to help out that family at the beach!

(((Harmony))) OUCH! Isn't that the way -- things always happen when medical people are all out of pocket! Hope you can get the pain eased soon.
(((BIG HUGS)))

We had a big rain/thunderstorm yesterday, and we're under a flash flood watch till Wednesday morning -- but our house is on a bit of a hill, no worries really here. OTOH -- Atlanta is under a flash flood watch till Wed morning also, soooo... I'm suspecting a lot of rain delays are in our future.
* sigh *
Must remember to pack ponchos, etc...
And magazines. ;)

I saw video of the terrible flooding in the Smokey Mts at Dollywood, and in Maryland, near Baltimore.

Waving to Lynlee! I'm enjoying seeing you and Kasalia posting. LOL -- y'all are kinda on my same time clock -- except when I get up, I can't say it's the next day. :roll: :cry:

I know what you mean, Harriet -- people do not understand how to "do" Memorial Day around here either. I know the American Legion post does hold a memorial ceremony at the courthouse square. Fortunately, neither I nor dh have lost anyone in our families to war (since the Civil War, that is) but dh has always been very particular about that Memorial Day is not the same as Veteran's Day... and certainly not the same as Independence Day. It should be a "quieter" kind of holiday.

Waving to LadyM and Kathryn!

Waving to ALL!

OH -- LadyM -- just saw your last post. You are exactly right -- if you take your dmom's keys, then you have to -- at least you need to -- have a plan in place for how she will get around. This is why we never took dmil's keys -- although several people advised us to do so. It is a big decision to make. I cannot imagine taking dmom's keys. (((HUGS))) for you and your family while y'all negotiate through this difficult decision.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon May 28, 2018 1:53 pm

Alrighty - 5 phone calls later.....My siblings and I agree to meet at DMom's home at 5pm today and make a plan for any changes needed for DMom's care. DBro vetoed the speakerphone idea and said he can come in person. He said it will be fine as long as he wears a mask and gloves. He is making a remarkable recovery building up his strength while his immune system rebuilds.

DGD6 birthday party is tonight so I need to pull out her gifts and get them wrapped. She turns 7 years old tomorrow.
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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby Harmony » Mon May 28, 2018 2:12 pm

well i took myself up to the emergency rm about 5 mi. away, affiliated with big hospital in county north of us. thought there'd be less people waiting there. driving was a challenge just the key in ignition part. the whole world is set up for right-handed people.

xrays and ice. a bigger space than normal between 2 wrist bones but they're not sure if that means break or just the position on the xray. they're suspicious. i got a temp. 'splint' cast-like mat. underneath and ace all around. elevate, ice, see ortho dr. as soon as i can get in. hurts like h---.

going to get a lecture from dh. was working on a spot we'd talked about and i wanted done but he said wasnt necessary. maybe i wont tell him what i was doing. 8-)

i want jink food bad. or a chef. bye.

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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon May 28, 2018 2:42 pm

(((((Harmony))))) I'm glad you got it checked out and initial care instructions. I didn't see a 4 letter word in your doctor instructions. 4 letter word = REST. IMHO, your body received a trauma and needs to recover. I suspect you will find other places on your body sore & bruised from the fall after a few hours have passed.

DGD6 gifts are wrapped. I suspect she is going to be more than THRILLED when she sees what they are. I just happened to see these gifts without any effort or planning. The moment I saw each of them I immediately thought of DGD6 and knew that she would love it. The only thing I did was grab them when I saw them and put them up for her birthday. I didn't have a goal to save money on her gifts but it turned out that way. All of them were on sale when I bought them.
Win - Win - Win!

I also prepared RSVP to a wedding invitation. Will drop it in the mail tomorrow.

And prepared a money card for a friend's daughter that is a HS graduate.
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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon May 28, 2018 3:03 pm

Okay, good grief I just saw this happened.

Harmony, you did the right thing to go. Wish you had someone to drive at the time, but if anyone can handle machinery with one hand tied behind her back, you can. So happy you have a "baseline" on this thing, and if anything were to get worse they'll understand what. We will not tell Mr. Harmony - well, I can't vouch for Sunny, she's a wild card. ;) OOOoooh, I like the four-letter word from LadyM. maybe elevate? If you must have jink food (I thought you said jinx food, which would make sense, too), try to find some with a little nutrition. (((hugs)))

Pain reliever/anti-inflammatory?

LadyM, I will be thinking of you at that hour. Best wishes.

Mopped kitchen floor and next up is to sit and scoot around, washing baseboards. What was it Danny Glover said in the cop movie again? I think it was, "I'm too old for this baseboard." Yes, that was it.

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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon May 28, 2018 3:12 pm

I'm sure the healthy focus SHEs will vote for a chef for Harmony. Realistically, though, it will be junk food. Or food from a grocery store's ready-to-eat food bar. That will be healthier.

If your dh had done what you asked, you would not have fallen. That's my take of the situation. Therefore he needs to be the one to go get you the food, extra ice packs. You can make your own, google it but I think it is just water and alcohol - rubbing, not booze. The booze is for dulling the pain if you are NOT taking pain killers. BTW: I'm very pleased you went to be checked out. I know it was a huge effort but will actually make sleep a bit easier. Level of pain doesn't equal level of severity but to tell oneself that before being checked out is very difficult.

My dental appointment went very well. No cavities, everything is healthy.

My Costco run was non-existent. For the second time, I could not get a parking spot at that location. Both times were weekdays. Today was 90 minutes after opening.

I did get dh his money for the trip and then spent the rest of the day walking around with $4000 in cash.

I stopped at a small mall to look for shoes. Found an over priced store that sells my favourites so realize I got a bargain last May when I bought them in Prince Edward Island. Didn't find anything perfect.

That store also sells compression stockings. Today I learned they are $120 - 180 a pair. I need 6! Sigh.... I have to phone the insurance company to see how many pairs are covered. Apparently some companies only cover 2 per year. And at most it will be to 80% so I'm still out a fair bit of money even if they are covered.

Universal health isn't so I'm looking at $4 - 5K to get my veins treated. Straight out of pocket, my insurance doesn't cover it either.

While at the mall I had a delightful visit with one of the tenants here. She and I sat and chatted for over 20 minutes. She sent me for leg makeup so I bought that, then a couple of nice tunics. So I had some success and have more options for the wedding. The makeup lady said to try once before the wedding so I know how it works. Since I'm putting this on under opaque stocking (yes, my veins show through) I'm not as concerned.

Now I'm home. I need to do lots of things but phoning to make a reservation for lunch tomorrow is the top priority.

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Re: good morning, Good Morning! Monday

Postby DeeClutter » Mon May 28, 2018 3:32 pm

I wear compression stockings, Kathryn, whenever I travel. I simply order them online -are these not strong enough?

Oh, yeah! I'm home. Got here about 24 hours ago but was bushed from about 5pm on. Feeling better now. Dh and I took a drive into the city to see where we need to go for dh's orthopaedic appointment Wednesday. Got to the complex okay but had a little trouble finding the right building. Glad we did it today so we won't be searching then.

Dks and dgks were all here this weekend so made it nice. DS-A & DDIL bought a seasonal membership so they can just come out whenever they want. Even our dsgd was here with the twins and her 3 year-old. Nice. They could be triplets.

Had a piece of pizza leftover from Saturday night, for lunch. It was really good. Too bad it's 6 1/2 hours away. Had a good trip and not a lot of rain but some -Saturday between Fredericksburg, MD and Winchester, VA. Then again yesterday from around Williamsport, PA to NY. It's 87 here today.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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