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Postby lucylee » Tue Jun 05, 2018 3:44 pm

I'm working!!! I'm working!!! I'm not even taking time to cuop -- just wanted to let y'all know that -- contrary to popular opinion, I am not scrolling endlessly through the internet or just twiddling my thumbs and eating -- I am WORKING!!!
* DH is playing golf. It is sooo nice to have him out of the house occasionally.

* went to vote and to post office w/dh
* vacuumed main area of the house, hard floors * Still have to do carpets, master bedroom, master bath, and "baby" room, if time permits.
* finished laundry (clothes)
* PUT BATHROOM CURTAIN IN THE WASHER * This is a very dangerous move on my part. It has been soooo long since I have washed curtains that it very well may fall into a million pieces while it washes. But I had to try it; I couldn't stand it any more. Only trying the bathroom curtain to begin with b/c it is small and will be more easily replaced if it tears up. I'll still have to listen to dh gripe if it actually does have to be replaced.
* Talked to dmom who assures me she will be fine to go to dentist and asst living place on her own
* Talked to ddil & ds re gift Bible for dgs' birthday...
* Ordered Bible (which will be gift from dmom, and I hope she doesn't mind spending this much on it -- approx $73 for Bible & cover, which ddil suggested would be a good additon. (She planned to spend approx $100, divided between toys and clothes, so I think this is a better investment, and she can decide how to spend the rest. I think she will be very pleased to give him his first "real" Bible -- she and ddad gave him a children's story Bible for his first Christmas, I think.)

I probably could have gotten a better price, but I just went with amazon b/c they usually are pretty much the best price. He wants one JUST LIKE YOURS, NANA -- which is the Life Application. He said he didn't care if it had a leather cover like mine, just so the insides were like mine. He reads really well already, so I went with the Kids version, ages 8-12 (he'll be 6, remember) and although it won't be EXACTLY like mine, I think it will be close enough, and as he matures, it will fit his needs better, for a while at least.

I'll be BBL -- I hope to get this vacuuming done before he returns. MAYBE the curtain will be dry too! * Y'all keep your fingers crossed! LOL * :lol:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby CathyS » Tue Jun 05, 2018 3:58 pm

Hi everyone!

I just had 9 inches of hair cut off to donate to help make a wig for cancer. I still have enough hair to pull back into a very stubby pony tail. Now I have a bob. I stopped at a Costco on my way home to get a passport picture and they don't have a photo lab.

Supper tonight is chicken legs with shake n bake and some breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese mixed in. I will also make rice and see if I can get some of the cauliflower from the fridge in the garage. It's been in there well over a week, so I hope I can use some of it.
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Postby lucylee » Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:12 pm

Curtains look fine! MUCH improved!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:22 pm

Blessed - I have 2 Instant Pots and use them several times a week. I cook almost everything in bulk then package it into individual portions. I have become so used to cooking with IP's that I rarely cook any other way. I gave my steamer and crockpots away because they never were used once I started using the IP.

Does everybody separate their clothes by color?

Nope. Laundry was one of the final "battles" in our marriage. It took me 40 years to switch over to DH way of doing laundry but now I would not go back to doing separate loads. Our laundry method = I start the washing machine early in the morning and add soap. Then the washer sits filled with soapy water and the lid open while waiting for everyone to put their dirty clothes into it before eating breakfast. Once all the dirty clothes are in the washer I close the washing machine lid and it starts. I like that most of the clothes soak for 30 - 90 minutes before the washer starts. I do realize this method breaks almost all of the "rules" for the proper way to do laundry. But I'm okay with being a laundry rule breaker. We very rarely have any dirty clothes in the house. :)

UNBELIEVABLE AWESOME NEWS - DBro had Stem Cell Transplant follow up appointment in the big city today and he is doing so awesome that he has been dismissed!! DBro will continue to see the local oncologist who will continue to monitor him. DBro still has a long way to go to be back to "normal" and he will have to take all of the baby shots again because he lost all the immunity those shots give us......but WOW! Just W.O.W!!!! This is the best news we could have possibly hoped to receive as he celebrates his 65th birthday today.

DMom appointment with our family doctor was also awesome. The doctor sat and listened to DMom for 1 hour and 20 minutes!! I kid you not! He had to have given up his lunchtime in order to do this. He has been treating 4 generations of our family for decades. I am so thankful for his respectful, kind and wise guidance.

I took DMom to a couple of shopping stops - Ross and WM. I drive as close to the door of the store that I can get and let Mom out and ditto on getting her back into the vehicle. I made a video of DMom pushing her cart in WM because I wanted to document her gait as well as her hunched over and leaning to the left as she is walking forward. DMom didn't know I made the video and I won't be showing it to anyone unless absolutely necessary. All of us kids see DMom physically losing ground on what she can do. This video is just for me to use to compare how fast she is physically declining.
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Postby Nancy » Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:54 pm

Got one load of whites in the dryer. Back from walking ddog in field.

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Postby Harriet » Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:27 pm

Cathy - Way to Go! A thoughtful donation to others.

LadyM, that is great news for your dbrother.

My laundry loads on my laundry card in rotation, not on deadline:

"Main" or large loads are now down to 5:

Master Linens
HRH's tees & sweats
Master Towels

"Mini" loads are now down to 4:
Small Towels

Some of my separating is to keep color, some to keep fabrics safe from harsh jeans and towel fuzzies. I no longer beat myself up for how long rotation through the loads takes. Don't worry, be happy. If a load needs switched to higher priority sometime, that's fine. dd19 handles her own linens and towels.

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Postby lucylee » Tue Jun 05, 2018 7:02 pm

I do sort by color -- very loosely --
My laundry loads are usually like this:
* White/khaki/light gray (mine & dh's) -- cold water
* Jeans/darker colors (mine) -- cold water
* Jeans/darker colors (dh's) -- separate loads only b/c these are larger loads -- cold water
* Black/dark navy items (mine) usually only two or three items -- cold water
* Sheets/underwear (mine) -- hot water
I usually do laundry on Monday (and Tuesday, if I don't get finished).
As you all know, dh does his own underwear & all the towels in the house, when they are all dirty. :roll:

Hmmm... I did learn today that it is probably not best to wash the throw rug from the den with the curtains. The rug creates a TON of lint, and when I took them out of the washer, there was a lot of lint on the curtains. I took them outside and shook them off, then dried them separately, so no harm done, but next time, I'll remember to wash the rug by itself.

OH MY... I'm like Austin Granny the other day w/her clean & organized cabinets -- :shock: I keep going in the bathroom to look at my clean curtains & window. DH probably will not even notice until I tell him, but my goodness, it looks better to me!
I also did all the high-low vacuuming in there too, AND I did all the WHB vacuuming.

BIG WTG, Cathy! My (male) dcousin has done this twice. The first time he let his hair grow long like that, I thought, doesn't he realize how much nicer he looks with shorter hair? LOL! Then I found out he was doing this for a purpose. We had a coach once who did it also, in memory of his father who had recently passed away. He said he really got tired of the longer hair before it was long enough to cut, but he stuck with it.

And OH MY -- HOORAY for your dbro, LadyM!!! This is amazing and wonderful news!!!
And, btw, HOORAY for your family doctor. That is amazing, too. Our old doctor was kinda like that, but he is almost an hour away now at a walk-in clinic, so we switched, and the new one... dmom always feels rushed by him. We LIKE him... but he's NOT the same as the old doctor.
OTOH -- he IS responsible for getting dmom off Ativan dependency, so -- that kinda makes up for it.

And dmom DID get herself on the waiting list at asst living today, and the lady said they should have an opening SOON. EEEK! I don't know if I'm ready for this! Even with ass't living, I'll be doing a LOT of driving for the 6-8 weeks after it's done.
Oh well... the sooner it's done, the sooner it'll be over.
Dmom also was very upset at another lady driver who almost ran her over, and proclaimed that she would not be driving on "the Beltline" Any. More.
* sheesh * I tried to assure her that her normal appt times are first thing in the morning, 7:30/8:00... and today she hit at the absolute worst time during lunch hour.
(((HUGS))) for your dmom, and you, (((LadyM))).
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby Harriet » Tue Jun 05, 2018 7:48 pm

LadyM, I meant to ask you - what times did you find best for your lentils and amaranth in the IP Friday? I guess I should also ask which type of lentils since it probably makes a difference. Beans timing in the IP continues to have some irritation for me every time I try a different bean - do you know of a really good schedule/listing out there, of times for various beans and lentils in IP? (I would likely soak first and drain.)

How are you using your amaranth servings?

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Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:30 pm

Doing a cut/paste from sending the Amaranth recipe to DGS21 last week

2 cups dry Amaranth
8 cups chicken broth or water
6 Pepper spices or your current favorite spice
1 T butter or oil

Cook for 40 minutes on rice setting in the Instant Pot. Stir well. As it cools, the Amaranth will continue to swell and absorb the remaining liquid.
This will make 17 servings of 4 oz.
Serving suggestion - add 1 T of butter and heat until butter is melted. Stir and enjoy
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Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:34 pm

I am never ever going to have my garage cleaned out enough to park my car there again. It started in the spring of 2017 when we emptied our closet and redid it, and only put back what should rightfully live in a closet adjacent to a bedroom. Since last June I have brought things home from my mother's and dh brought home comic books that are stacked in the middle between his side of the garage and mine. And now I'm trying to empty dd's room and she just left so much stuff behind and my garage is full again. Oh, and when we got home from the beach, dh's car was on his side of the garage, so the beach chairs and cart (which does fold up) is all on my side again.

I told dh awhile back that I wanted to get my car back into the garage for the summer because it gets so hot sitting outside. I'm almost thinking that right now I should just let it fill up and become a hoarder.

I got the info at the library, but then made a trip back to check to see where the the book was scanned. Only took two hours so I'm not getting a big payoff and I paid a whopping $9 to park. I'm learning. Next time I'll include parking in my quote.

Dh is out tonight. I should do some planning for tomorrow but it's so easy to push that off until the a.m.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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