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Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jun 05, 2018 10:27 am

hi d nancy yay on getting your trash to the curb
hi d kathryn I hope you get a more restful night sleep tonight
hi d harriet yay on your morning routine being done and how cool about having your first blueberries of your blue berry bush!
Praying they relax with each other - you know they love each other but sometimes it is easier when you are not brought up in the same house at times.
hi d lady! have fun with your d mom
cheering you on as you work d twins

I am leaving soon - ta ta
my kitchen weeklies were finished today (I just couldn't finish it yesterday)
my paperwork is done (for now - I have lots to go through from yesterday but it is all in one spot and recycling is done!
now for charging the computer
and shower to shoes
dh won't be happy as he is still sleeping but it is 9:26 am. 8-) :D

I bought an instant pot - does anyone have it and do you like it. my pressure cooker is so so old and I can't get the rubber trim for my old pressure cooker any more.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jun 05, 2018 10:36 am

Blessed: there are several Instant Pot users on here. Their enthusiasm made me look carefully at it for myself but my cooking patterns are different and I have the equipment I need already. In other words, for me it was an extra and wouldn't replace anything I already had. For you, it is a perfect fit since you were replacing a pressure cooker. You will love it.

I'm s2s and have had breakfast.

Now to dry my hair, tie it back, put on a jacket and go outside to do the gardening. It is cold and windy out there this morning. Only 55.

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Postby Nancy » Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:26 am

Deviled eggs use my IP each week for cooking eggs in for boiled eggs 4 lunches or to devik mostly. I did ten min. On the kitchen. Yea for mor progress. Did some planning.

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Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:43 am

Heading out to library in a few.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:49 am

cleaned the inside of one bathroom window dh's (I think I need to get a new window for that bathroom)
swish and swiped dh's bathroom - how he dirties it without seeing it baffles me. I don't like putting a bleach cleaner tab in the toilets but I will have to do this in his.
shower to shoes done
did a put away of a bits and bobs of laundry, sheets etc. -no basket or things on rocking chair
changed sheets out for new ones (had to toss old ones)
darks are in laundry machine
dishes are done in the dw but don't have time to put away yet... do you think dh will do it ;) :D
I haven't been able to put the folded towels from the dining room away yet - they are folded for two and half days and no one has put them away :roll:
I wonder if they think there is a house fairy that flits down from the sky and *poof* everything is put away 8-) :D

watered plants inside

have fun at library d twins

heading out for the day myself.

job I want finished today: wash the other bathroom window (hall one upstairs) inside and out and wash the curtain as well
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Harmony » Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:33 pm

Not getting a lot of work done these days, but keeping up a bit.

Today I updated 3 spreadsheets. These are going a bit faster as I get more used to the program.

Does everybody separate their clothes by color? I wash my whites separately because they get bleached. I bleach white sheets too which I wash separately. DH's work clothes (shorts, jeans) get washed by themselves strictly because they are always so dirty. The rest of the colors, Sunday clothes and my everyday clothes all get washed together. If I buy something with a deep color, I always hand wash it once by itself to get the extra dyes out and from then on I've never had anything bleed in the wash. I don't have enough blacks to do by themselves.

Thinking of laundry, I need to change sheets and have no idea how to do that.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:58 pm

Balcony gardening is done.

I've spent $69 on this so far this year. That's $39 of tomatoes, basil, chives, flowers, $20 for a hanging basket of geraniums, and $10 for two fake flowering plants. I received a big bag of potting soil for free with the $39 and used $10 of points at that store so my actual cost is slightly lower.

I reused last year's soil (kept it in an industrial garbage bag along with some kitchen compost to help make it better.) I also took one 'sick' plant from inside (it had mites) and started two more plants outside.

I have some fake plants on each balcony so if they real ones die, there's still some colour out there.

I really need something colourful for a final corner. I can't decide if I'll buy some fake plants to go there or a pre-made planter. At this point, I don't want to do any more planting myself.

It is nice to look out from all windows but the one that shows the bare corner (it isn't really bare, it will be fine when the transplanted plant takes off but that will take a month.

Now to have some lunch and then go for my walk.

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Postby Nancy » Tue Jun 05, 2018 1:35 pm

Did another round in the yard finally see light at the end of the tunnel on this yea! Read a bit also in peel book.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jun 05, 2018 2:13 pm

Dd just called to ask if I wanted to go to Montreal. We'll do a day trip on the 15th. Train leaves at 6:30 (ugh!) and we'll get home around 7:30 in the evening. That gives us almost 9 hours to hang around in the city. We'll have to walk/transit everywhere because we won't have a car seat for dgs.

Lunch is done and I've cleaned up the kitchen. Time to head off for a walk.

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Postby Elizabeth » Tue Jun 05, 2018 2:31 pm

Good morning! I have gotten myself into a financial hole and need to talk to my financial advisor. Did I bring the needed info with me? NOOOOOOOOO. It is not a hole I cannot climb out of, but I do need to get on it and STOP DIGGING! I should NOT have tried to do so many vacations this year. It would have been manageable except for the unexpected hot water heater and surgery.

I have updated contract info in the database and need to surface it properly in a report. I have gone to a useful meeting. About a third of it has been transcribed, but I need lunch. Will do the rest and yesterday's meeting after lunch. I stayed up way too late last night playing games.

TwinsMom and other pet owners: Here is a list of poison control for animals They are not free, but are well worth the peace of mind. I used the ASPCA one when a babycat stole a treat containing an adult cat's thyroid medicine. (Kitten was fine and did not need veterinary intervention unless she succeeded in another theft).

At least LadyMaverick's Sam is playing with cattle instead of attempting to EAT them. I would not allow my dogs near livestock, I have seen what they think of deer.

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